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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!


Here is an updated version of the profile, which I fixed myself by removing the quest known as "Spirits be Praised" and the quest chain that is dependent upon completing this prerequisite quest.

Replace the current file in this location with the file contained within my attachments and load profile via local file.
\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Classic\[H - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[H - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]


Edit: I have yet to check the patch notes to find out if this was intentionally removed by Blizzard; however, I can confirm that you are unable to pick up this quest in the current patch.


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A lot of quests changed or removed as I can see from 90 to 100


If you make any revisions, be sure to upload them here. I will be doing a full run through from 1-100 throughout the next few days, so I will post my findings and any revisions, if I proceed to utilize the quest method of leveling from 90-100. I may just end up leveling via dungeons & Elixir of the Rapid Mind.

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A lot of quests changed or removed as I can see from 90 to 100
I'll have groups of 5 for both Alliance and Horde running both 1-90 and 90-100 brackets to fix any changes Blizzard may have made.
Thanks for the heads up!

Here is an updated version of the profile, which I fixed myself by removing the quest known as "Spirits be Praised" and the quest chain that is dependent upon completing this prerequisite quest.

Replace the current file in this location with the file contained within my attachments and load profile via local file.
\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Classic\[H - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[H - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]


Edit: I have yet to check the patch notes to find out if this was intentionally removed by Blizzard; however, I can confirm that you are unable to pick up this quest in the current patch.
Thanks for filling in the gap until I could get back!
A proper commit has been made to the repository and should be live to the store copy soon.

Just as a heads up, you missed removing a IsQuestCompleted() from the <If/> check that conditions whether or not the Watershed Patrol quest needs to be picked up.
With this left in, the bot will go back to pickup the Watershed Patrol quest and abandon it on each bot stop->start since it's still checking for the 'Spirits be Praised' quest.
Hi, can I somehow override bot settings, to make him sell everything, including clothes and resourses?

I play on low-populated server, so there's really no purpose in gathering these.
The bot tried to "Goal: Picking Up Quest - Shredder Manual (http://wowhead.com/quest=34948) : From - Gazlowe (http://wowhead.com/npc=75924) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 426]

The issue i have with this is that quest is already done and the npc isnt there anymore, so it wont continue quest in Talador.
I have testers running the profiles as we speak, so they should be by that area soon.
In the mean time, do you have a full log of this?
Hi, can I somehow override bot settings, to make him sell everything, including clothes and resourses?

I play on low-populated server, so there's really no purpose in gathering these.
The easiest 'solution' would be to rename your protected items file.
But just as a warning, this will make the bot sell nearly 'everything' in your bags.

Go to your Honorbuddy folder, and look for "Protected Items.xml"
Simply rename it to something else, then restart Honorbuddy.

You may also want to check all the "Sell" boxes on the Settings & Tools menu under the 'Override profile settings' section.
After updating to revision 4697 (the current latest), the following error occurs: "[DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR: ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive." It all happens in the following profile: [A] 68-80 profile.

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="ItemForAura_ZepiksHuntingHorn" ItemId="38512" UseWhen="HasItem(38512) &amp;&amp; !Me.HasAura(54176)" />

The error described above relates to the line above. A temporary solution is to go to the troubled lines and commenting them out so the bot can operate. That's all the information I can provide. I hope this helps! :)
There is a error :

 [DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR:     ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive.
    [Ref: "[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 4697 $)" @line 11984]
[DoWhen-v2082(error) @line 11984]: Stopping Honorbuddy.  Please repair the profile!
same here

There is a error :

 [DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR:     ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive.
    [Ref: "[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 4697 $)" @line 11984]
[DoWhen-v2082(error) @line 11984]: Stopping Honorbuddy.  Please repair the profile!
After updating to revision 4697 (the current latest), the following error occurs: "[DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR: ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive." It all happens in the following profile: [A] 68-80 profile.

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="ItemForAura_ZepiksHuntingHorn" ItemId="38512" UseWhen="HasItem(38512) && !Me.HasAura(54176)" />

The error described above relates to the line above. A temporary solution is to go to the troubled lines and commenting them out so the bot can operate. That's all the information I can provide. I hope this helps! :)

There is a error :

 [DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR:     ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive.
    [Ref: "[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 4697 $)" @line 11984]
[DoWhen-v2082(error) @line 11984]: Stopping Honorbuddy.  Please repair the profile!
same here

Should be fixed in the latest update.
The update will be live on the store at 11:00 AM or PM UTC.

Alternatively, if you're using the SVN, it should be live now on it.
How are you obtaining the profiles?
Also, do you have a full log I could perhaps look at?
Obtaining from the Buddystore .
Yes of course , View attachment 1052 2016-03-28 23.09.txt
the program message :

[DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR: ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive.
[Ref: "[Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 4697 $)" @line 10590]
[DoWhen-v2082(error) @line 10590]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Obtaining from the Buddystore .
Yes of course , View attachment 200168
the program message :

[DoWhen-v2082(error)] PROFILE ERROR: ItemId, SpellId, and ActivityName attributes are mutually exclusive.
[Ref: "[Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 4697 $)" @line 10590]
[DoWhen-v2082(error) @line 10590]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Thanks for the log!

As noted in the previous post, the store copy won't be updated until 11 AM/PM UTC.
This will take place in 2hours 33minutes from now.
I'm using the autoloader at level 98 but it keeps on going to Shadowmoon Valley to quest?
90-100 has no level checks since most people use it for the Pathfinder achievement and skipping zones can cause quest-progression issues.
You'll have to manually load the 98-100 Nagrand profile if you want it to quest around your level.