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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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The Spirit Trap - Quest - World of Warcraft

Yes they are my current target.

I did have to manually move my toon to its body but the mesh just makes the bot go nuts and ends up trying to run through the wall or doing donuts(circles) in one spot.
So I basically have to rez, exit honor buddy, abandon the quests, re grab the quests, delete the honnorbuddy cache, start honorbuddy and then start your Shieldwall profile.
So in the end I had to do the dailies manually as I kept seeing the same pattern over and over for the last two hours.

When using your scripts I enable the Pandaren dailies 2 plugin, recompile then I start your script. You can see from the log that I use the plugin.

line 44 - [16:14:29.809 N] EnabledPlugins:
line 45 - [16:14:29.809 D] Pandaria Dailies v2
line 46 - [16:14:29.809 D] Refreshment Detection
line 616 - [16:14:56.934 N] This Plugin [Pandaria Dailies v2] is originally made by Megser.

Oh Shieldwall! I thought you meant Spirit Traps from Golden Lotus.
No Shieldwall has NO pathing. And should be monitored at all times, that profile is NOT afkable.

The cave is all done with Click To Move navigation. If you move it off the track, you will fall in love with walls. There is no spell avoidance for the mobs in that area yet.

If your character is geared enough to survive the cave with no intervention, it should complete ok. If your bot wanders off the path too much, it would be good if you could tell me where (X,Y coords from map, or XYZ from HB would be prefered, a Log will tell me nothing on this) and why (battle, item, anti-stuck which shouldn't happen in the first place).

Sorry it can't be better but I don't know how to add to the mesh files, and can't mesh the cave.
So since you are able to code the abilities for certain mobs you should code a plugin and profile to kill all the rare mobs in mop.. It be worth a ton, in my opinion, to the community. Seeing as most of each type of elite use the same ability it should be pretty streamlined. Anyways just a thought.


Yes I can program some avoidance stuff in a plugin...but the rares leave no margin for error.

If it's instacast and instadamage...forget it, you're soaking it.
If its a ground aoe, sure.
If its a channelled throw, sure, but I can't guarantee you won't move back into it's path.
If its something like the panda's spinning kick...I can make it run away for a few seconds, but I can't guarantee it won't stop early, start late, run off a cliff, or pull more mobs.

Given the brutality of the moves they throw, and the programming involved in trying to perfect at least 1 race of them...I have not even THOUGHT to start this project.
There are profiles that will fly around and use the RareKiller plugin to find them, but not afkable.
For some reason i started the golden lotus dailies first instead of tillers today when i did the daily grind and when i got to subjugated serpents i chased serpents on foot for 5 minutes at a time with targeting and deselecting them constantly, running into objects and hills on the way and then fighting mogu at the same time, whenever i got close to a serpent if another person was killing it my toon would ignore it, serpents don't have tags so i dont understand why this was happening. Very frustrating because this was working flawlessly before i updated the SVN
Oh Shieldwall! I thought you meant Spirit Traps from Golden Lotus.
No Shieldwall has NO pathing. And should be monitored at all times, that profile is NOT afkable.

The cave is all done with Click To Move navigation. If you move it off the track, you will fall in love with walls. There is no spell avoidance for the mobs in that area yet.

If your character is geared enough to survive the cave with no intervention, it should complete ok. If your bot wanders off the path too much, it would be good if you could tell me where (X,Y coords from map, or XYZ from HB would be prefered, a Log will tell me nothing on this) and why (battle, item, anti-stuck which shouldn't happen in the first place).

Sorry it can't be better but I don't know how to add to the mesh files, and can't mesh the cave.

Sweet. When I get bored I'll get some co-ords for you man. Cheers for the info to. All makes sense.
Hi guys, very noob question but does it matter what profile I start from? Or which do I start from to enable my character to do ALL dailies in 1 sitting?

Quest Behaviors:
-- MrFishIt is included with v525, however it is an OLDER version. You MUST update it from my QB folder, or else it may not loot fish!
-- Feast for the Senses requires updated PerformTradeskillOn.cs and CastSpell.cs from my QB folder. Overwrite HB's version of PerformTradeskillOn.cs with this one. If it does not cook your food properly, this may be why.
-- CastSpell.cs and PerformTradeskillOn.cs may not work on all UI enhancements. Issues noted with ELVUI.

how do i upgrde MrFishIt myself? please give an exsponation on this
Yes I can program some avoidance stuff in a plugin...but the rares leave no margin for error.

If it's instacast and instadamage...forget it, you're soaking it.
If its a ground aoe, sure.
If its a channelled throw, sure, but I can't guarantee you won't move back into it's path.
If its something like the panda's spinning kick...I can make it run away for a few seconds, but I can't guarantee it won't stop early, start late, run off a cliff, or pull more mobs.

Given the brutality of the moves they throw, and the programming involved in trying to perfect at least 1 race of them...I have not even THOUGHT to start this project.
There are profiles that will fly around and use the RareKiller plugin to find them, but not afkable.

I understand. I think with a blood dk the Yaungol race is doable afk for sure. Here is a guide taken from ownedcore. (All credit to Piju on ownedcore)
- Ferdinand - NPC - World of Warcraft
- Go-Kan - NPC - World of Warcraft
- Korda Torros - NPC - World of Warcraft
- Lon the Bull - NPC - World of Warcraft
- Dak the Breaker - NPC - World of Warcraft
- Yorik Sharpeye - NPC - World of Warcraft
- Blackhoof - NPC - World of Warcraft

1. Bellowing Rage: It's like a Berserk spell, but it also reduced the movement speed of the mob. you can simply kite it around until the buff fades off. But don't run away more then 20 yards, otherwise they are using ...
2. Rushing Charge: Like the warrior's Charge, but deals a lot more damage and is almost taking you down in combination with Bellowing Rage. Just stay in 20 yards range and everything is ok

3. Yaungol Stomp: A small AoE ability, that can easily be avoided by running away. This shouldn't hit you because it is dealing 65% of your maximum health as damge.
Short: Bellowing Rage -> Kite < 20 yards; Rushing Charge -> shouldn't be cast; Yaungol Stomp -> run away

Basically just have to avoid the small aoe ability.

Anyways again it's just a thought. I'll leave it at that. Love the daily profile btw. +rep!

Hey Brodie..

When my bot goes to start "A Feast for Our Senses" on Cloud Serpant Dailies I get the following error message.

[Profile Message]: Starting A Feast for the Senses
Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current behavior in quest bot, exception was thrown.
[CLU] 3.3.9: Detached combat log

I have attached a log for you also.
View attachment 2096 2013-01-26 14.06.txt

Thank you in advance!

Edit: Cancel that. I just read about updating QB.
I tried out a seed profile while having seeds in my inventory... and instead of using them, it deleted them! Then it flew down to buy more.

Can we get an update that either will use seeds already there or at least not destroy them?

EDIT: I Just tested on another toon with only a few seeds and it didn't remove them, So maybe it was that I had too many to be recognized based on the 5.1 change to maximum per stack? (I had a stack of 50 on the one toon that destroyed them and 10 on the one that didn't)
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I have problem with questing bot, my character do nothing...
I use this profile file: [Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Kick]
I'm lvl 82.
Please help me!


So got a new lvl90 and did the pre quests till klaxxi was available. Now bot went to the first NPC (which had no quests/there was no NPC) then went to the second one (Kil'ruk) accepted two quests and then got stuck in the already started quest "The dread clutches" without doing anything and when I closed the questwindow he gave this error:
"Your current reputation level with Golden Lotus is too low!
This profile requires at least Revered with Golden Lotus to operate.
Skipping profile and continuing grind."

Because he seemed to have switched to shado pan dailies.

Deleted cache/settings folder before testing.

What do?

EDIT: Trying tillers right now; bot does not even want to move to the NPCs Oo
EDIT2: Ok deleted compiledassemblies; now it seems to do tillers. Will try klaxxi later on.
EDIT3: Hm klaxxi didn't work though.


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Hey Kicks. I haven't encountered this problem before but now it's becoming irritating. Trying to load the Kun-lai profile for 88-89 and it continues to run me to dread wastes. Any thoughts?
*EDIT: This is also after a clean HB reinstall and a new SVN of your profile pack.

[09:54:49.839 D] Picking up Educating Saurok : 31287
[09:54:49.839 D] Goal: Picking up Educating Saurok
[09:54:49.841 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 31287, QuestName: Educating Saurok].
[09:54:49.939 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [CollectItemObjective ItemID: 85981, Count: 7]].
[09:54:49.940 D] Goal: Goal: Collect Black Market Merchandise x 7

go here, press start:
Educating Saurok - Quest - World of Warcraft
I can't seem to get ([A - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]) to continue on with quests. I did the first few in Jade forest by hand ... It just stands there and then tells me to goto Stormwind to start. I do so, and it spams

I've used this on my other toons, and it just picks up where it left off. This is the first 85 I tried it on. I started with my hunter, who hadn't done any quests yet from SW - and it's running like a champ.

Do I have to tough it out and do all the quests on my druid by hand, since I started that way?

attach the log so i can see exactly which quest(s) are to blame
Currently stuck on a quest loop.. my char is trying to interact with 'Runna the blind' for the past hour or so after a fresh reinstall of HB and kicks's SVN currently level 75, had to grind from 73 as this was also happening with another NPC
sounds like a cache issue, but there's literally no reason you could chain pick up that quest w/o doing the pre-req

Trying to do Krasarang Wilds but the bot just keeps trying to get a quest that isn't there.

View attachment 79510

open the krasarang profile
open the 'find' function (edit - find / search)
type in 30360 and hit search/find
delete the line that say this:

<PickUp QuestName="Warn Stoneplow" QuestId="30360" GiverName="Lyalia" GiverId="58821" X="-1174.205" Y="1789.844" Z="18.07711" />

I have 4 quests it checks for, is there another 'go to' quest that i'm missing that you did?
Hi there

Just logged on to bot a bit on my shaman (havent done so in a long time) and when it was gonna abandon previous quests it abandonned some account wide ones.. Might want to make it so they don't abandon those :(

the macro does them all, don't know what to tell ya
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