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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i'm trying to get my professionbuddy to work with one of the profiles it came with, and i keep getting this repeated error whenever i attempt to load it:

ProfessionBuddy: Loading profile C:\Users\DB\Desktop\HB2\newer hb too lazy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\(ground 1-300)Herb&Mining\(ground 1-300)(Eastern Kindom.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
Err: System.Xml.XmlException: Element 'Professionbuddy' was not found. Line 1, position 2.
at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadStartElement(String name)
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.IdentityComposite.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) in c:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\HB2\newer hb too lazy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 660
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.LoadFromFile(String path) in c:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\HB2\newer hb too lazy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile.cs:line 93

i did everything that was instructed to do in the video, not sure what to do here. :(

any help is appreciated, thanks.
Ran this for the last hour and not died and its going well, as a shadow priest with pretty crap gear im nearlly 800k per hour at level 80 with no heirlooms just a guild guild bonus.

Edit: I found a problem when it tries to find the npc with ID : 25278 not sure if it an alliance only NPC or not, but i deleted all references out of the profile and it carried on.

HOW do you delete all references out of the profile? Im stuck on this quest and i have no clue of how to fix it

i'm trying to get my professionbuddy to work with one of the profiles it came with, and i keep getting this repeated error whenever i attempt to load it:

ProfessionBuddy: Loading profile C:\Users\DB\Desktop\HB2\newer hb too lazy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\(ground 1-300)Herb&Mining\(ground 1-300)(Eastern Kindom.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
Err: System.Xml.XmlException: Element 'Professionbuddy' was not found. Line 1, position 2.
at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadStartElement(String name)
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.IdentityComposite.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) in c:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\HB2\newer hb too lazy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 660
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.LoadFromFile(String path) in c:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\HB2\newer hb too lazy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile.cs:line 93

i did everything that was instructed to do in the video, not sure what to do here. :(

any help is appreciated, thanks.
Try a profile that is in the Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\ folder rather then ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\
sorry if my question isnt entirely appropriate, but ive been using this questing profile and and also been grinding and doing some pvp so obviously gained some XP, i take it this wont do quests appropriate to my level? but will just work through a set list of quests?

is there a way i can delete some quests so that i skip to a higher area? just tricky i think cos of prequests and stuff
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you might want to make a better way for the bot to travel up north aty level 37 and not try to kill all those hight level mobs on the way there, it should be possible to make it go via Stormwind to IF and take the sub or atleast run the path down there.
Great profile Kick! Am only at 60 at the moment, but going very smoothly. It got stuck on farming 8 Tainted Hellboar meat because it wasn't looting the mobs. I run with the HonorBuddy Loot Mobs setting disabled for Quest profiles to reduce the number of vendor trips. This usually isn't an issue as the Quest Bot loots regardless of that setting for CollectItem quests. In looking at the quest though, its setup as a KillMob quest in the override and uses a grind area to farm the mobs so no looting occurs. Could either a UserSettings qb call be added to enable looting just for this quest or change it to a CollectItem? Thanks Kick!
Quest: Maziel's Ascendancy

Issue: Due to 'interesting' terrain of Deepholm, HB can not always generate 'walkable' path to the cave where Maziel is located.

Suggestions: When deciding to pursue this quest, can you add a forced mount + flight option to just outside the cave, to help HB find it's way? Say X="466.716" Y="-428.7764" Z="44.50963" should do rather nicely.

Awesome work kick.
Why is this not following checkpoints?

I'm level 33 and I'm in Northshire-----??????

I see them in the profile but it's still running around doing the northshire quests.
Why is this not following checkpoints?

I'm level 33 and I'm in Northshire-----??????

I see them in the profile but it's still running around doing the northshire quests.

read the first few posts very thorougly.

user issue
you might want to make a better way for the bot to travel up north aty level 37 and not try to kill all those hight level mobs on the way there, it should be possible to make it go via Stormwind to IF and take the sub or atleast run the path down there.

are "use flightpaths" turned on? if not, they should be (as stated in first few posts)
I am getting the same thing as Daloon is. Im a warrior lvl 3 getting it when i start the quest to get the skill charge.
Old Posts Thread

Why is this not following checkpoints?

I'm level 33 and I'm in Northshire-----??????

I see them in the profile but it's still running around doing the northshire quests.

on his intro post it states to do this :Note: If you start this *midway* (12+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False
next time please read intro posts so you can do your own trouble shooting
Hey Highvoltz, it seems that PB has an issue getting specific items from the mail, is this a bug? It will just sit there even when the item is the latest unread mail. Also when you specify AllItems but set a minimum space of over 2 (mine is 12), it doesn't work. Is that a coding error since the default is 2? I suppose if I knew C# and lua I could check the bag space free first then only get a set # of items and this wouldn't be an issue but I am guessing you want this accessible by laymen?
are "use flightpaths" turned on? if not, they should be (as stated in first few posts)

Yes it have use flight paths turned on, but it states that running is faster, and i did not pick up the IF FP before manually as i did on the 1-60 kaz version.

First it was running north at level 37 yesterday dieing in badlands and so on so i manually picked up FP's in Ironforge and so on, now at level 41 it is running south again :S yes i have use FP?s enabled.

Edit 3: tha last death run was to the riding trainer, they must fix so that the bot can fly to a trainer.
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Hey Highvoltz, I have been experimenting :). The code below will alternate between while loops and not complete the stacks in sequence. It will also sell the finished gems somewhat randomly. If you change the Me.FreeNormalBagSlots qualifier to == 0 and have full bags, PB will fail to sell at all and just keep trying to cut gems. Selling 3 gems will fix it until the random iteration of while loops (seems to skip the IF sometimes) fills up the bags again. Please tell me if I am imagining this behaviour? Fill up your bags with single pieces of cloth and test and let me know please? (using .4354 download)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Professionbuddy ChildrenCount="1">
  <If Condition="Jewelcrafting.Level&gt;500" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="4">
    <While Condition="InbagCount(52195) &gt; 0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="2">
      <CastSpellAction Entry="73349" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" />
      <If Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots &lt; 2" IgnoreCanRun="False" ChildrenCount="1">
        <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52219" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
    <If Condition="InbagCount(52219) &gt; 0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
      <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52219" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
    <While Condition="InbagCount(52191) &gt; 0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="2">
      <CastSpellAction Entry="73344" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" />
      <If Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots &lt; 2" IgnoreCanRun="False" ChildrenCount="1">
        <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52235" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
    <If Condition="InbagCount(52235) &gt; 0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
      <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52235" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
When the while loops are nested like this, all the arguments work perfectly though so I am confused why the while loops are not working as they should in the previous post unless it has something to do with the IF statements nested within a while loop?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Professionbuddy ChildrenCount="1">
  <If Condition="Jewelcrafting.Level&gt;500" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
    <While Condition="InbagCount(52195) &gt;0 || InbagCount(52191) &gt;0 || InbagCount(52192) &gt;0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="4">
      <While Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots &gt; 1" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="3">
        <CastSpellAction Entry="73349" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" />
        <CastSpellAction Entry="73344" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" />
        <CastSpellAction Entry="73382" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" />
      <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52219" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
      <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52235" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
      <SellItemAction NpcEntry="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Entry="52231" Count="200" SellItemType="Specific" />
The Plug-in is there, but each time I click on "settings" it says "Unhandled Thread Exceptions"
I have the settings right I think..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Option Value="useMilling" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useInking" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useProspecting" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useBandages" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useLeather" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useEternals" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useCloth" Set="false"/>
<Option Value="useMail" Set="false"/>
<Option Value="useDisenchant" Set ="false"/>
<Option Value="useGuildw" Set="false"/>
<Option Value="useDarkmoon" Set="false" />
<Option Value="useAutosmelt" Set="True" />
<Option Value="useGems" Set="false"/>
<Option Value="useDarkmoon" Set="false"/>
<Option Value="useFortune" Set="false" />

But still nothing, Help please.
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