I have 1 request. Please break down 1-80 by zone just like you have broken down 80-90. Your profile simply goes to the wrong zone and does green quests all the way to 80, sure this is great for starting toons that have crappy gear, but for toons with full looms this is terribly slow xp.
Notable changes I'd make for toons with looms, at 40-45 it goes to feralas which is lvl 35 zone and does green quests even when there are still yellow quests available in dustwallow marsh (and 1k needles but that place is a nightmare so i understand skipping it). At the 50-52 range instead of finishing off tanaris and going into un'goro it runs to felwood and does green quests... fortunately you can open the un'goro profile and it will go back to tanaris and finish it off so not a big deal there.
60-68 is a nightmare, What the bot should be doing is 58-60 in hell fire, 60-62 in zangamarsh, 62-64 in terrorkar, 64-66 in nagrand and 66-68 wherever the bot goes next as I'm not sure since it is always 68-70 range when it finishes nagrand wasting lots of good xp/money.
68-80 is simply stupid, much worse than BC minus the fact that being in hellfire for more than 2min is bad on a pvp server since tons of 90 of both faction just gank quest npcs all day long which is why i skip the zone completely when i can. the bot will stay in borean tundra from 68-72 instead of leaving at 71 and going to dragonblight. It should then go from 71-73 in dragonblight, 73-75 in grizzly hills, 75-77 in zul'drak then 77-80 in icecrown/storm peaks, it should 100% skip sholazar basin since you get stuck there and have a huge beacon over your head screaming BOT.
The easiest fix is simply having each zone as a separate profile you can load just like un'goro and silithus and having an auto-loader for those too lazy to choose which zone they want to go in. Also the bot seems to get stuck in the exact same places every time, over the past few months I have watched my bot go from 1-90 so have a very good idea when it simply is not worth it to bot and when it is.