Picking up Etched Letter : 26910
Goal: Picking up Etched Letter
Help me out here. Log submitted.
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?-->
Give this a try
<while condition="HasNewMail" ignorecanrun="True" childrencount="7">PHP:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Professionbuddy ChildrenCount="1"> <While Condition="HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="7"> <GetMailAction Entry="52185" GetMailType="Specific" AutoFindMailBox="False" X="-8357.208" Y="616.916" Z="98.22938" MinFreeBagSlots="12" /> <StackItemsAction /> <DisenchantAction ActionType="Prospect" ItemTarget="Specific" ItemQuality="Uncommon" ItemId="52185" /> <MailItemAction Entry="52190" AutoFindMailBox="True" UseCategory="False" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /> <MailItemAction Entry="52177" AutoFindMailBox="True" UseCategory="False" Category="Gem" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGemClass" SubCategory="Red" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /> <While Condition="InbagCount(52179) > 0" IgnoreCanRun="False" ChildrenCount="2"> <CastSpellAction Entry="73239" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" /> <If Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots ==0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1"> <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="73239" Count="1000000" SellItemType="Specific" /> </If> </While> <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="73239" Count="1000000" SellItemType="Specific" /> </While> </Professionbuddy>
<getmailaction entry="52185" getmailtype="Specific" autofindmailbox="False" x="-8357.208" y="616.916" z="98.22938" minfreebagslots="12">
<disenchantaction actiontype="Prospect" itemtarget="Specific" itemquality="Uncommon" itemid="52185">
<mailitemaction entry="52190" autofindmailbox="True" usecategory="False" category="TradeGoods" subcategorytype="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" subcategory="None" x="0" y="0" z="0">
<mailitemaction entry="52177" autofindmailbox="True" usecategory="False" category="Gem" subcategorytype="WoWItemGemClass" subcategory="Red" x="0" y="0" z="0">
<while condition="InbagCount(52179) > 0" ignorecanrun="False" childrencount="2">
<castspellaction entry="73239" repeat="1" repeattype="Specific">
<if condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots ==0" ignorecanrun="True" childrencount="1">
<sellitemaction npcentry="0" x="0" y="0" z="0" entry="73239" count="1000000" sellitemtype="Specific">
<sellitemaction npcentry="0" x="0" y="0" z="0" entry="73239" count="1000000" sellitemtype="Specific">
[11:52:38 AM:635] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:38 AM:635] Cleared POI
[11:52:38 AM:774] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:39 AM:224] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:39 AM:224] Cleared POI
[11:52:39 AM:361] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:39 AM:813] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:39 AM:813] Cleared POI
[11:52:39 AM:950] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:40 AM:398] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:40 AM:398] Cleared POI
[11:52:40 AM:538] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:41 AM:15] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:41 AM:15] Cleared POI
[11:52:41 AM:619] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:42 AM:82] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:42 AM:82] Cleared POI
[11:52:42 AM:256] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:42 AM:697] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:42 AM:698] Cleared POI
[11:52:42 AM:838] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:43 AM:201] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:43 AM:201] Cleared POI
[11:52:43 AM:313] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:43 AM:614] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[11:52:43 AM:614] Cleared POI
[11:52:43 AM:727] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[11:52:43 AM:736] Start/Stop button pressed.
[11:52:43 AM:746] Stop called!
[12:05:41 PM:211] Loading C:\Users\char123\Downloads\Common\Profiles\Questing\Alliance 68+ Version 1.3.xml.
[12:05:41 PM:217] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
[12:05:41 PM:306] Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
[12:05:48 PM:858] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[12:05:48 PM:858] Cleared POI
[12:05:49 PM:973] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[12:05:49 PM:973] Loading Azeroth_30_47
[12:05:50 PM:228] Changed POI to: Type: Buy, Name: Thaegra Tillstone
[12:05:50 PM:760] interact: 0x2E252024
[12:05:50 PM:794] interact done: 0x2E252024
[12:05:51 PM:944] Activity: Buying Items
[12:05:51 PM:944] Blacklisting current vendor. Reason: Insuficcent funds
[12:05:51 PM:944] Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
[12:05:51 PM:944] Cleared POI
[12:05:56 PM:977] Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
[12:05:56 PM:977] Cleared POI
[12:05:57 PM:453] Changed POI to: Type: Buy, Name: Thaegra Tillstone
[12:05:57 PM:992] interact: 0x2E252024
[12:05:58 PM:26] interact done: 0x2E252024
[12:05:59 PM:208] Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
[12:05:59 PM:208] Cleared POI
[12:06:04 PM:211] Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
[12:06:04 PM:211] Cleared POI
[12:06:04 PM:632] Changed POI to: Type: Buy, Name: Thaegra Tillstone
[12:06:05 PM:157] interact: 0x2E252024
[12:06:05 PM:193] interact done: 0x2E252024
[12:06:06 PM:359] Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
[12:06:06 PM:359] Cleared POI
[12:06:11 PM:376] Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
[12:06:11 PM:376] Cleared POI
[12:06:11 PM:908] Changed POI to: Type: Buy, Name: Thaegra Tillstone
[12:06:12 PM:441] interact: 0x2E252024
[12:06:12 PM:475] interact done: 0x2E252024
[12:06:13 PM:658] Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Hey I'm getting this error , it just stand at flight point and doesn't move I don't know if I unchecked something or something is wrong with the profile. Right now I am level 20 and stuck at the flight path in redridge
oops sorry didnt remove this from formill do it now and reup
--- Done ---
user error.
you're missing interactwith (it's hb shipped)
Loading Honorbuddy settings.
Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 1/3
Honorbuddy started!
Character is a level 85 Mage
Current zone is: Mount Hyjal
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\****\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Allrounder Loaded
Building spell book
Spell book built
Loading C:\Users\Daakal\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml.
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
Disabling flight checks. - Paid Plugins or Lifetime User Detected
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
Chose Singular $Revision: 190 $ as your combat class!
[Singular] Behaviors created!
[COLOR="red"][Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#4169e1"]Could not find quest with ID 25278! (Or could I: False)[/COLOR]
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 39642!
Could not create current in quest bot!
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
Could not find quest with ID 25278! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 39642!
Could not create current in quest bot!
Loading C:\Users\Daakal\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml.
Could not load profile: Name cannot begin with the '-' character, hexadecimal value 0x2D. Line 286, position 45.
Starting the bot!
Name cannot begin with the '-' character, hexadecimal value 0x2D. Line 286, position 45.
Loading C:\Users\Daakal\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml.
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
Could not find quest with ID 25278! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 39642!
Could not create current in quest bot!
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
Could not find quest with ID 25278! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 39642!
Could not create current in quest bot!
Loading C:\Users\Daakal\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml.
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
Could not find quest with ID 25278! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 39642!
Could not create current in quest bot!
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Twilight Recruit
Looting Twilight Recruit Guid:0xF5309AC30006D2D5
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn