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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Description: Increase the TargetingDistance for 3 Quest Objectives from 40 to 100, then return to 40.

        <Objective QuestName="Securing the Supply Lines" QuestId="8280" Type="KillMob" MobId="11740" KillCount="15" />
        <Objective QuestName="Deadly Desert Venom" QuestId="8277" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="20373" CollectCount="8" />
        <Objective QuestName="Deadly Desert Venom" QuestId="8277" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="20376" CollectCount="8" />
        <TargetingDistance Value="100" />
        <Objective QuestName="Securing the Supply Lines" QuestId="8280" Type="KillMob" MobId="11740" KillCount="15" />
        <Objective QuestName="Deadly Desert Venom" QuestId="8277" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="20373" CollectCount="8" />
        <Objective QuestName="Deadly Desert Venom" QuestId="8277" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="20376" CollectCount="8" />
        <TargetingDistance Value="40" />
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Description: Increase the TargetingDistance this Quest Objective from 40 to 100, then return to 40.

        <Objective QuestName="Stepping Up Security" QuestId="8281" Type="KillMob" MobId="11741" KillCount="20" />
        <TargetingDistance Value="100" />
        <Objective QuestName="Stepping Up Security" QuestId="8281" Type="KillMob" MobId="11741" KillCount="20" />
        <TargetingDistance Value="40" />
Quest : Rocket Rescue
Problem : after delivering package and bombing target the bot is not using the emergency rocket pack to return to Gadgetzan
Sorry if this is a really nooby question but Is there a way to use the LK questing profile if I don't have enough money to buy LK flying? It keeps stopping with the message "Not enough money to fly"
Quest : Rocket Rescue
Problem : after delivering package and bombing target the bot is not using the emergency rocket pack to return to Gadgetzan

Yes i can Confirm this Problem.

Rocket Rescue - Quest - World of Warcraft

Why are these 2 Objectives in the Profile, when we have a SpecificQuest CustomBehavior for this Quest?
        <CustomBehavior File="SpecificQuests\24910-Tanaris-RocketRescue" />

        <Objective QuestName="Rocket Rescue" QuestId="24910" Type="KillMob" MobId="38576" KillCount="5" />
        <Objective QuestName="Rocket Rescue" QuestId="24910" Type="KillMob" MobId="40583" KillCount="40" />
I think we can remove this 2 Objectives.

The Problem dutamulia descriped, is in the 24910-Tanaris-RocketRescue.cs Behavior, but i dont no what is wrong. Chinajade must take a look at this.

//Edit: I attached now a Short Log, maybe it Helps Chinajade to find the Bug.


Sorry if this is a really nooby question but Is there a way to use the LK questing profile if I don't have enough money to buy LK flying? It keeps stopping with the message "Not enough money to fly"
That is a very nooby question indeed :D . Now you've got HB money(golds) should not be a problem. Head to Horde Profiles Forum 70-80 and get any grind profile (I suggest this one) then let HB run it for few hours. AH the cloths and vendor trash everything else. Problem solved.

edit :

Quest title : Ancient Obstacles - Tanaris
Desc : could use a much wider pull range, maybe twice the current.

edit2 : but a after more consideration it might not make it faster since the bot will also pull irrelevant monsters (there are some beasts there), unless we set a temporal avoid mobs.
Profile: [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]
Quest: Shizz Work - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Me.Minions.Count not work for this Quest. Replace it with ObjectManager.

                <!-- If we've lost ze poochie-poochie, go get a new one... -->
                <If Condition="HasItem(30803) &amp;&amp; ( Me.Minions.Count &lt; 1 )">
                    <MoveTo DestName="Foreman Razelcraz" X="431.1503" Y="2889.698" Z="52.17432" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" WaitTime="1000" NumOfTimes="1" Lua="UseItemByName(30803)" />
                <!-- If we've lost ze poochie-poochie, go get a new one... -->
                <If Condition="HasItem(30803) &amp;&amp; !(ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType&lt;WoWUnit&gt;().Any(u =&gt; u.Entry == 21847 &amp;&amp; u.FactionId == 6))">
                    <MoveTo DestName="Foreman Razelcraz" X="431.1503" Y="2889.698" Z="52.17432" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" WaitTime="1000" NumOfTimes="1" Lua="UseItemByName(30803)" />

Seems to be working with ObjectManager:
[13:22:07.589 D] Compiling expression 'HasItem(30803) && !(ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Any(u => u.Entry == 21847 && u.FactionId == 6))' @ line 2568
[13:22:07.890 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[13:22:07.891 D] Goal: Moving to Foreman Razelcraz
[13:22:07.967 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[13:22:07.967 D] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[13:22:08.159 D] Successfully generated path from {445.9225, 2885.042, 53.21073} to {431.1503, 2889.698, 52.17432} in 166 milliseconds
[13:22:09.407 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[13:22:09.408 D] Goal: Nothing
[13:22:09.408 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[13:22:09.409 D] Goal: RunLua-v1085: "In Progress (no associated quest)"

[Ref: "[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 3061 $)" @line 2570]
[13:22:09.409 D] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(30803) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[13:22:10.495 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[13:22:10.496 D] StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null
[13:22:10.585 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
hi all,
got a little problem. my character moves to quest npc, stops 1meter right to npc, turns instant his back to the npc and cant get or give up the quest anymore.
i have to manually face the npc and then it works.
this problem comes up from time to time and is random, no specific npc with this problem.
in 10 lvls i face this problem two or three times.
sry for bad english, not my favorite language :o
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Quest: Seaside Salvage - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: More Hotspots for bigger Area

    <Quest Name="Seaside Salvage" Id="24906">
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="50829" Name="Steamwheedle Supplies" CollectCount="7">
                <GameObject Name="Steamwheedle Crate" Id="202198" />
                <Hotspot X="-7411.797" Y="-3927.519" Z="0.8123438" />
                <Hotspot X="-7535.719" Y="-3944.561" Z="-1.717323" />
                <Hotspot X="-7546.633" Y="-3979.093" Z="-1.717323" />
                <Hotspot X="-7540.078" Y="-4091.43" Z="0.2526106" />
                <Hotspot X="-7723.938" Y="-3971.649" Z="0.3138381" />
                <Hotspot X="-7732.156" Y="-3965.017" Z="1.032588" />
    <Quest Name="Seaside Salvage" Id="24906">
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="50829" Name="Steamwheedle Supplies" CollectCount="7">
                <GameObject Name="Steamwheedle Crate" Id="202198" />
                <Hotspot X="-7411.797" Y="-3927.519" Z="0.8123438" />
                <Hotspot X="-7535.719" Y="-3944.561" Z="-1.717323" />
                <Hotspot X="-7546.633" Y="-3979.093" Z="-1.717323" />
                <Hotspot X="-7540.078" Y="-4091.43" Z="0.2526106" />
                <Hotspot X="-7723.938" Y="-3971.649" Z="0.3138381" />
                <Hotspot X="-7732.156" Y="-3965.017" Z="1.032588" />
                <Hotspot X="-7773.143" Y="-3977.371" Z="-1.456392" />
                <Hotspot X="-7724.133" Y="-4055.484" Z="-1.716271" />
                <Hotspot X="-7753.903" Y="-4112.364" Z="-1.717169" />
                <Hotspot X="-7841.945" Y="-4019.244" Z="-1.686405" />
                <Hotspot X="-7875.847" Y="-4069.918" Z="-1.693053" />
                <Hotspot X="-7831.688" Y="-4123.332" Z="-1.717145" />
                <Hotspot X="-7907.05" Y="-4110.19" Z="-1.641792" />
                <Hotspot X="-7830.556" Y="-4210.754" Z="-1.717691" />
                <Hotspot X="-7881.584" Y="-4254.544" Z="-2.645685" />
I found ONE BIG ISSUE with this profile, and that's the mailing.
Is there a way to stop the toon to go out of his way to send a stupid mail whenever my bags are full....I want it to sell everything and not mail anything !
I found ONE BIG ISSUE with this profile, and that's the mailing.
Is there a way to stop the toon to go out of his way to send a stupid mail whenever my bags are full....I want it to sell everything and not mail anything !

This is not Profile issue.
Remove the Mail Recipient and everything works fine ;-)
I see one problem with this profile. When questing with full BoA's it runs the whole profile for that zone instead of after the mobs go green or grey out (Quest too) to leave the zone and go to the next area.There for your not lvling as fast but i guess there really isn't away to have it change zones once a certian lvl has been reached.
Hey is it possible to split the BC profile into smaller lvl files, that would make it a lot easyer to force the profile to run specific areas, instead of whole bc in one, same goes for 1-58 but havent got that many problems there with the leveling, as i seems to have in 58-70.
im sorry i dont send logs, or specific problem but the big bc in all file is the "issue" for me. thanks for your great work, i really love your work and i use it a lot. Keep it up thanks for helping out the community.
This is not Profile issue.
Remove the Mail Recipient and everything works fine ;-)
not really. There is something wrong with the mail function. I just had a toon running to chillwind camp from western plaguelands to send a few items, and I still had 54 empty spots in my bags!
Quest : Secret Communacation - Silithus
Problem : Bot gets swarmed and keep dying
edit : I am playing a MM hunter - troll, Plates wearer maybe will encounter less problem here.
My apologies, here is a full log.

View attachment 117363

Hi again, Blackout44, and thanks for the log.

The problem is not profile-related. Your Honorbuddy is having some serious issues, here:
[08:55:20.197 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 15.9 yds, stop range: 36.0
[08:55:20.197 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[08:55:20.277 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 16.0 yds, stop range: 36.0
[08:55:20.277 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:00:31.433 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 20.9 yds, stop range: 36.0
[09:00:31.433 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:00:31.521 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 20.7 yds, stop range: 36.0
[09:00:31.521 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:

and here...
[09:08:09.518 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Glassweb Spider.58E3!
[09:08:09.896 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 49.2 yds
[09:08:09.897 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 38.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 49.2 yds
[09:08:09.975 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 48.6 yds
[09:08:09.976 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 38.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 48.6 yds
[09:08:19.728 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 49.4 yds
[09:08:19.732 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 38.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 49.4 yds
[09:08:19.801 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 49.6 yds
[09:08:19.803 D] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 38.0 yds of Glassweb Spider.58E3 @ 49.6 yds

And this one looks like it might be a lava death. If not, its very peculiar:
[09:37:42.733 N] Eating Conjured Mana Brownie
[09:37:43.013 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to eat
[09:37:43.013 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:37:43.330 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to eat
[09:37:43.330 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:37:44.197 N] [Singular] Still moving... waiting until Bot stops
[09:37:45.503 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to eat
[09:37:45.503 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:37:45.855 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to eat
[09:37:45.855 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:37:46.453 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to eat
[09:37:46.453 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:37:47.079 D] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to eat
[09:37:47.079 D] (Singular) StopMoving: Now, unit == null, method:
[09:37:47.667 D] We died, Clearing current POI

The best we could recommend is to try a 'clean install'. Instructions here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

You will probably also want to delete the 'mesh directory' completely. Its in C:/Users/******/AppData/Local/HonorbuddyMeshes.

If you still have problems after this, please open a new thread in the Support forum with a fresh log.

The problem is not profile-related, and there is nothing we can do to help you in this thread.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1379102]Initial response to Blackout44[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1379130]Blackout44's log[/post][/size]
Troll's starting area quest, the one that ask you to speak to an NPC then move to the ring to fight a naga. It doesnt work, similar to DK starting area quest that ask you to challenge an NPC to duel (got two quest like this there).

Quest in Ashenvale : 'Got Wood?' got stuck too.

I dont include the log because my internet is so crappy, only three dollar per month, so pardon me. I'm just trying to contribute.
Quest 'Before you go...' in Ashenvale got stuck because the bot strays too close to a Sentinel guard southeast of Blackfathom camp.
edit: got killed over and over.
Troll hunter - Desolace
Quests : 'Ten Pound of Flesh' and 'To the hilt!'

The bot is not roaming hot spots, it just stand still in one point inside the blue quest area on map.
Quest : Rocket Rescue
Problem : after delivering package and bombing target the bot is not using the emergency rocket pack to return to Gadgetzan
Quest : Secret Communacation - Silithus
Problem : Bot gets swarmed and keep dying
edit : I am playing a MM hunter - troll, Plates wearer maybe will encounter less problem here.

Hi, Dutmulia,

We greatly appreciate your desire to help. However, we cannot act on problem reports without logs. Without the log, we've no way to see if you've an interfering plugin or WoWclient addon, you were "in competition" with other players for the quest objective, you were suffering navigational issues, your WoWclient glitched (happens more frequently than one would think), your bot was mis-configured, etc.

With nothing to analyze, we've simply no way to make corrections from this informaiton.

If you wish to submit problem reports, we need you to follow the process outlined in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post]. This includes attaching the full log that captured the issue.

But, thank you again for the attempts.

Having trouble with this profile.
I'm not able to start the quests in Dread Wastes?
My bot just runs off into Townlong Steppes.

Hi, Kumoon,

There is no way to assist you with problems like this, unless you attach the full log that captures the issue. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml
Quest: Seeds of Discord - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: This quest will not complete due to toon not going to the Ogre outhouse and putting on it's ogre diguise, instead it goes straight to Kar'ghoon and tries to lure him away. Result is HB terminating due to expected chatoption not beeing available
This a Problem only by Druids. When they Shapeshift, they Remove the Buff, so they not a Orc anymore and can't attack the npc.
Nope, has happened on every char I've leveld sofar. Not just druids. And even if it were just a problem for druids, it's still a problem :)

Hi, Slite62, and many thanks for the log.

MaxMuster is spot on with his analysis:

// Apply costume...
[09:23:31.538 D] Goal: RunMacro-v1085: ""Seeds of Discord" (http://wowhead.com/quest=25308)"
Running macro 1 times

[Ref: "[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]($Rev: 2166 $)" @line 2728]
[09:23:31.539 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
// Singular shifts to cat form, breaking the Costume buff
[09:23:36.174 N] [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Me @ 100.0%
// Profile asks Honorbuddy to kill mob...
[09:23:56.759 D] Goal: Kill High Cultist Azennios x 1
// Druid is unable to complete this task since it no longer has Orc disguise buff...

In v3090, we've attempted to work around the Druid shapeshift problem. However, a profile has no control over the abilities selected for use by the Combat Routine. So, our work-around is hacky at best, and may not work.

For the "happens on non-Druids, too" issue, we'll have to see the logs for that problem. Our guess is a plugin is interfering with the completion of this quest. Please show us a log, the next time this happens to you on a non-Druid.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1379876]Slite62's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1379941]MaxMuster's follow-on analysis of the problem[/post][/size]