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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I know I am banging this thread pretty hard, sorry! I just wanted to know if in a future build the repeat value for a recipe cast like jewelcrafting could be a variable like Me.FreeNormalBagSlots ? Or even with a modifier like Me.FreeNormalBagSlots - 1 ?
Char stuck at Quest

<PickUp QuestName="Re-Cursive" QuestId="11712" GiverName="Jinky Wingnut" GiverId="25747" />
<If Condition="(HasQuest(11712))" >
<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="11712" NpcId="25814" ItemId="34973" NumOfTimes="20" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="1000" X="4152.145" Y="5133.038" Z="14.36886" />

Kills the NPC but dont use the Item to finish the Quest.

[10:09:49:195] Activity: Moving to use item on - Kurbelzischs Mechagnom
[10:09:49:195] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.1916743]. Checking stuck.
[10:09:49:244] [STUCK] Ahead
[10:09:49:662] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Kurbelzischs Mechagnom
[10:09:50:41] interact: 0x4ECDE3E4
[10:09:50:59] interact done: 0x4ECDE3E4
[10:09:53:226] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[10:09:53:226] Cleared POI
[10:09:53:545] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Kurbelzischs Mechagnom
[10:09:53:667] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[10:09:53:667] Cleared POI
[10:09:53:787] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Kurbelzischs Mechagnom
[10:09:53:911] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[10:09:53:911] Cleared POI
[10:09:54:48] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Kurbelzischs Mechagnom
[10:09:54:173] Cleared POI - Reason Tried to loot more than 2 times
[10:09:54:173] Cleared POI
<PickUp QuestName="Diplomacy First" GiverName="Maruut Stonebinder" QuestId="26247" GiverId="43065" />
            <If Condition="(HasQuest(26247))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="782.0975" Y="479.5255" Z="-17.09823" />
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1060.557" Y="28.51021" Z="353.1239" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" QuestId="0" Title="title" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Asterisk" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="Get on the flying Alliance Airship\n\nTurn in the quest &amp; do *all* quests on the boat\n\n Sorry, but HB hasn't meshed the boat yet - I recommend pushing stop bot &amp; using combatbot until you're done!\nThe rope is on the deck, alcohol on 1st below, ogre on 2nd below\n\nOnce you have Return to the Temple of Earth - get off the boat and press start / continue" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Diplomacy First" TurnInName="Stormcaller Mylra" QuestId="26247" TurnInId="42684" X="1243.871" Y="-206.9482" Z="463.8944" />
That's not gonna work ;) Diplomacy First is handed in manually and when you return to the profile you have "Return to the temple of Earth" in the logs, not Diplomacy First ;)

All the other gunship quests are scripted as well but obviously not executable. When I comment them all out up to the "flyto" point it continues perfectly.
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such an awesome addon man thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much

you save soooooooooooooooooooooo much of my time milling these herbs by hand, i have used the other plugins from other members before in the past but they was buggy in places but this just mills everything cause i said,

thank you sooooooooooo much again man very appreciate all the time you put into making this, im soooooooo glad i go life time like last year lol, all these programs with this program are free for life loving it
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43071 in database. ??

along with the other 1000000 posts in this thread about this issue, go to the npc. it's a cache issue. you have done some quests and are trying to start while not being near the npc
works great, only issue i have is with mailing.

it doesnt stop when your bags are full so will just sit there. is there any way you can get it to check for free bagspace and leave x free then go onto crafting?

other than that works a treat.
Quest -
<PickUp QuestName="Help Those That Cannot Help Themselves" QuestId="11876" GiverId="25809" GiverName="Arch Druid Lathorius" />

<If Condition="(HasQuest(11876))" >
<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="11876" NpcId="25850" ItemId="35228" NumOfTimes="8" WaitTime="10000" CollectionDistance="600" X="3542.615" Y="5313.339" Z="26.04872" />

[15:25:48:366] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0]. Checking stuck.
[15:25:59:603] Activity: Moving towards - <3542.615, 5313.339, 26.04872>
[15:26:01:928] Activity: Moving to use item on - Gefangenes Mammutkalb

Char runs to the Elephant, but doesnt use the item. have to use them my self.

Everytime he runs back to <Hotspot X="4180.936" Y="5281.671" Z="26.69424" /> in Tundra. Dont turn in a Quest, first he walks to this Position and after this he is walking to the turn in.

[17:22:16:514] Starting the bot!
[17:22:16:644] Changing current profile to [A] QO 68-80 [Kick]
[17:22:16:692] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[17:22:16:692] Cleared POI
[17:22:17:210] [LetMeFly] Reloaded profile with modified hotspots
[17:22:17:215] Moving to entry
[17:22:17:216] Loading Northrend_19_24
[17:22:17:340] Loading Northrend_22_24
[17:22:17:434] Loading Northrend_19_25
[17:22:17:548] Loading Northrend_18_24
[17:22:17:713] Loading Northrend_18_25
[17:22:17:824] Loading Northrend_19_23
[17:22:17:876] Loading Northrend_18_23
[17:22:17:927] Loading Northrend_17_24
[17:22:17:985] Loading Northrend_17_25
[17:22:18:43] Could not generate full path from {3794.633, 6400.186, 204.5642} to {4182.848, 5282.1, 38.08063} (time used: 611 milliseconds)

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hey kickazz

I had started your Quest profil, atm i m at [The Twilight Overlook] , [Blood of the Earthwarder]

But the bot just used ground mounts and so he can t finish the quests.
In the honorbuddy grind config is "Groundmount farming " off.

Please help
The Plug-in is there, but each time I click on "settings" it says "Unhandled Thread Exceptions"
I have the settings right I think..

But still nothing, Help please.

autosmelt must be within 100yds of forge otherwise will not work...

works great, only issue i have is with mailing.

it doesnt stop when your bags are full so will just sit there. is there any way you can get it to check for free bagspace and leave x free then go onto crafting?

other than that works a treat.
will look into it..
Half way the quest [Mopping Up]... At level 76.

The normal quest profile:
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The fly one:
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 26206 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
Cant get up to Kaltarra. On Flying Mount but down in the Water. Give him a little Help to get the Quests in Kaltarra. Maybe my Configuration in Flying are wrong :(
Installed you special Behaviors. But breaks all the Time in Katarra.

[19:04:30:874] Compiling quest behavior from 'I:\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[19:04:31:70] Could not compile quest behavior from 'I:\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[19:04:31:71] Line 314: Der Operator "*" kann nicht auf Operanden vom Typ "ulong" und "int" angewendet werden.
[19:04:31:71] Line 328: Der Operator "*" kann nicht auf Operanden vom Typ "ulong" und "int" angewendet werden.
[19:04:31:73] Stop called!
[19:04:31:94] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[19:04:31:94] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Got this when I do "Trespassers in the Water" , got the Anti-drown thingy .
damn -_-
alright, I need you to go out of your way a little if you can.
comment it out for now with <!-- and -->, and every few quests, i need you to check if she (the quest giver) is still there, I don't know where she phases out at. :( I can run this on one of my toons again, but it won't be for at least a few days
Running it again and she's still there after I ding 83 at "Resonating Blow".
I'll let it run more tomorrow and see if she disappears (I'm not sure she phases out at all to be honest; might go back on an alt and see if she's still there)
Whenever I collect a node under a tree my character does not mount up until I move him out from underneath the tree, lol.
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