Your log isn't providing enough information.
Thanks for the report but - which profile are you using?The quest Frenzied Manafeeders is not working properly. The character flys from point to point and does not attach the mobs. It appears an incorrect ID is being used.
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Frenzied Manafeeders" QuestId="34400" GiverName="Ageilaa" GiverId="78534" />
<Objective QuestName="Frenzied Manafeeders" QuestId="34400" Type="KillMob" Nav="Fly" MobId="78597" KillCount="8" />
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="Frenzied Manafeeders" QuestId="34400" TurnInName="Ageilaa" TurnInId="78534" />
Information about Frenzied Manafeeder
Name = Frenzied Manafeeder
Wowhead Id = 78390
Faction = 14 [Monster]
Location = <2302.431, 2896.495, 138.6151>
<Vendor Name="Frenzied Manafeeder" Entry="78390" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="2302.431" Y="2896.495" Z="138.6151" />
I'll see about adding in a code to turn off mounts while this quest is being carried out.With the quest Raptor Hunting, the character rides around mounted moving from hotspot to hotspot without dismounting to attack. There are plenty of mobs around and the correct mob ID is being used. If the character is dismounted somehow it will properly attack/pull the mobs.
This is happening considerably more frequently since the latest HB update.
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Raptor Hunting" QuestId="194" GiverName="Hemet Nesingwary Jr." GiverId="715" />
<Objective QuestName="Raptor Hunting" QuestId="194" Type="KillMob" Nav="Fly" MobId="685" KillCount="10" />
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="Raptor Hunting" QuestId="194" TurnInName="Hemet Nesingwary Jr." TurnInId="715" />
Information about Stranglethorn Raptor
Name = Stranglethorn Raptor
Wowhead Id = 685
Faction = 48 [Beast - Raptor]
Location = <-11923.28, 516.3224, 46.90936>
<Vendor Name="Stranglethorn Raptor" Entry="685" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="-11923.28" Y="516.3224" Z="46.90936" />
Thanks for the report but - which profile are you using?
Frenzied Manafeeders isn't handled by an <Objective/> tag but instead a "CombatUseItemOnV2" - which the correct ID is there for this behavior.
This isn't a typical error. Do you have a full log of this?Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 432, Element: <Objective QuestName="Princess Must Die!" QuestId="88" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="1006" CollectCount="1" />
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
is what i get and the bot stops
The auto-loader won't actively change the profile you're running as you level.Hey there. Quick question.
How does Auto Loader work?
From what I'm seeing, or at least believing, it loads the best profile based on my level and will change accordingly, correct?
If that's what it's supposed to do, how come when I start it it starts a profile but never changes anything?
I questioned you because like I said, the <Objective/> tag isn't being used to carry out this quest.This profile sillyI wouldn't be reporting a fault for another profile
The snippet I included was from the Developer Tools form, right click the quest Frenzied Manafeeders, select Copy XML and copy 'n' paste the XML spit out in HB log.
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Raptor Hunting" QuestId="194" GiverName="Hemet Nesingwary Jr." GiverId="715" />
<Objective QuestName="Raptor Hunting" QuestId="194" Type="KillMob" Nav="Fly" MobId="685" KillCount="10" />
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="Raptor Hunting" QuestId="194" TurnInName="Hemet Nesingwary Jr." TurnInId="715" />
I checked the profile and there is a code to interact with the portal at line 902 and 906.Not sure of the quest name as I closed HB and wasn't paying attention at the time. But after the Blackhand Event cutscene stops, the character runs to the red dot (blob) instead of interacting with the portal.
The HB status message is "Moving to hunting ground waypoint "hunting ground center". It will stay here indefinitely until you stop/restart HB.
It should interact with the portal to move to the next part of the quest (turn in). The green arrow should be point at the portal and not Khadgar.
<GameObject Name="Portal to Talador" Entry="231620" X="3598.398" Y="3058.706" Z="1.949381" />
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="The Battle for Shattrath" QuestId="34099" GiverName="Archmage Khadgar" GiverId="75805" />
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="The Battle for Shattrath" QuestId="34099" TurnInName="Yrel" TurnInId="79608" />
I checked the profile and there is a code to interact with the portal at line 902 and 906.
If you have one, I'll need a log for this one.
Not sure of the quest name as I closed HB and wasn't paying attention at the time. But after the Blackhand Event cutscene stops, the character runs to the red dot (blob) instead of interacting with the portal.
The HB status message is "Moving to hunting ground waypoint "hunting ground center". It will stay here indefinitely until you stop/restart HB.
It should interact with the portal to move to the next part of the quest (turn in). The green arrow should be point at the portal and not Khadgar.
<GameObject Name="Portal to Talador" Entry="231620" X="3598.398" Y="3058.706" Z="1.949381" />
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="The Battle for Shattrath" QuestId="34099" GiverName="Archmage Khadgar" GiverId="75805" />
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="The Battle for Shattrath" QuestId="34099" TurnInName="Yrel" TurnInId="79608" />
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