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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I did attach the log.. here its come again hope its works now

best regards fumetsuno

Hi again, Fumetsuno,

I am very sorry for missing that first log! It was so clearly posted, and yet I still missed it--go figure.

And indeed, the profile has a dynamic check for level (which I missed). Normally, levels are enforce through the static <MinLevel> profile attribute--which Kick has set for 85. From your log, here's the appropriate lines:

[19:15:41.785 D] Activity: Loading profile 'C:\***\Downloads\Kick's Profiles\kicks-scripts\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\MoP\[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml'
[19:15:42.137 D] Compiling expression 'Me.Level < 87' @ line 846
[19:15:42.338 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\***\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6597.518\Quest Behaviors\UserDialog.cs'

Here's what's happening: Honorbuddy thinks you've completed all the quests in the profile you loaded (Valley of the Four Winds), and Kick's profiles are written to "chain" into the next zone until the entire MoP profile pack is completed. The Valley of Four Winds profile is chaining into the Krasaranng Wilds profile, which you don't have the level requirements to do.

I think this is a cache problem--Honorbuddy is confused about which quests you've actually completed. If so, the problem can be cleared by the following:
  • Shut down Honorbuddy and WoW
  • Delete the WoW/Cache, WoW/Data/Cache, and Honorbuddy/Cache directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Reload the Jade Forest profile, and make sure all the quests are done there
    The profile will keep chaining to the next one automatically if you have.
Please give this a try, and let's see another fresh log (sorry), if that doesn't get you going.

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Just got the following problem on one of my chars. He is trying to get Cho's Missive quest, even though the quest giver doesn't have, I think it was completed already. Log attached.View attachment 74282

Hi, Flr, and thanks for the log!

Indeed, the quest appears completed, but Honobuddy doesn't recognize it. Lets try clearing your caches...

  • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Delete the WoW/Cache, WoW/Data/Cache, and Honorbuddy/Cache directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
If that doesn't get you going, post a fresh log, and let's have another look please.

Solved: I deleted the files in the cache folder, and re-ran - and now it's working, what is stored in the cache folder that would have caused this to fail? Is it necessary to delete them every day if I am running dailies profiles?

Hi, Xaq,

"Normal" quests have a QuestId and Honorbuddy can ask the WoWclient whether or not they are completed. Once Honorbuddy figures this out, Honorbuddy caches the information for performance reasons, and consults the cache--not the WoWclient--for any future 'completeness checks' for that QuestId. For a normal quest, once its completed, its always completed.

Dailies operate the same way (Honorbuddy makes no distinction from what I can tell). But, the WoWclient "resets" a daily's "completed" value once a day. But, Honorbuddy is just checking its cache, finds they've already been completed (on a previous day), and merrily goes on its way. If Honorbuddy would ask the WoWclient whether or not the daily was completed, it should get a correct answer. But, this would defeat the performance benefits of using a cache.

The problem may actually be bigger than Honorbuddy. It may also have to do with the way WoW manages its set of Caches. If you've ever used a "Rare locator" WoWclient addon (not Honorbuddy plugin), they also operate by examining the WoW cache. To get these addons to operate reliably, you must delete the WoW caches each time before you launch it.

This is a classic Computer Science "cache has gone stale" problem. I do not understand why Honorbuddy has yet to introduce 'special handling' for the caching of daily quest status. Maybe you could ask in the Support forum. All profile writer's seem to have problems with Daily quest at the moment. Some users are even crazy enough to re-install Honorbuddy every day, so they can get dailies done. :D

cheers, and just FYI,
I see there needs to be change done at the profile for Valley of the Four Winds.
The NPC Wing NGA at Halfhill has been moved to 56.47 50.34.
I hope this helps :)
My shaman was standing there and wanted to interact but could't because the NPC was moved to another location as of patch 5.1

Hi, Thepriest1750,

This has been corrected more than two weeks ago. You need to update your copy of Kick's profiles.

Hi again, Fumetsuno,

I am very sorry for missing that first log! It was so clearly posted, and yet I still missed it--go figure.

And indeed, the profile has a dynamic check for level (which I missed). Normally, levels are enforce through the static <MinLevel> profile attribute--which Kick has set for 85. From your log, here's the appropriate lines:

[19:15:41.785 D] Activity: Loading profile 'C:\Users\Andreas\Downloads\Kick's Profiles\kicks-scripts\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\MoP\[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml'
[19:15:42.137 D] Compiling expression 'Me.Level < 87' @ line 846
[19:15:42.338 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Andreas\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6597.518\Quest Behaviors\UserDialog.cs'

Here's what's happening: Honorbuddy thinks you've completed all the quests in the profile you loaded (Valley of the Four Winds), and Kick's profiles are written to "chain" into the next zone until the entire MoP profile pack is completed. The Valley of Four Winds profile is chaining into the Krasaranng Wilds profile, which you don't have the level requirements to do.

I think this is a cache problem--Honorbuddy is confused about which quests you've actually completed. If so, the problem can be cleared by the following:
  • Shut down Honorbuddy and WoW
  • Delete the WoW/Cache, WoW/Data/Cache, and Honorbuddy/Cache directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Reload the Jade Forest profile, and make sure all the quests are done there
    The profile will keep chaining to the next one automatically if you have.
Please give this a try, and let's see another fresh log (sorry), if that doesn't get you going.


Ty m8 i shall try this..

cheers fumetsuno

okey i deletet all cache in Hb folder. but in wow/data/cache you have you have more and in wow/cache shall i delate all..alla underfolder to ?

I dont know why its so wrong with this now, i have lvl 4 other charaters with no problems with this
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sorry i dont know if i am posting this in the right section but i just bought honorbuudy and the problem with me is that i have set kicks profiles and i dont see the toon taking quests she only kills mobs in the area but no questing ? am i doing sth wrong ??

Hi, Marytk,

You'll need to post your log, so we can see what's going wrong.

Having this problem, I just hit lvl 80, went to Mount Hyjal, the bot is sayingwait time remaining: 6s out of 7s, counts down to 1 , then restarts, did this for 6 hours, tried restarting wow and the bot, please help! ive tried updating the svn as well.
Having this problem, I just hit lvl 80, went to Mount Hyjal, the bot is sayingwait time remaining: 6s out of 7s, counts down to 1 , then restarts, did this for 6 hours, tried restarting wow and the bot, please help! ive tried updating the svn as well.

Hi, Travismbrountas,

Can't help you with problems like this unless you show us the full log, so we can have a look. If its too big, just zip it.


I just dinged 20 with my paladin. However, he is not using the mount, he still continues to run when questing. Any suggestions? In settings i have "use mount" automatic" enabled. Thanks

I think your doing a really good job with the profiles! I just started to use them today.
Need any help? PM me. I have just written the code for one of your missing "The Anglers" dailies.
The quest: Shocking. I had my own Fishing Quest Behavior, PM me please :)

EDIT: Which profile would you recommend to start running?

I recommend starting on [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie], if you're looking to do them all.
Otherwise the order goes: Tillers -> Cloud Serpent -> Klaxxi -> Golden Lotus -> August Celestials -> ShadoPan -> Anglers

Thanks for the offer on Anglers. I'm waiting to get a fishing daily to test, RNG has screwed me 2 days in a row!

I just dinged 20 with my paladin. However, he is not using the mount, he still continues to run when questing. Any suggestions? In settings i have "use mount" automatic" enabled. Thanks

Hi, Warlizzard,

"Not using a mount" is not a profile issue--its a bot issue that belongs in the Support forum.

Please post over there, and be sure to include your log, so they can see what's going wrong for you.

I recommend starting on [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie], if you're looking to do them all.
Otherwise the order goes: Tillers -> Cloud Serpent -> Klaxxi -> Golden Lotus -> August Celestials -> ShadoPan -> Anglers

Thanks for the offer on Anglers. I'm waiting to get a fishing daily to test, RNG has screwed me 2 days in a row!

Here's the link to the profile (Uploaded it for you):
http://lbnieses-scripts.googlecode....n/MOP/[Rep] The Anglers Dailies [Lbniese].xml

http://lbnieses-scripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Quest Behaviors/Fishing.cs

The important part for you in the profile:
	<!-- Shocking! -->
	<If Condition="HasQuest(30584) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30584)" >
          <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Going to complete the quest Shocking!" LogColor="Green" />
		  <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" QuestId="30584" LootMobs="False" PullDistance="5" />
		  <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Going to Dojani Eel spot"  X="-746.2734" Y="-78.42089" Z="24.78118"  />
		  <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDiscmount" />
	<While Condition="HasQuest(30584) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30584)" >
              <CustomBehavior File="Fishing" QuestId="30584" Degrees="180" X="-753.2868" Y="-77.70948" Z="19.05742" />

-- I'm just trying to help, you don't NEED to use the code :-)
Hello every1 so i found this profile and its looks really good but now when i want try it i cant decide whether to use grind profile or quest , i mean just forget the fact that you can get ban for grind bot which way would you say be faster?
in nagrand my char are just running on the ground even though he has a flying mount, am i doing somthing wrong or are the bot set to do that?
sorry i guess i was looking in the wrong place to find my recent logs!

Hi again, Travismbrountas, and thanks for the log!

This is a different failure mode than I've seen before, but it still looks like a caching issue to me. Try this:

  • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
Please toss the new log, if this doesn't get you going.

Hello every1 so i found this profile and its looks really good but now when i want try it i cant decide whether to use grind profile or quest , i mean just forget the fact that you can get ban for grind bot which way would you say be faster?

Hi, Fony,

This is a questing profile. For help on deciding which profile to use, I'd go ask in the general profile forum. I will say that I've used Kick's profiles for three years, and they are top notch--barring mesh and Honorbuddy bugs. He works on them daily, and they're under continuous improvement.

I've yet to try Botanist's profile pack (grinding) or Cava's profile pack (questing). But, both of those authors are also very meticulous in trying make things the best that can be.

There are also many other profiles to choose from. Please take your plea for opinions to the general profile forum. This particular thread is reserved for reporting bugs with Kick's profiles.

cheers and good luck with your choice!
in nagrand my char are just running on the ground even though he has a flying mount, am i doing somthing wrong or are the bot set to do that?

Hi, Moggem94,

Your observing normal bot behavior for the BC profile set. Honorbuddy does not yet natively fly. But, Kick does jump through some hoops in some particular place to arrange for point-to-point flying.

Here is more information on how Honorbuddy does or doesn't fly at the moment (without profile-writer's jumping through hoops). Native Honorbuddy flying appears to be on the way, it just hasn't arrived yet.

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