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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Any way to fix it so it accepts quests better?? If the quest giver has 2 quests he just opens and closes the dialogue box and doesn't actually accept the quest until I stop the bot and accept them myself

Edit: I abandoned some quests and now it works

Hi, Tyman3,

This was a bug in Honorbuddy .520 that was repaired in release .521. You need to upgrade.

In the future, for problems like this we'll need to see a log.

cheers & glad you got it working,
There is a problem with the DK starting area, even though autoequip2 plugin is disabled it keep replacing the quest daggers with its main weapon.
It spend 3 hours doing that.
When i saw the problem i restart the bot 4-5 times making sure AE2 was disabled and it was but it kept replacing them
I had to manually complete the quest to procced.
Maybe HB is not unloading the plugin properly?

Hi, Kalantis,

In order to have a chance of diagnosing and repairing the problem, we'll most definitely need to see the log for this.

The DK starting area is a highly specialized profile. My guess is you were turning Autoequip2 off while the bot was running, and your settings didn't 'stick' because of this.

on the kun lai summet quests the bot keeps getting stuck in the tent in one of the horde villages. I done some manual questing while i was bored then went to put the bot back on and it just stays in the middle of the map waiting for quests ive already done :S

Hi, Nathan1986,

This is not a profile problem.

"Stuck issues" should be reported to the Navigation thread. They will need pictures and coordinates, so they can see what you see, and figure out what to do with the mesh.

I don't know if this is to do with the profile but it won't take flight paths. I started getting this issue at Redridge. ATM i am at Raven Hill, Duskwood im level 25 and my character keeps running to the flight master then sits there. The bot menu says "Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update".

let me know if you need a log for this

Hi, Boodgie,

This is not a profile issue. You'll need to clear your caches to fix this.

The problem is most frequently triggered by switching toons, or a quick log out/in, without restarting Honorbuddy.

Hi all.
Im currently level 66 and soon off to work. Is there some way I can pre-load the 68-80 profil so it automaticly switches since I wont be around to do it manually?
Thanks in advance.

Hi, Raknesso,

Yes, there is a way--you can add the code at the bottom of the profile to "chain" into the next one you want. This is more complicated than it seems, because it requires moving between continents, and that is additional profile code you'd have to write.

Obviously, doing all the above would require a fair bit of testing, even if you excel at profile writing.

[N - Quest] 87-87.5 Krasarang Wilds [Kick] is forcing me to be Lv87 to run the profile which is silly being that the area is 86-87 the min level on the profile is 85 even and idk how to change it to make it work kinda annoying anyway to change it?

Hi, Irnawtbottng, (very funny name--I dare you to use it in-game :-p)

Kick's "[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml" profile only requires level 85 to run. My guess is you are mistakenly running somebody else's profile pack--perhaps Cava's?

Toss a log, and let's have a look at what's gong wrong for you.

hey man can you please help me they bot can?t take more than 1 quest. than it just bugged up when it is quest that has 3 at the same quest guy it can?t take them all please do something about it.
i don?t have that problem anymore u have a now i have a problem that i can?t take 3 quest at the same quest guy the bot just click on the quest giver that have 3 quest to take and don?t take them what to do
hey man can you please help me they bot can?t take more than 1 quest. than it just bugged up when it is quest that has 3 at the same quest guy it can?t take them all please do something about it.

i don?t have that problem anymore u have a now i have a problem that i can?t take 3 quest at the same quest guy the bot just click on the quest giver that have 3 quest to take and don?t take them what to do

Hi, Robinekstrom1,

We might can help, if you can state your problem more clearly--be specific. Please use caps, punctuation, and complete sentences. (No disrespect intended.)

We'll also need to see your log.

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Sweet Jesus now thats a daily report! THANK YOU!

Given a Second Chance -- I know, I can put a longer delay on trying again to prevent it, but it also means the bot standing still for a bit.
Survival Ring: Flame -- How so? I've done it a few times now, and it usually finishes without falling out (maybe falling out once or twice)
The Soul-Gatherer -- What did/didn't it do? <-- You had 2 ending quests, this and Under the Setting Sun. Was one a glitch? You can't get both in one day.
What Lurks Below -- As intended. Fishing + QuestBot don't mix unfortunately.
Fishing for a Bruising -- I'll make sure an ending clause is in. Did it get stuck on the guy on the roof?

The big pulls are rough, I recommend a good CC, but beyond that, there isn't much I know about Profile programming that would allow me to monitor mob strength/numbers. Even blacklisted mobs end up getting pulls VERY often, and the bot doesn't seem to care about my instructions to avoid.
Sorry for the late response.

Given a Second Chance - It's nothing huge, just looks weird when the guy is healed and I kept chasing him for 3 more seconds. Nothing worth worrying about as it did finish the quest, just figured I would bring it to your attention.

Survival Ring: Flame - Just kept getting smacked by fire, maybe bad luck since there were quite a few others drawing flames into the ring at the time?

The Soul-Gatherer - It finished it perfectly, I must have forgot to log that it did since it was the last quest. Not sure why/how I had two ending quests.

What Lurks Below - Understandable.

Fishing For A Bruising - Wasn't stuck on anything, just the high respawn rate on the mobs made him kill endlessly it looked like. I probably killed over 100 of the things before I noticed it and had to stop the bot and fly out myself.

will report back today with another log on the new reset if I get a chance to do them.
When HB is running and you klick on "Botconfig" a Error occurs and the Configtab is "broken". Stoping Bot and do the same > no Problem.
Anything else? No Idea^^

aye i keep getting the same thing even before ive pushed start on the bot if i click bot config its brings up some send / don't send report window and closes hb have to redo it a few times before it works
Ive noticed sometimes it does not loot mobs when I run this but always does with other profiles ect.
I threaded each quest with a "while on quest, set settings to:" clause. When it is done the quests and heading back, or heading to pick up, it will set to "No Loot, Pull Distance 1" by default. If you manually set and save different settings, it SHOULD take those settings in the interim, but I'm not 100% on that.
Won't run level 85-86 quests, as soon as i turn it on it compiles the quests and then tells me i need to be 86 to do those quests when i didnt load that profile but rather the 85-86 questing profile


Error with BC at 58 (horde)

Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Could not find file 'C:\Users\bigcomp\Desktop\HBHGB\Quest Behaviors\MurkethAndShaadraz.cs'.
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