[Ref: "[N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo]" @line 415]
[03:59:34.222 N] ------------------------------
[03:59:34.222 N] Target Clear
[03:59:34.222 N] ------------------------------
[03:59:34.563 D] Stopped moving.
[03:59:34.628 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interacting with '폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기'
[03:59:34.630 D] Interacting with 폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기 (Unit Id: 107840)
[03:59:35.708 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interact with '폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기' succeeded.
[03:59:35.712 V] Blacklisting 277C for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller: at Styx.CommonBot.Blacklist.Add(WoWGuid guid, BlacklistFlags flags, TimeSpan duration, String reason)
[03:59:35.779 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete. Reached our required count of 1.
[03:59:35.834 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:35.834 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 5382b4cc-ba2d-4dc0-a389-950865ae8b5e
[03:59:35.834 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] 13b485a7-657d-40bf-8608-35466b84ecca
[03:59:35.841 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
[03:59:35.841 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:35.849 D] Activity: RunLua: QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton:Click(); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
[03:59:35.849 D] Goal: RunLua-RunLua: In Progress (no associated quest)
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo]" @line 416]
[03:59:35.905 D] [RunLua-RunLua(debug)] RunLua behavior complete.
[03:59:36.100 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:36.111 D] [RunLua-RunLua(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[03:59:36.284 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:36.285 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] ec2879c8-fc8e-48c0-b831-23d07849146f
[03:59:36.285 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] 4af22cf0-569c-4195-aec4-9e0ac1eed0fc
[03:59:36.308 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interacting with '폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기'
[03:59:36.311 D] Interacting with 폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기 (Unit Id: 107840)
[03:59:36.312 D] Goal: InteractWith-Intera: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with 폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo]" @line 415]
[03:59:37.668 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interact with '폭풍벼림 갈고리 발사기' succeeded.
[03:59:37.728 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete. Reached our required count of 1.
[03:59:37.798 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:37.798 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] ec2879c8-fc8e-48c0-b831-23d07849146f
[03:59:37.798 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] 4af22cf0-569c-4195-aec4-9e0ac1eed0fc
[03:59:37.804 D] [InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
[03:59:37.804 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:37.814 D] Activity: RunLua: QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton:Click(); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
[03:59:37.814 D] Goal: RunLua-RunLua: In Progress (no associated quest)
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo]" @line 416]
[03:59:37.863 D] [RunLua-RunLua(debug)] RunLua behavior complete.
[03:59:37.938 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:37.944 D] [RunLua-RunLua(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[03:59:38.060 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:59:38.060 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] f169d958-8979-44e0-86ab-508461266d29
[03:59:38.060 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] 3aca1365-3c2a-480f-8014-d833ba0b1fa2
[03:59:38.076 D] [Flightor] Set up for movement from <3403.391, 3072.983, 526.5198> to <3407.027, 3071.241, 526.5193>
[03:59:38.079 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[03:59:38.079 D] Goal: InteractWith-Intera: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with MobId(107840)
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo]" @line 415]
[03:59:38.333 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[03:59:39.991 D] Maintenance problem: Item string changed, can't fix item link
[03:59:39.999 N] [AutoEquip] Equipping item 수석땜장이의 절연 장화 (
Tinkmaster's Insulated Boots - Item - World of Warcraft) instead of 드로그바가 꿰맨 발등싸개 (
Drogstitch Footwraps - Item - World of Warcraft) (slot: Feet) - it scored 9027.50 while the old scored 6790.75
[03:59:50.096 D] Maintenance problem: Item string changed, can't fix item link
[04:00:29.417 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [35g74s33c]
[04:01:05.703 N] Latency to Buddy service: 117 ms
[04:02:41.968 D] Maintenance problem: Item string changed, can't fix item link
[04:03:05.708 N] Latency to Buddy service: 118 ms
[04:03:29.510 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [35g74s33c]
[04:04:52.923 D] Maintenance problem: Item string changed, can't fix item link
[04:05:05.740 N] Latency to Buddy service: 151 ms
[04:06:29.567 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [35g74s33c]
[04:07:05.744 N] Latency to Buddy service: 150 ms
[04:07:44.627 D] Maintenance problem: Item string changed, can't fix item link
don't work