Awesome pack, but I got a problem in MoP's 89-90, first of all I dont understand why the files are always 1level above after Valley of four winds (for example: [N - Quest] 89-90 Townlong Steppes [Kick]) but anyway, when i was at level 87 i used kun lai's 88-89 and it worked then when i was level 88 i used 89-90's Townlowng stepes but now, im level 89 and when i use [Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick] (wich made me lol beacuse you cant fly at 89) it pops out a window and says that i must be level 90 and if i load the Townlong stepes profile it automaticly changes to the 90's dread wates profiles and pops out the same window.
Can some help me pls?
Can some help me pls?