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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Awesome pack, but I got a problem in MoP's 89-90, first of all I dont understand why the files are always 1level above after Valley of four winds (for example: [N - Quest] 89-90 Townlong Steppes [Kick]) but anyway, when i was at level 87 i used kun lai's 88-89 and it worked then when i was level 88 i used 89-90's Townlowng stepes but now, im level 89 and when i use [Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick] (wich made me lol beacuse you cant fly at 89) it pops out a window and says that i must be level 90 and if i load the Townlong stepes profile it automaticly changes to the 90's dread wates profiles and pops out the same window.
Can some help me pls?
Awesome pack, but I got a problem in MoP's 89-90, first of all I dont understand why the files are always 1level above after Valley of four winds (for example: [N - Quest] 89-90 Townlong Steppes [Kick]) but anyway, when i was at level 87 i used kun lai's 88-89 and it worked then when i was level 88 i used 89-90's Townlowng stepes but now, im level 89 and when i use [Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick] (wich made me lol beacuse you cant fly at 89) it pops out a window and says that i must be level 90 and if i load the Townlong stepes profile it automaticly changes to the 90's dread wates profiles and pops out the same window.
Can some help me pls?

Hi, Goshy9,

The way Kick has written the profile pack, all of the zones in MoP--except for Dread Wastes--are done on ground mount. The Dread Wastes profile was written to require flying, which implicitly requires level 90. That's why you see the error message.

As far as loading the Townlong Steppes profile, and it popping out the same message, that's happening due to profile chaining. More info, here.

You'll have to find another way to acquire 90, before continuing with Kick's profiles. The reference cited above outlines some possiblities.

Once again, here is another user that needs a grinding area at the end of Townlong Steppes to guarantee 90 before entering Dread Wastes.

Hi again, Lalapuh,

MEA Culpa! I had too many things open, and shuffled your log with someone else's. Deepest apologies.

From your log... its trying to use NoCombatMoveTo to get to Len the Whisperer:
[10:40:37.223 D] Goal: NoCombatMoving to <783.7535, -205.1563, 402.2014>
[10:40:37.226 D] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 783.7535 Y: -205.1563 Z: 402.2014
[10:40:37.229 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[10:40:37.229 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_32_30
[10:41:02.260 D] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 783.7535 Y: -205.1563 Z: 402.2014

Kick uses the NoCombatMoveTo behavior to go through areas where NPCs are fighting NPCs. You may have prematurely gotten thrown into combat by mobs fighting around you, and this is preventing the proper operation of NoCombatMoveTo. Alternatively, NoCombatMoveTo may just have a bug, but no way to tell this via a log. According to the issued profile directives, the toon should be moving.

Let's try this first...
Turn off "Find Vendors Automatically" in the Honorbuddy settings, then stop/start Honorbuddy. From the timing in the log, it looks like some 'automatically found vendors' interrupted the NoCombatMoveTo behavior.

No joy?
Manually move to Len the Whisper, and pick up Robbing Robbers of Robbers, then restart Honorbuddy.


You're doing so much here that this can happen ;) no problem!

Thank you so much for your help!

Manually movig to Len the Whisperer solved the problem.
No my toon is doing the quest given from Len while running Kun Lai Profile.

Thank you ever so much!

Btw: You're always telling kick that here's another User wo need to grind till lvl 90 - had to do it myself with my warriror. It had done all Q in Townlong Steppes and needed half an lvl to go to 90. ;)

Kick: you're doing a great job!
Im having the same problem from before, picking quests from klaxxis but only doing 1 quest or so and then just runs to the next faction dailys... the other time i deleted the files on Cache folder, but this time it didnt work.
Im having the same problem from before, picking quests from klaxxis but only doing 1 quest or so and then just runs to the next faction dailys... the other time i deleted the files on Cache folder, but this time it didnt work.

See Post #1, Troubleshooting.
Do the instructions on deleting the HB folder.
tyrael works fine in its place or even raidbot. This probably needs to be moved to archive since it is obviously no longer being supported.
Seriously, Thank you! The effort and time required to do something like this is immense. I'm very grateful and really happy somebody put something like this together. I'll post some feedback when I have some, just starting out some daily's now.
Is there a way to keep this from eating my raid food? :|

also, on the quest to find Lao, the bot just sat around in the air. Did the quest manually to get the profile going again.
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Hey, great profile and all.
Since we are required to "reinstall" HB, how do we save our plugin and option settings?

Is there a way to keep this from eating my raid food? :|

also, on the quest to find Lao, the bot just sat around in the air. Did the quest manually to get the profile going again.

Change your minimum health/mana (Singular - Class Settings) to something like 10%. Or put the raid food in the bank ;)

Also thats the second complaint on Lao i've gotten. It didn't always do that, and I haven't gotten it since, so I really need to test that. Assume for now it's not as intended and I'm looking into it.
Hey, great profile and all.
Since we are required to "reinstall" HB, how do we save our plugin and option settings?


Don't delete the Plugins, Quest Behaviors, or Routines folders. That will save those, and maybe even some settings. Half of the range settings are regulated by my profile, the rest...you'll have to set yourself until (new idea spawning) I can program in Singular settings commands.
Seriously, Thank you! The effort and time required to do something like this is immense. I'm very grateful and really happy somebody put something like this together. I'll post some feedback when I have some, just starting out some daily's now.

You're welcome. Don't forget to "Like", "+Rep", and...maybe even donate ;) to the cause!
Hello Again. have a quick question. on my 80 human monk when i try and load Hyjal 80-82 profile it does not want to work.

here is my log , If anyone knows what could be wrong please let me know thank you.

View attachment 3276 2012-12-15 12.56.txt

Keeps saying

[Profile Message]: Compiling Mount Hyjal Quests
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 2950]: Loading profile '[Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Kick].xml'
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
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Hello Again. have a quick question. on my 80 human monk when i try and load Hyjal 80-82 profile it does not want to work.

here is my log , If anyone knows what could be wrong please let me know thank you.

View attachment 73711

Keeps saying

[Profile Message]: Compiling Mount Hyjal Quests
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 2950]: Loading profile '[Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Kick].xml'
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!

delete the files inside the Cache folder in HB. Restart HB in a Main City (SW/OG) with the Hyjal Profile. Try to use the "Questing" Bot alone, not in Mixed Mode if it doesnt work.
delete the files inside the Cache folder in HB. Restart HB in a Main City (SW/OG) with the Hyjal Profile. Try to use the "Questing" Bot alone, not in Mixed Mode if it doesnt work.

i never used mix mode before. but ill try all that again.

i cleared the cache in my WoW folder and HB folder and worked, only cleared HB cache before but oh well lol. thanks
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My char just stand and wait for flying. Nothing happen

My log:

At a Flight Master? Maybe WoW got disconnected or did you switch Chars while HB runs? HB gets Problems sometimes if WoW gets disconnected or changing Chars and HB wasnt restarted.
so im leveling up my mage it is lv 60 atm :D but i did nothes that every item that drops of gear and weapons get sold to vendor.... i want all of the BOE items to get sent to my alt so i can get it dissenchented.

so im wondring how do i get my bot to only sell soul bound items.

the only items that is sent to my alt is cloth mostly..

is there an pluggin for this? or somthing in the settings somwere?
Had a chance to watch a character run through the majority of today's on my Warrior (iLvL 501)... here's what I saw:

Water, Water Everywhere - Finished Perfectly
It's Melon Time! - Finished Perfectly
Where It Counts - Finished but tends to stand in the fire beam, so be careful.
Stalling the Ravage - Finished Perfectly
Cindergut Peppers - Finished Perfectly
A Gift For Sho - Finished Perfectly


The Eternal Vigil - Finished Perfectly
Stone Hard Quilen - Finished Perfectly
Crumbling Behemoth - Finished Perfectly
High Chance of Rain - Finished Perfectly
Given a Second Chance - Finished, but kept trying to heal even after they were up and running.
(Pulled a LOT of adds, probably not good for melee under 470 ilvl)

Burning Away the Filth - Finished Perfectly
Rude Awakenings - Finished Perfectly
A Smashing Impression - Finished Perfectly
The Silent Approach - Finished Perfectly
(Pulled a LOT of adds, probably not good for melee under 470 ilvl)

The Soul-Gatherer -
The Battle Ring - Finished Perfectly
Survival Ring: Flame - Could not finish

Mantid Under Fire - Finished Perfectly
The Soul-Gatherer - Wouldn't do it for some reason, had to do it myself
Along the Serpent's Spine - Finished Perfectly
Under the Setting Sun - Got caught up killing Locust Guards for 10 minutes before I had to fly out myself


What Lurks Below - Had to do it myself, bot wouldn't do it
Bright Bait - Finished Perfectly
Fishing for a Bruising - Endlessly kills Riverblade Raiders


Culling the Swarm - Finished Perfectly
Sampling the Empire's Finest - Finished Perfectly
Wing Clip - Finished Perfectly
Shortcut to Ruin - Finished Perfectly
Sonic Disruption - Finished Perfectly
Free From Her Clutches - Finished Perfectly


Assault Fire Camp Gai-Cho - Finished Perfectly
Assault Deadtalker's Plateau - Finished Perfectly (some big pulls though be careful)
The Enemy of My Enemy... Is Still My Enemy! - Finished Perfectly
Spirit Dust - Finished Perfectly (some big pulls though so be careful)
Uruk! - Finished Perfectly (Shadow Nova may hit you off the cliff)
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Just leveled another toon to 89 and its short 3 bars from hitting 90.
All the quest achievements are complete expept the one from tian monastery in jade forest.

I think you might have mixed some rested bonus, thats why people are coming short of exp.

I took the bot back to tian monastery, loaded the jade forest profile but it just kept compiling all the way to townlong steps, then it procceed to WALK to townlong steps :)
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