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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Description: Increase the TargetingDistance for this 2 Objectives to 150.

        <Objective QuestName="Chicken of the Desert" QuestId="24933" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="51778" CollectCount="6" />
        <Objective QuestName="Gazer Tag" QuestId="24931" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="51793" CollectCount="5" />
        <TargetingDistance Value="150" />
        <Objective QuestName="Chicken of the Desert" QuestId="24933" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="51778" CollectCount="6" />
        <Objective QuestName="Gazer Tag" QuestId="24931" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="51793" CollectCount="5" />
        <TargetingDistance Value="40" />

Hi, MaxMuster,

The changes have been folded into v3092. Thank you.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1379910]MaxMuster's profile refinement[/post][/size]
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Quest: Toxic Tolerance - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: We talked about that in Skype. Bypass this Quest until HB-109 ("Quest Behaviors need ability to ask CR to stop using pet") is built-in.

Thanks, MaxMuster.

We've made the modification in v3094, and included comments of all the problems involved for when we can go back and visit solutions. Its looking like a very involved "specific quest behavior" will be needed to solve all the problems. But, there will still be contention with the Combat Routine, even in the presence of a dedicate quest behavior.


[size=-2] Ref:[post=1380113]MaxMuster's problem report[/post][/size]
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Description: Increase the TargetingDistance to 150 for 3 Objectives (because we missed a lot of NPCs who are out of range)

Hi, MaxMuster,

The TargetingDistance changes have been incorporated into v3097.

Thank you once again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1380135]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
Sorry if this is a really nooby question but Is there a way to use the LK questing profile if I don't have enough money to buy LK flying? It keeps stopping with the message "Not enough money to fly"
That is a very nooby question indeed :D . Now you've got HB money(golds) should not be a problem. Head to Horde Profiles Forum 70-80 and get any grind profile (I suggest this one) then let HB run it for few hours. AH the cloths and vendor trash everything else. Problem solved..

Hi, Shatows,

Dutamulia's advice is spot on. We suggest you grind, pvp, dungeon dive, or find some other way to earn 400g before attempting to run these LK profiles. The way some of the quest solutions are written, flying is required.

hi all,
got a little problem. my character moves to quest npc, stops 1meter right to npc, turns instant his back to the npc and cant get or give up the quest anymore.
i have to manually face the npc and then it works.
this problem comes up from time to time and is random, no specific npc with this problem.
in 10 lvls i face this problem two or three times.
sry for bad english, not my favorite language :o

Hi, Derdennis,

This question is answered in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post]. The problem is with your Combat Routine. Go back to Singular, and this problem should go away. Also, please contact the author of the other combat routine to report the issue.

If you need assistance in the future, please attach your full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

I found ONE BIG ISSUE with this profile, and that's the mailing.
Is there a way to stop the toon to go out of his way to send a stupid mail whenever my bags are full....I want it to sell everything and not mail anything !

Hi, Oppenheimer,

What you describe is not an issue with the profile. The profile is not even running when Honorbuddy decides to make a vendor run (mail/sell/repair/train).

What is sold and what is mailed is controlled by Honorbuddy itself. You can alter these decisions by modifying the correct files. This article describes what you need to know:

If you do modify those files, be certain to squirrel away a copy of your changes. Those files get overwritten each time Honorbuddy is updated.

You may also want to look at the Mr.ItemRemover plugin.

This is not Profile issue.
Remove the Mail Recipient and everything works fine ;-)
MaxMuster's solution is very very clever, and should also do what you seek.

I see one problem with this profile. When questing with full BoA's it runs the whole profile for that zone instead of after the mobs go green or grey out (Quest too) to leave the zone and go to the next area.There for your not lvling as fast but i guess there really isn't away to have it change zones once a certian lvl has been reached.

Hi, Risien,

This is answered in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

Hey is it possible to split the BC profile into smaller lvl files, that would make it a lot easyer to force the profile to run specific areas, instead of whole bc in one, same goes for 1-58 but havent got that many problems there with the leveling, as i seems to have in 58-70.
im sorry i dont send logs, or specific problem but the big bc in all file is the "issue" for me. thanks for your great work, i really love your work and i use it a lot. Keep it up thanks for helping out the community.

Hi, Ia2115,

We have no plans to do this. The BC profile already has checkpoints in it. You should find this article enlightning.
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]

This is not Profile issue.
Remove the Mail Recipient and everything works fine ;-)
not really. There is something wrong with the mail function. I just had a toon running to chillwind camp from western plaguelands to send a few items, and I still had 54 empty spots in my bags!
Hi, Daarno.

MaxMuster is spot on?the "mail function" is not a profile problem.

The decision of when and where to mail is made by Honorbuddy itself, and the profile is not running when Honorbuddy decides to make a vendor run (mail/sell/repair/train).

If you are having problems, you should open a new thread in the Support forum regarding the issue. They will need your full log attached that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Hello chinajade,

im Ok with all Informations here but in my HonorBuddy there is no Questing Bot and i dont see any Informations where i can get this Bot. this is the only one reason why i fail to use this pack :(

hope you can help me thanks!
im Ok with all Informations here but in my HonorBuddy there is no Questing Bot and i dont see any Informations where i can get this Bot. this is the only one reason why i fail to use this pack :(
hope you can help me thanks!

Hi, MRbuGfiX,

Alas, a missing questing bot is an Honorbuddy installation issue?not a problem with these profiles.

But, to answer your question...
BosslandGmbH is enjoined by German court order from providing Honorbuddy's Questing and Gathering capabilities to German users. You can find more information about it here:
Ref: [post=1256821]Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung[/post]

Please do not make any posts in the BosslandGmbH forums asking "how to get around the court order". Doing so is a bannable offense:
[post=1351196]HelpDesk: What will get my BosslandGmbH forum account banned?[/post]

Yes i agree, its got me 3 level 30s, yes there where afew bugs on the way, but shit... Thanks for the effort.