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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I think its broken at the Golden Lotus part.
It tries to load a script in a folder that isnt there.

"[LoadProfile-v241(fatal) @line 161]: Profile 'D:\Users\...\Desktop\HB\Default Profiles\Dailies\Golden Lotus Scripts\[Rep] GL PreReq [Brodie].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy."

(Reinstalled HB)
Fixed problem with Draenethyst Fragments id=10593 filename=[A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]

it's around line 8450:

<If Condition="HasItem(10593) &amp;&amp; (Me.ZoneId == 4)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Selling and then Clearing out our Draenethyst Fragments\n\nNext is BC! - Do not interact!" LogColor="Cornflowerblue" />
				<!-- <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoSell="True" DoRepair="True" /> -->
			<While Condition="HasItem(10593)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(10593)" WaitTime="1000" />
<!-- 				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script AcceptQuest()" /> -->
				<PickUp QuestName="One Draenei's Junk..." QuestId="25771" GiverName="Imperfect Draenethyst Fragment" GiverId="10593" GiverType="Item" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="7363" X="-11360.43" Y="-2983.637" Z="0.7507853" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SelectGossipActiveQuest(1)" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script CompleteQuest()" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script GetQuestReward(3)" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script GetQuestReward()" />
			 <While Condition="(HasItem(10752))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(10752)" WaitTime="2000" />
			 <While Condition="(HasItem(12122))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(12122)" WaitTime="2000" />

fixing portal problem, because it means im died. I solved it for me with this code in the filename=EK to BC code begins at line 31

<!-- through the BC portal we go! -->
			<While Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
			 <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
				<RunTo X="-11895.44" Y="-3206.936" Z="-14.64132" />
				<RunTo X="-11908.09" Y="-3208.854" Z="-14.83002" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />
			 <If Condition="Me.MapId == 0" >
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" />
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Reporting bug.

Tillers quest at half hill market do not get picked up, they are left and the quest The Kunzen Hunter-chief is always left uncompleted, this means that only 2 tillers quests work. Can we please get a fix on this?
on the kun lai summet quests the bot keeps getting stuck in the tent in one of the horde villages. I done some manual questing while i was bored then went to put the bot back on and it just stays in the middle of the map waiting for quests ive already done :S
I don't know if this is to do with the profile but it won't take flight paths. I started getting this issue at Redridge. ATM i am at Raven Hill, Duskwood im level 25 and my character keeps running to the flight master then sits there. The bot menu says "Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update".

let me know if you need a log for this
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Jade forest, on the flyboat horde, to turn in the first quest in MoP using kicks profile.

Could not generate path from {3138.87, -721.253, 324.9934} to {3178.839, -696.882, 321.027} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
Any way to fix it so it accepts quests better?? If the quest giver has 2 quests he just opens and closes the dialogue box and doesn't actually accept the quest until I stop the bot and accept them myself

Edit: I abandoned some quests and now it works

But I still have this problem at some questgivers. Not all the time.
Hi all.

Im currently level 66 and soon off to work. Is there some way I can pre-load the 68-80 profil so it automaticly switches since I wont be around to do it manually?

Thanks in advance.
So i deleted my HB folder like it was said on the first page and it completed almost every daily from yesterday. This morning i tried to just start all dailys again and its stuck on klaxxis dailys + tillers... it skips the quests again.
My question is... everytime i want to do dailys, i need to do with a fresh HB install ?

Thx for the profile anyway

Unfortunately, yes. Everyday.
Reporting bug.

Tillers quest at half hill market do not get picked up, they are left and the quest The Kunzen Hunter-chief is always left uncompleted, this means that only 2 tillers quests work. Can we please get a fix on this?

Reinstall bot as described in Post 1.
I think its broken at the Golden Lotus part.
It tries to load a script in a folder that isnt there.

"[LoadProfile-v241(fatal) @line 161]: Profile 'D:\Users\...\Desktop\HB\Default Profiles\Dailies\Golden Lotus Scripts\[Rep] GL PreReq [Brodie].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy."

(Reinstalled HB)

think i caught it. Try again with R347.
For those with problems with the bot not doing your dailys:

Have you tried just deleting the cache folder? That should be done everyday, before you start your dailys :)
For those with problems with the bot not doing your dailys:

Have you tried just deleting the cache folder? That should be done everyday, before you start your dailys :)

At the minimum. If that still doesn't work, reinstall. These problems are with the bot, not the profile. They are known as well.
[N - Quest] 87-87.5 Krasarang Wilds [Kick] is forcing me to be Lv87 to run the profile which is silly being that the area is 86-87 the min level on the profile is 85 even and idk how to change it to make it work kinda annoying anyway to change it?
so im leveling up my mage it is lv 60 atm :D but i did nothes that every item that drops of gear and weapons get sold to vendor.... i want all of the BOE items to get sent to my alt so i can get it dissenchented.
so im wondring how do i get my bot to only sell soul bound items.
the only items that is sent to my alt is cloth mostly..
is there an pluggin for this? or somthing in the settings somwere?

Hi, Powery,

In whichever profile you're running, edit its values to look like (Notepad++ recommended for editing profiles):


More info here and here.

IMHO, these decisions should be left to the user, and not the profile writer. Alas, Honorbuddy doesn't provide such machinery.

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After a few hours of bashing my head into the wall this is the best workaround I could come up with:

My Town Its On Fire - 20 seconds per interact.
Megser's Plugin - readded the auto pickup of Flames for this quest. however you have to move to them and the interactwith refuses to move once its moved the first time. This might cut 30-60 seconds off.

This quest, at the worst, will take 10 minutes to complete. This is the best I could do to keep it AFK'able. If someone can QB this, or can offer another solution, let me know...I've exhausted my patience on this quest right now.
So I need a little help I'm leveling my monk using 58-70 [A] Questing and I'm in Nagrand. If i happen to have to stop the bot and restart it, it seems to drop all of my quest and needs to fly around and pick them all up again. Can't seem to figure out whats causing this but it is very annoying. I've tried a fresh install of HB with no luck. I've tried with singular and tunahmonk CC's but still resetting all of my quest. It happens right when i start the bot after it loads the CC. It's not starting a new zone its done a couple quest in Nagrand already.
Any help is appreciated.

Hi, Borntaskate,

Aye, this is a known problem in the Outland profile pack. There are five places in that profile where Kick abandons all quests. I haven't analyzed why he did that, but I'm sure he had a very good reason for doing so.

The only workaround is obviously, not to stop-start Honorbuddy while you're in Nagrand. If you've got issues that you need to unstuck the toon, or walk around a mob, Bobby53 recently added an awesome feature to Singular--if you hit any of the movement keys, it will disable bot movement for three seconds. To turn it on...

Honorbuddy -> Class Config -> Hotkeys tab -> configure as you wish.​

There are other sweet goodies on that tab, give it a look.

I get this when I run the profile in deepholm
You DC'd or stop and started; please do the boat quests and press start. 
Do not forget the guy in the cabin

Hi, T3h28,

Yep, this happens because the flying boat is on a completely separate mesh than the rest of the zone. Because of this, the profile only knows how to do the quests on the boat if you don't interrupt it. (I.e., Honorbuddy doesn't present enough state to the profile for it to make sane decisions after a stop/start. So, the profile requires uninterrupted operation).

Since the profile obviously did get interrupted, you'll have to do those five or so quests manually, then you can restart Honorbuddy, and things will pick up where they should.

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