Hi Echotiger,
thank you for your explanation. I will post the issue I described to mesh error thread.
I got another more general issue that occured a few times:
If my char gets an auto-accept quest and tries to pick up another quest, HB seems to have trouble with this situation as two quest/gossip frames are present. Is it possible to close all quest/gossip frames and trying to pickup quest again, before HB stops due to not being able to pickup quest?
I guess PickUp behavior has to be changed then.
<TurnIn QuestName="The Battle of Thunder Pass" QuestId="34124" TurnInName="Durotan" Entry="76484" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.3998" />
<PickUp QuestName="The Secrets of Gorgrond" QuestId="34867" GiverName="Durotan" Entry="76484" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.3998" />
[08:28:51.929 D] Goal: Turning in Quest - Die Schlacht am Donnerpass (http://wowhead.com/quest=34124) : To - Durotan : ID - 0 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 1546]
[08:28:51.997 D] Activity: Waiting for NPC to show a quest cursor
<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="The Battle of Thunder Pass - Stage 10" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.3998" />
Objectif: Turning in Quest - Ein grüner Ogron? (http://wowhead.com/quest=36482) : To - Cutter : ID - 82274 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 606]
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" QuestId="33663" GiverName="Rakthoth" GiverId="85089" X="6972.672" Y="872.684" Z="93.21857" />
<MoveTo Nav="Fly" X="7092.143" Y="835.4748" Z="73.02531" />
<!-- Make sure navigator doesn't calculate a bad path through the M2 objects -->
<!-- Gathering the Spark -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MovementBy="NavigatorPreferred" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" QuestId="34636" MobId="79390" NonCompeteDistance="0" NumOfTimes="20" TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(1, 34636)"
WaitTime="2000" Range="3" >
<HuntingGrounds WaypointVisitStrategy="InOrder" >
<Hotspot X="3284.61" Y="988.6947" Z="41.05988" />
<Hotspot X="3253.359" Y="1026.175" Z="40.14833" />
<Hotspot X="3232.271" Y="1074.159" Z="36.50601" />
That would be a recommendation/bug report for the bot's core.Hi Echotiger,
thank you for your explanation. I will post the issue I described to mesh error thread.
I got another more general issue that occured a few times:
If my char gets an auto-accept quest and tries to pick up another quest, HB seems to have trouble with this situation as two quest/gossip frames are present. Is it possible to close all quest/gossip frames and trying to pickup quest again, before HB stops due to not being able to pickup quest?
I guess PickUp behavior has to be changed then.
Edit: Seems like this issue occurs not only when an auto accept quest appears.
It should, yes.i did notice this too actually. i have zygor on now and works fine
also.. for the 12-58 kick profile. will it buy the riding at 20?
A majority of these issues aren't profile-related issues.This level pack all of a sudden doesn't work properly now. I used this on 2 of my bots and it worked fine all the way to 110. Now I am running it again, and it dies constantly, it doesn't ress my pet when it dies etc. And also, I have never seen this before but only this bot don't know how to move properly - it looks so obvious it's botting. It's navigating with the click to-move RIGHT in front of it. Quite hard to explain, but it moves with so small steps constantly that it looks like it's floating or running half'ly'. This is a a major issue.
Right now leveling in Aszuna level 100.
It sounds like you probably have a corruption in your installation.trying to load the auto loader but i get the message Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!, am i missing some files or plugins? Where can I get them?
I'd also suggest using smaller mounts - as bigger mounts will also result in more stucks than usual.Hello, i dont know its bot bug or profile, but 1-110 Questing Profile Pack is bugged every 5-15 mins. Post this report in Honorbuddy Support section too.
View attachment 215106
Looks like problem with travel form. I buy mounts to all my lvling toons and change in hb settings to use wyverns and gryphons. So looks like it working now...
I'll need a full log to see your issue.Am leveling a alt and am stuck on the following:
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] 87-88 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick] ($Rev: 5841 $)
KunLaiTheFallofShaiHu behavior is marked as obsolete and will be removed in a future release. DO NOT USE. THIS QB WILL BE REMOVED IN THE NEAR FUTURE
and then it just sits there
Suggestions pls
Is this happening consistently over multiple characters?Hi Echotiger,
I've leveled some chars in WoD and got stuck at the same progress point. Seems like HB has trouble recognizing this NPC already has quest to turn in:
Code:<TurnIn QuestName="The Battle of Thunder Pass" QuestId="34124" TurnInName="Durotan" Entry="76484" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.3998" /> <PickUp QuestName="The Secrets of Gorgrond" QuestId="34867" GiverName="Durotan" Entry="76484" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.3998" />
HB keeps logging
Code:[08:28:51.929 D] Goal: Turning in Quest - Die Schlacht am Donnerpass (http://wowhead.com/quest=34124) : To - Durotan : ID - 0 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 1546] [08:28:51.997 D] Activity: Waiting for NPC to show a quest cursor
I've now turned in manually but thought this might be interesting for you to know. Log attached
This line seems to be critical as well:
Code:<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="The Battle of Thunder Pass - Stage 10" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.3998" />
as you cannot fly during this scenario. Maybe "Run" will solve it.
For quest 36482, which mob is under water?Hi Echotiger,
seems like HB has trouble turning in this particular quest (mob is under water, maybe that's causing this issue)
Code:Objectif: Turning in Quest - Ein grüner Ogron? (http://wowhead.com/quest=36482) : To - Cutter : ID - 82274 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 606]
Code:<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" QuestId="33663" GiverName="Rakthoth" GiverId="85089" X="6972.672" Y="872.684" Z="93.21857" /> <MoveTo Nav="Fly" X="7092.143" Y="835.4748" Z="73.02531" /> <!-- Make sure navigator doesn't calculate a bad path through the M2 objects -->
(Source: [Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml)
Would you mind removing the second line? Even if char has already completed quests in Gorgrond, char will still move there and then load Talador quests as this MoveTo is only within this condition: IsQuestCompleted(36474).
Thank you
I had to replace hotspots for this quest, as char was not able to gather all arcane vortexes:
Code:<!-- Gathering the Spark --> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MovementBy="NavigatorPreferred" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" QuestId="34636" MobId="79390" NonCompeteDistance="0" NumOfTimes="20" TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(1, 34636)" WaitTime="2000" Range="3" > <HuntingGrounds WaypointVisitStrategy="InOrder" > <Hotspot X="3284.61" Y="988.6947" Z="41.05988" /> <Hotspot X="3253.359" Y="1026.175" Z="40.14833" /> <Hotspot X="3232.271" Y="1074.159" Z="36.50601" /> </HuntingGrounds> </CustomBehavior>
(Source: [Fly][H - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Kick].xml)
Not yet.Hello all
Can this meta pack complete the whole Class hall campaign ?
I've modified the logic here to use newer methods which should fix the issue.