[01:48:06.649 D] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedWhile.
[01:48:06.755 D] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedWhile.
[01:48:06.755 D] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedWhile.
[01:48:06.822 D] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedWhile.
[01:48:06.824 D] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 38347, QuestName: Stealth by Seaweed].
[01:48:06.827 D] Added new hook [Combat_Only] a2a7572d-cdf4-449c-b9e4-e6d3639101ca
[01:48:06.834 D] Cleared POI
[01:48:06.834 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - Stealth by Seaweed (http://wowhead.com/quest=38347) : From - Colborn the Unworthy (http://wowhead.com/npc=91531) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1519]
[01:48:06.887 D] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp, NavType: Run from <-859.4084, 4301.147, 745.1597>
[01:48:07.025 D] [Flightor] Set up for movement from <-859.4084, 4301.147, 745.1597> to <366.4219, 369.7465, 27.5088>
[01:48:07.026 D] [Flightor] Failed ground nav from <-859.4084, 4301.147, 745.1597> to <366.4219, 369.7465, 27.5088> with status PathGenerationFailed
[01:48:07.026 D] [Flightor] We cannot fly and end location is not reachable by ground from our location.
[01:48:07.026 D] Clearing POI: Can not navigate to current POI.
[01:48:07.026 D] Activity: Waiting for object to appear to pick up quest from
[01:48:07.072 D] Cleared POI
[01:48:07.121 D] [Flightor] Failed ground nav from <-859.4084, 4301.147, 745.1597> to <366.4219, 369.7465, 27.5088> with status PathGenerationFailed
[01:48:07.121 D] Clearing POI: Can not navigate to current POI.