Hello again
I'll try to be quick this time, it's about the DK starting quest revised by Bambam922.
It's nice to see another way of doing the DK quests but it is still buggy at the moment.
I'll briefly try to tell you some of the things i found wrong with the profile:
1- Forcing to buy food in the DK phased questing area is not a good idea.
For example the quest
"into the realm of shadow" where the bot is supposed to go into a phased zone to kill and steal the horse, if the bot dies like a few times while trying to get on a horse, it will try to go buy more food and while going to vendor the bot would bug because the vendors don't exist in the particular phase.
The second issue is, the DK doesn't start with a good amount of money, so when i helped him go to a vendor, i found that buying 20 items of food was too expensive and the bot showed that the money is not enough, and the best part is later when the bot needed to repair, he was broke
2- The quest:
"into the realms of shadows", the bot would only steal the horse if certain conditions don't apply (if the bot get's aggroed into a fight after killing the horseman and trying to steal the horse, it will skip the horse interaction, and will go up to the hill and back again in a loop).
The fix here is simple: you just need to add
QuestId="[the quest number]" with the
"InteractWith" CustomBehavior, because what that argument adds to the questing is the fact that the interaction will be treated as a "While loop condition" instead of an "if condition", and will certainly make the quest work 100% instead of 50% or less (that's what i learned after opening the InteractWith.cs file and read the comments inside).
Another proof: If you check the previous horse stealing quest
"Grand Theft of Palamino", you'll see that the "QuestId" argument is already implemented there and thus it works without any issues.
3- The quest where the DK wears the dual wield swords, and tries to interrogate, it did get stuck in place and saw the bot not moving and a mob attacking him... and then decided to stop looking further into this profile which needs some tweaking and corrections
I'm currently using Nesox revision, which works perfectly AFK, the moment you fix the two horse stealing quests. I can share my fix if you wish, or link the file here (Tested on 8 DK's both factions so far... i just get AFK and come back to see them questing in outland).