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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hi guys, very noob question but does it matter what profile I start from? Or which do I start from to enable my character to do ALL dailies in 1 sitting?

Start from Daily Grind, or Golden Lotus to do all.

how do i upgrde MrFishIt myself? please give an exsponation on this

As it says in the description you linked: Copy the QB folder to your HB and overwrite.

I tried out a seed profile while having seeds in my inventory... and instead of using them, it deleted them! Then it flew down to buy more.

Can we get an update that either will use seeds already there or at least not destroy them?

EDIT: I Just tested on another toon with only a few seeds and it didn't remove them, So maybe it was that I had too many to be recognized based on the 5.1 change to maximum per stack? (I had a stack of 50 on the one toon that destroyed them and 10 on the one that didn't)

I'm working on a check to sense if any tilled/untilled soils are in range. Until then, it wil DELETE any stacks of seed over 16, to avoid it looping endlessly going "I have seeds, but no soil, try again, I have seeds, but no soil, try again"
oh its just fighting in mid now :S nevermind its just when were loosing i think battle for gilneas is working fine up to now aswell
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So got a new lvl90 and did the pre quests till klaxxi was available. Now bot went to the first NPC (which had no quests/there was no NPC) then went to the second one (Kil'ruk) accepted two quests and then got stuck in the already started quest "The dread clutches" without doing anything and when I closed the questwindow he gave this error:
"Your current reputation level with Golden Lotus is too low!
This profile requires at least Revered with Golden Lotus to operate.
Skipping profile and continuing grind."

Because he seemed to have switched to shado pan dailies.

Deleted cache/settings folder before testing.

What do?

EDIT: Trying tillers right now; bot does not even want to move to the NPCs Oo
EDIT2: Ok deleted compiledassemblies; now it seems to do tillers. Will try klaxxi later on.
EDIT3: Hm klaxxi didn't work though.

When running this profile, make sure to delete the HB/cache forlder before running the HB bot.
If you are still skipping quests, a clean install of HB (to a new folder or use the instructions on post 1) may be required.

Do not delete random folders. Deleting Compiled Assemblies will not fix issues like this. This only deletes the bots pre-compiled knowledge base of what to do when certain plugins or instruction sets are loaded.

Your issue, according to your log, is that you deleted or improperly named the Mesh Directory target in your settings. This location is where HB downloads to and reads mesh files. Without mesh files, the bot can not find paths or locations for anything. set this location to your Mesh directory or a new location, and allow the bot to download again. Reinstall of the bot may set it back to the default location.
Hm strange; I didn't even touch the mesh folder at all; also before trying I deleted cache/settings. Will try again later with completely new HB.
Thanks for answer, but i don't see any quest from this npc...

[22:28:04.714 D] Picking up Big Game, Big Bait : 26766
[22:28:04.714 D] Goal: Picking up Big Game, Big Bait

dunno, did you quest manually? if so, get to 83 and do uldum instead
EDIT: Ok seems as if those weren't the dailies and I have to quest like dozens of quests before dailies come available -.-

So here you go; brand new HB download. Overwrite Plugins and QuestBehaviors with the one I got from your SVN.

Bot went to the first location waited there for 5s then went to the NPC got the first quest (Not Fit to Swarm) then got the second quest (The Dread Clutches) then opened the NPC dialog of (The Dread Clutches) again. Got stuck there for like 10s and wanted to load the next profile.

Are these some sort of pre quests or dailies? Will do them manually now.

EDIT: Ok seems as if those weren't the dailies and I have to quest like dozens of quests before dailies come available -.-


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Dominance Offensive error on loading

"An XML comment cannot contain '-' and '--' cannot be the last character. line 363 position 6"
<!--CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-970.0676" Y="-1062.609" Z="23.15234" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1097.306" Y="-1087.093" Z="16.22491" /-->

removing the !-- and -- fixes it.

navigation to Rivett Clutchpop from the previous quest giver that gives "Wanted: Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson" gets you stuck on his tent.

Krasarang Steampot - getting stuck on a lot of objects in the area. Pipe on the beach and cans in the water. After manually moving the character out of stuck points it completed the quest fine, but appeared rather limited on hotspots to look for polluted viseclaw. when there weren't any in range it ran back and forth for a while.

Lieutenant ethan jacobson did not work well. he spins in circles and my melee character follows him but never attacks. Sometimes he did an auto attack, but would eventually die without doing any damage at this rate. Not sure if this is a melee specific problem.
Is this area not properly mapped in HB? it keeps doing straight line navigation getting stuck in many spots. After I manually completed the kill on him it did not continue to kill shieldwall marines in the area to finish storming the breach.

[02:28:31.242 D] Activity: Moving towards Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson [02:29:15.1 - Pastebin.com
it didn't really cast any spells as you see. there was 45 seconds of him failing to attack then he was blacklisted.
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What to do then? I updated SVN 1 minute before I loaded the profile, revision 2048 i believe

ah i was reading it wrong

[23:06:08.449 N] Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]($Rev: 2041 $)

there it is

[23:06:15.523 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[23:06:15.527 N] Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 66190 in database.
[23:06:15.527 D] Stop called!

just go find the turnin or pickup guy and press start.
Got a question regarding continuing while questing.
So I did a few quests manually in dread wastes to get to the klaxxi dailies and then realized I could let HB do that, so I used your profile. It now wants to start with Falling Down - Quest - World of Warcraft but I already did this. Is there a way to continue with the quest I am actually on at the moment?
Problem with Mt Hyjal


Absolutely love your profiles. I have gone over a few threads about this, but cannot seem to find an answer.

I have used your profile to level up to 80. worked a treat. got myself into Mt Hyjal, but the bot keeps stopping, suggesting that there are no profiles fitting this character. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for listening.


Dominance Offensive error on loading

"An XML comment cannot contain '-' and '--' cannot be the last character. line 363 position 6"
<!--CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-970.0676" Y="-1062.609" Z="23.15234" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1097.306" Y="-1087.093" Z="16.22491" /-->

removing the !-- and -- fixes it.

navigation to Rivett Clutchpop from the previous quest giver that gives "Wanted: Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson" gets you stuck on his tent.

Krasarang Steampot - getting stuck on a lot of objects in the area. Pipe on the beach and cans in the water. After manually moving the character out of stuck points it completed the quest fine, but appeared rather limited on hotspots to look for polluted viseclaw. when there weren't any in range it ran back and forth for a while.

Lieutenant ethan jacobson did not work well. he spins in circles and my melee character follows him but never attacks. Sometimes he did an auto attack, but would eventually die without doing any damage at this rate. Not sure if this is a melee specific problem.
Is this area not properly mapped in HB? it keeps doing straight line navigation getting stuck in many spots. After I manually completed the kill on him it did not continue to kill shieldwall marines in the area to finish storming the breach.

[02:28:31.242 D] Activity: Moving towards Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson [02:29:15.1 - Pastebin.com
it didn't really cast any spells as you see. there was 45 seconds of him failing to attack then he was blacklisted.

The -- problem I'll fix, that quest wasn't meant to be published yet, i'm still working on it.

Navigation throughout Krasarang is botched since 5.1. Everything is CTM navigation.

I do my best to chart straight line nav, but the bot automatically executes a "am i close enough? Ok go to next" instead of "am i there yet go to next"

Jacobson sounds like some sort of melee issue. I've never seen my DK chase a mob around personally, but thats isolated to just me and a DK...
Oh and Storming the Breach is not supported yet. (See Post 1)
The running around is part of the mob's actions. He does a type of whirlwind in circles thing where he doesn't target the player even. He just does a perfect circle with a tiny range whirlwind. I follow closely behind, but I don't follow close enough I think. I am close enough to cast spells, but by the time i get in range i have to move again, so it's an endless loop of slight moving. It doesn't ever want to cast abilities while moving either which I think is the real issue. Using singular if it's a CC problem in that regard.
I've been using this from 85 to 89 (took 2 days not botting 24/7). Can't even say how impressed I am by this. Sure, it requires som help and guidance from time to time but this is absolutely wonderful. Excellent stuff. Thank you very much for this.
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