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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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thebrodieman you sir are my hero. You single handedly are the reason i resubbed my wow subscription. The amount of rep required through dailies is ridiculous in MOP and without another way to farm them (e.i. dungeon tabards) i quit playing. Thank you for revitalizing my enjoyment of a game i almost gave up on by automating my most hated portion of the game.
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Did anyone have problems with 72-80 quests? I don't why but the only thing he is doing is grinding....
Hay i got this Infolog

Is it a Problem with the Profil oder with my HB?

Changing current profile to Tillers v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tiller Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting The Seed Daily.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 633]: Loading profile '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Farming Daily 1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farming Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Farming Daily, moving to My Farm.
[Profile Message]: Beginning Farming Quests.
[Profile Message]: Checking for harvestable plants.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 731]: Loading profile '[Rep] Tillers Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Tillers v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tiller Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting The Seed Daily.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 633]: Loading profile '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Farming Daily 1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farming Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Farming Daily, moving to My Farm.

When i complete the Quest Manuel it Work.
Thats the Daily you have to plant something
Can't get you the log atm because i disabled it.

The dailys are on a new and up-to-date Version.
I put the QB in the QB folder and the 2 Plugins in the Plugin folder and started the HB
Should i delete the QB and Plugins folder or just integrate?

HB fly to the Position where he had to do a Quest then he dimount - Mount - say Quest complete and fly's back.

I read that...
Troubleshooting: (My Quests are being skipped/don't work)
Keep all quests together in the same setup you download them in. Moving from quest hub to hub depends on it!
Make sure your folder is up to date. I update often.
Make sure the quests you are trying to do are listed as supported (before saying "this quest doesn't work")
Make sure you are testing/running with a fresh HB install! This means deleting the HB folder and reinstalling. Do NOT delete Plugins, Quest Behaviors, Profiles or any Custom classes you use other than singular, unless you plan to just reinstall those too. Until the quest completion bugs are fixed, this is a DAILY NECESSITY!!!
Do not just overwrite your install with a new one, this will not fix it or count as a fresh install.
If you still have issues, please post, listing the quests/profile you are seeing issues with, and if possible, a log for me to use.

I reinstall HB again ... now it seams to work ...
Should i do that everyday?
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Got a bug on a quest on the phase 1 of golden lotus. On the quest Thundering Skies.
Here is the log ;)

Mounting: Violet Netherwing Drake
MoveToTarget: Could not generate path to target: Subjugated Serpent, blacklisting!
MoveToTarget: Could not generate path to target: Subjugated Serpent, blacklisting!

The log is full of those 2 lines for about 5 mins, my paladin was running on his drake (not flying) in circles around the entrance trying to get to these serpents :P

Keep on the good work!

Not really a log but...at least it tells the story.

The bot does not/will not fly during a quest. Inbetween, yes. But not during. That is called "Native Flying" and is not yet implemented in HB, save for Outlands, and Vanilla areas using the Beta of HB (I believe).
Secondly: It's not 100% a bug, so much as it is that the Serpents are flying. The bot sees "These things are too high, and im on the ground...I can't walk to them" so it gives that error. Being a melee class adds to that, because your CC is MOST LIKELY trying to pull using a melee attack. I can see about a workaround to that, but in the meantime, this (unfortunately) is probably how it will be until I can get something in place to fix it.
Thanks for this post absolutely love it BUT i was wondering if its possible to do the dailies indiviually e.g. golden lotus, klaxxi ? im finding it trys to do them all when sometimes im only trying to do one set

Don't run [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].

Run the actual profile of the area you want to do. That is the only way to do 1 individual area. Note that when its DONE with that area it will move on. That is how this profile set is intended to run.
First of all: Real great profiles. Works quite very well for me. Thanks for that :)

My only question is:
For me as Horde player the Dominance Offensive Dailies are missing. I know that there are still some bugs with wrong and missing meshes but do you plan to add this quests also in your profile pack or must I get them from elsewhere?

Eventually. I apologize that the Horde side has been neglected here. I don't have a 90 Horde character, so I have no way to test these things out, and I don't like sending out 100% untested material. I will attempt to get something out asap, but because of the mesh problems, it hasn't been high on my priority list (since 50% of the dailies don't path right or can't path, period).
I'm a fairly new user of the bot, and of the profile, so I apologize in advance if I'm doing something wrong.

I've noticed that the golden lotus quest "Free spirits" is slightly bugged. What happens is: my character moves to the portal, but it doesn't land on the ground and is slightly in the air. While it clicks the portal, sometimes, it gets dismounted, for what reason, I don't know. The next step is to move to a spot about 10 yards away from the portal, but high up in the air. If the character has remained mounted, it works fine, but if it got dismounted (which happens about half the time), then the character gets stuck standing on the ground below the spot it is supposed to move to. It does not remount.

The profile isn't programmed to make you fly in that area. The command order for "I don't have Spirit Void" is to Fly to any nearby portal. ClearTarget. Use Portal. ClearTarget. Then find and "use" spirit. There are no move commands.

AAAAH! As I was typing this I found the problem: Spirits, after clicked, ascend in a column of light. If you click on the portal, and the profile then issues the command to use nearest spirit, and that spirit is in the air...yes I can see it getting stuck. I implemented a "WaitForNpcs=false" command into is, so it will no longer fixate on the first thing it find, whether it can reach or not.
Bobby53 said:
I am letting you know that omitting a log file from your post is a signal to me that the issue is not important to you and so shouldn't be important to me either.
Hay i got this Infolog

Is it a Problem with the Profil oder with my HB?

Changing current profile to Tillers v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tiller Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting The Seed Daily.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 633]: Loading profile '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Farming Daily 1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farming Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Farming Daily, moving to My Farm.
[Profile Message]: Beginning Farming Quests.
[Profile Message]: Checking for harvestable plants.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 731]: Loading profile '[Rep] Tillers Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Tillers v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tiller Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting The Seed Daily.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 633]: Loading profile '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Farming Daily 1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farming Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Farming Daily, moving to My Farm.

When i complete the Quest Manuel it Work.
Thats the Daily you have to plant something
Can't get you the log atm because i disabled it.

The dailys are on a new and up-to-date Version.
I put the QB in the QB folder and the 2 Plugins in the Plugin folder and started the HB
Should i delete the QB and Plugins folder or just integrate?

HB fly to the Position where he had to do a Quest then he dimount - Mount - say Quest complete and fly's back.

I read that...

I reinstall HB again ... now it seams to work ...
Should i do that everyday?

Excellent work with cut/pasting the important info onto the post. Made my diagnosis of your problem very quick and easy. However, you solved your own problem! Both instances you mentioned are due to an unclean cache folder, or old installation. To answer your question, yes. You MUST install cleanly every day. Sometimes (sometimes) deleting the cache folder, alone, will fix the problems. But if it doesn't, then the full install should fix it.
Golden Lotus:

Quest: A second chance - flies to area then just sits there
Quest High Chance of rain - flies to area and just sits there will kill any mobs that attack it though
then got part way through Set in stone 4/6 and didn't attempt Crumbling behemoth and then flew back to quest giver area switched profile to August celestials and flew off


Golden Lotus:

Quest: A second chance - flies to area then just sits there
Quest High Chance of rain - flies to area and just sits there will kill any mobs that attack it though
then got part way through Set in stone 4/6 and didn't attempt Crumbling behemoth and then flew back to quest giver area switched profile to August celestials and flew off

As always:
thebrodieman said:
See Post #1, Troubleshooting.
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ok something seems to be up with the H 12-58 profile, I'm lvl 21 and the profile keeps taking me to South Barrens where the creeps are like 8+ lvls higher than me.

Anyone know how to fix this?
I'm having issues with the profile: [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]. It still try to pick up Paint it red quest but i have already done it, what can i do to solve that problem?
I'm having issues with the profile: [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]. It still try to pick up Paint it red quest but i have already done it, what can i do to solve that problem?

close wow and bot, clear bots cache
For the quest "The Murksweats" (quest 30268), my moonkin was standing on the shore attempting to kill the murkscale strikers that were in the water. Since my toon was out of the water, the strikers kept having their health reset. I let it run like that for about 5 minutes (no one was around watching) to see if it would fix itself but it didn't so I did that part by hand. Just wanted to let you know. (This was in the Krasarang Wilds)
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ok something seems to be up with the H 12-58 profile, I'm lvl 21 and the profile keeps taking me to South Barrens where the creeps are like 8+ lvls higher than me.

Anyone know how to fix this?
guys some help with this pls!
guys some help with this pls!

Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy and any relogers if you have
Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
If needed manually take your toon the correct area
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Hi, Gagginaspinnata, and thanks for the log!

For some reason, Honorbuddy is having problems calculating the path to the next quest pick up.

Manually move your toon to Betina Bigglezink <The Argent Dawn>, pick up To Kill With Purpose, and restart Honorbuddy.


First of all thank for your answer.

I've done what you said, I picked this quest manually and started again honorbuddy but it's not working yet.

This is the logfile View attachment 996 2012-12-19 15.41.txt
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