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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I have all three items in the inventory. He runs off into the bushes and there is and what you expect. There's no such things.

Go into [Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml and change lines 951-961 to the following and it should work. If it doesn't, let me know what it does and I should be able to fix it.

			<If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(31937)" >
				<!-- Use Pest Repeller 1 -->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215163" ObjectType="GameObject"  WaitTime="1000" X="-154.149" Y="644.668" Z="165.409" />
				<!-- Use Pest Repeller 2 -->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215162" ObjectType="GameObject"  WaitTime="1000" X="-168.795" Y="643.637" Z="165.409" />
			<If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(31936)" >
				<If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(31937)" >
					<!-- Use Sprinkler 1 -->
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215137" ObjectType="GameObject"  WaitTime="1000" X="-154.328" Y="653.969" Z="165.169" />
				<!-- Use Sprinkler 2 -->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215135" ObjectType="GameObject"  WaitTime="1000" X="-168.587" Y="654.073" Z="165.266" />
The latest revision (645) of the MoP Complete Dailies contains an update for Pandaria Dailies v2, which causes problems with the Golden Lotus dailies.

See attached log.


Hello Kick :)

Im a Happy user of your profils :) but yesterday i startede a Troll tone and startede the bot with your 1-12 profils for Trolls.
but the questes where he need to practice a spell on a DUmmy, i cant handle. it attack each dummy 1 time and run to Next. so i cant complete the quest because it not killing any dummy's. i Dont have a bug report on it, because its just switching target :)

Sorry for my Bad English!

// Harmsen

Should add the 450 fishing requirement to the cloud serpent dailies - snack time (and the fish cake one if it doesn't already)
Hi I got a question! Im started to level a Undead Mage and after reaching level 6, the bot went to ORG and I see my character target the flight path guy in org but he isnt flying anywhere, he walks instead! Why?
I was using H 1-90 questing. My level is 69. He is compiling Blood Elf 1-5 go in Winterspring and standing in one place. What I am doing wrong?

Yea m8, if you check the first page, you see that he isnt done with profiles up to 90 for horde. He got up to 62 with alliance. For horde its just the starting quests.
So i suggest you either wait, or use kicks profiles up to lvl 85 and then switch back to Cavas if you wanna use his profiles.
I added
<!-- Kein Sprit mehr --> Quest Id="32137"
<!-- Krasarang Dampfgericht --> Quest Id="32199"

to the Dominance Offensive (Horde)

<!-- Kein Sprit mehr -->
<Quest Id="32137" Name="Kein Sprit mehr">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="91846" CollectCount="9">
<GameObject Name="'Destillierter' Treibstoff" Id="216314" />
<Hotspot X="-2033.483" Y="1754.825" Z="-0.2666285" />
<Hotspot X="-2119.656" Y="1785.014" Z="1.881254" />
<Hotspot X="-2123.813" Y="1758.504" Z="1.006732" />
<Hotspot X="-2102.939" Y="1718.518" Z="-2.081028" />
<Hotspot X="-2108.988" Y="1709.735" Z="-1.306956" />
<Hotspot X="-2144.143" Y="1698.098" Z="-1.823825" />
<Hotspot X="-2074.917" Y="1690.826" Z="-0.638281" />

<!-- Krasarang Dampfgericht -->
<Quest Id="32199" Name="Krasarang-Dampfgericht">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="91869" CollectCount="5">
<Mob Name="Verseuchte junge Zwingzange" Id="68583" />
<Mob Name="Verseuchte Zwingzange" Id="67896" />
<Mob Name="Verseuchter Zwingzangenkrabbler" Id="68584" />
<Hotspot X="-2049.798" Y="1782.826" Z="-0.7303758" />
<Hotspot X="-2119.979" Y="1781.818" Z="1.841014" />
<Hotspot X="-2219.958" Y="1826.19" Z="0.9225706" />
<Hotspot X="-2264.076" Y="1965.294" Z="1.989139" />
<Hotspot X="-2214.408" Y="1916.218" Z="-0.7799273" />
<Hotspot X="-2127.684" Y="1910.254" Z="-0.7461271" />

<!-- Kein Sprit mehr -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(32137) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(32137)" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-2138.175" Y="1772.779" Z="0.02675502" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<Objective QuestName="Kein Sprit mehr" QuestId="32137" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="91846" CollectCount="9" />

<!-- Krasarang-Dampfgericht -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(32199) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(32199)" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-2138.175" Y="1772.779" Z="0.02675502" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<Objective QuestName="Kein Sprit mehr" QuestId="32199" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="91869" CollectCount="5" />

<If Condition="HasQuest(32137) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(32137)" >
<TurnIn QuestName="Kein Sprit mehr" QuestId="32137" TurnInName="Chefin Trixel" TurnInId="67535" />

<If Condition="HasQuest(32199) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(32199)" >
<TurnIn QuestName="Krasaran-Dampfgericht" QuestId="32199" TurnInName="Sezik Dampftopf" TurnInId="67536" />

Sorry i sticked to the german names. I tested it and it worked.
But there is a problem that the quest giver can be at two points if you faction has something captured.
I do not know how to check for that but the quest itself will work.
Hi, Jalockin, and thanks for the log!

Honorbuddy believes it has completed a number of the Northrend quests, and this is not true. This is caused by a corrupt cache. To remedy...
  • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
Caches can get corrupted a few of ways:
  • You switch toons, or do a quick log out/in, without restarting Honorbuddy
  • You simultaneously run multiple sessions of Honorbuddy from the same directory on disk
  • There are other (user caused) triggers, but these are the most common.
To be clear, this is an Honorbuddy bug, and not a profile problem. If you're not off-and-away after this, please show us a fresh log after making the corrections.


Thanks Chinajade

is it the entire directory or just the content of the directories ?

There is a problem with the Tillers Quest.
You cannot use the fields when Shaman Ghostwolf is enabled. It should check if ghostwolf is active and should disable it.
Not entirely sure if this is the place to ask or not, just wondering if there is a way to get it to not vendor greens / blues etc. anything that can be disenchanted. thanks

Hi, Kryp,

I, too, have problems with Kick's choice of vendoring greens. But thankfully, the profiles are easy to edit, and your Answer, here.

is it the entire directory or just the content of the directories ?

Hi, Jalockin,

The contents are sufficient, but on principle, I always nuke the entire directory. The directories and contents will be put back as each application eeds.

Hi I got a question! Im started to level a Undead Mage and after reaching level 6, the bot went to ORG and I see my character target the flight path guy in org but he isnt flying anywhere, he walks instead! Why?

Hi, Flugsvamp,

For problems like these, you must attach your full log so we can see what's going wrong.

How to force the bot to use my chosen mount and not to use random mounts every time? The box "random" in settings is not checked, and the mount number ist there.

thanks, good job.
How to force the bot to use my chosen mount and not to use random mounts every time? The box "random" in settings is not checked, and the mount number ist there.

thanks, good job.

The command ForcedMount uses the code for "Use First Mount on my list of available mounts". I do not know enough about these calls and so have made no change to the original code. This is not the work of my profile. If it is an issue, please post a bug report in the Support section of HonorBuddy.

I have a problem getting my char to follow the tank. When i am ie a raid, i set the follower lazyraider to:

Automatically follow tank - Follow Distance
Auto Target

But when i move my tank, the follower doestn follow. Getting the message; [LazyRaider] move to tank @ xx.x yds

I tried a clean installe of lazyraider, cleared cache, clear install of HB. And have tried several combatroutines, but none will follow. Anyone has a solution?

First time using your profiles for 85-90 levelling (I have over 20 level 90 characters so far, all with Kick's profiles).

So far 85-88, it's faster, more efficient and almost 99.8% afkable. I think I have manually completed 2 quests in Jade forest, 3 in Valley and 1 in krasarang wild. I'm in Kun-la? summit right now, will give news tommorow when I hit 90 (well, i hope so!)

Hi, Kryp,

I, too, have problems with Kick's choice of vendoring greens. But thankfully, the profiles are easy to edit, and your Answer, here.


Thanks, still having one issue.

Saw your previous post stating:
"Hi, Powery,

I know of no plugin that does this, although it could certainly be done if anyone were so inclined.

In the meantime, your recourse is to alter (use Notepad++) the following options in whichever profile you're using to look like thus:


IMHO, this decision should be left up to the user--not the profile writer. Alas, this is the only machinery Honorbuddy currrently gives us.

chinajade "

Where exactly in the profile would I add this in, still new and trying to familiarize myself with profiles.
Hmm okay it seems like changing the clientlanguage to english solved a lot of problems i had before. when i have more time the next days i could provide a log + the problems of one daily grind session.

the last tip fro m chinajade to delete the Cache from WOW and HB works great till the bot wants to pick up a quest in kun lai summit, but there is still no quest to pick up. The bot ride a round and goes every time back to the person who have at this time no quest.

Here is the log file.

View attachment 78662

I hope you can see whats wrong.

Thanks in advance!!
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