Dominance Offensive error on loading
"An XML comment cannot contain '-' and '--' cannot be the last character. line 363 position 6"
<!--CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-970.0676" Y="-1062.609" Z="23.15234" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1097.306" Y="-1087.093" Z="16.22491" /-->
removing the !-- and -- fixes it.
navigation to Rivett Clutchpop from the previous quest giver that gives "Wanted: Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson" gets you stuck on his tent.
Krasarang Steampot - getting stuck on a lot of objects in the area. Pipe on the beach and cans in the water. After manually moving the character out of stuck points it completed the quest fine, but appeared rather limited on hotspots to look for polluted viseclaw. when there weren't any in range it ran back and forth for a while.
Lieutenant ethan jacobson did not work well. he spins in circles and my melee character follows him but never attacks. Sometimes he did an auto attack, but would eventually die without doing any damage at this rate. Not sure if this is a melee specific problem.
Is this area not properly mapped in HB? it keeps doing straight line navigation getting stuck in many spots. After I manually completed the kill on him it did not continue to kill shieldwall marines in the area to finish storming the breach.
[02:28:31.242 D] Activity: Moving towards Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson [02:29:15.1 -
it didn't really cast any spells as you see. there was 45 seconds of him failing to attack then he was blacklisted.