[19:21:05.640 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[19:21:06.850 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 8.3 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[19:21:10.957 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Snowfall Glade Pup.C4C9 lvl=1 h=100.0%, maxh=40, d=50.5 yds, box=0.4, boss=N, trivial=Y, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=Y, hostile=N, entry=26200, faction=190, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Humanoid, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[19:21:10.930 V] Loading Northrend_30_25
[19:21:11.836 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Snowfall Glade Pup (id: 26200, dist: 24.0, TtB: 19s)
[19:21:12.517 D] Stopped moving.
[19:21:12.572 D] [InteractWith-v2156(debug)] Interacting with 'Snowfall Glade Pup'
[19:21:12.573 D] Interacting with Snowfall Glade Pup (Unit Id: 26200)
[19:21:13.315 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You are mounted.
[19:21:13.658 D] [InteractWith-v2156(debug)] Interaction with Snowfall Glade Pup interrupted.
[19:21:13.658 N] [InteractWith-v2156(warning)] Interaction with Snowfall Glade Pup interrupted. Reason: You are mounted.
[19:21:15.279 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Snowfall Glade Den Mother.C4E2 lvl=72 h=100.0%, maxh=4608, d=5.1 yds, box=0.8, boss=N, trivial=Y, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=26199, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Humanoid, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[19:21:15.346 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Snowfall Glade Den Mother.C4E2 h=100.0%, maxh=4608, d=5.1 yds, box=0.8, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[19:21:15.349 N] (Singular) .... [PULL] h=100.0%, e=0.0%, runes(b2 f2 u2 d2), moving=False, how=632, fog=0, drksuc=0, soulreap=0, Snowfall Glade Den Mother.C4E2, 100.0%, dies -1, 5.1 yds, inmelee=N, loss=True, ff=0.0, bp=0.0, np=0.0, disticking=N, no pet