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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

She is at the location. However she doesn't offer a quest. She is supposed to offer a quest that leads to Gorgrond. However I have already completed the Gorgrond zone and thus must've completed a quest. The follow-up quest in the quest chain is completed. So I don't really need this quest. Is there a way to bypass this quest?
She is at the location. However she doesn't offer a quest. She is supposed to offer a quest that leads to Gorgrond. However I have already completed the Gorgrond zone and thus must've completed a quest. The follow-up quest in the quest chain is completed. So I don't really need this quest. Is there a way to bypass this quest?
Yea, that could've broke it. There's no easy way to bypass it aside from manually editing the profile.

Here's an edit that should ignore it for you:
View attachment [Fly][A - Quest] 90-92 SMV [Kick] - Edit.xml
Thanks for the log!
But you can you give a few pointers as to where the bot is running into the wall at?
And what quests the bot was previously doing prior to running into the wall?

The log doesn't give very many hints as to "we're running into a wall!" or anything like that.
So I'm a bit lost looking through the 30,020 lines of log.

haha im running another leveling group tomorrow so will make notes on what happened sorry about being so bad at this :P
actually i level a frost DK from 90-100 (fresh boosted account/char) and it's working nice, thanks!

but is there any (sorry, FREE) profile you can recommend to switch a bit? i don't want to run kicks questing too long. in other words: i don't want to run 90-100 only with kicks questing and nothing else....

i guess i should try profession buddy (mines/herbs) , maybe garrison?, bit of grinding?

if everything works nice i will buy some profiles.
i told you abot all the problems and bugs in bot... i spammed all the bugs, stupid moves and other problems i had but no one of you answered me back. You guys did a huge ZERO about that.... i was not afk and stopped bot asap i see the bugs and still suspended... This is like a joke... HUGE JOKE!
i told you abot all the problems and bugs in bot... i spammed all the bugs, stupid moves and other problems i had but no one of you answered me back. You guys did a huge ZERO about that.... i was not afk and stopped bot asap i see the bugs and still suspended... This is like a joke... HUGE JOKE!
Could you link me the bug reports you had made?

The only reports I'm finding that you posted are bugs that aren't profile related and are moreso technical issues caused by your installation or in-game addons.
I responded to you by giving advice on how to fix it since the reported issues weren't profile releated but you never responded back to confirm that the solutions actually worked.

You not replying to me isn't my fault.
But claiming I did "ZERO about that" is an absolutely absurd statement.

I make sure everyone that posts on the questing pack gets a full length reply with a full solution to their issues or at least a temporary work-around to get the bot going again.
Even if they don't post a log, which is typically required on this thread.

Keep in mind also, when you report a bug I must send a tester out to the location and verify it's actually a bug.
If I can't replicate the error on my end and nobody else reports the error, then it's assumed the issue lies within your installation and not the profile.

You can keep track of the bug fixes here:

Also to be clear, a profile bug wouldn't have caused your bot to be banned today.

Today there was a banwave.
Since it seems that you don't know what a banwave is: It's when Blizzard finds a very specific method of detecting the bot globally, and uses it to ban a huge chunk of botters regardless of what they were doing.
Even people who weren't actually using the bot directly but instead using it to write profiles or develop combat rotines could be affected by the banwave.
Anyone who had botted within a specific date range was banned - you were just one of the unlucky ones.
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actually i level a frost DK from 90-100 (fresh boosted account/char) and it's working nice, thanks!

but is there any (sorry, FREE) profile you can recommend to switch a bit? i don't want to run kicks questing too long. in other words: i don't want to run 90-100 only with kicks questing and nothing else....

i guess i should try profession buddy (mines/herbs) , maybe garrison?, bit of grinding?

if everything works nice i will buy some profiles.
Bans related directly to questing are quite rare.
Aside from the banwave we had today, under normal circumstances there's typically a very -very- low chance of getting banned while running the 1-100 questing profiles.
I've never had it happen once and I constantly have groups of 5 going to 100 for tetsing purposes.

I wouldn't reccomend 'straight up' grinding since grinding is one of the more risky things to bot.
The best thing you could do is limit how long you bot the questing pack, and actually play the character a bit manually inbetween breaks.
Dude i have linked alot of them just in one msg. and with few msg`es buts its dosnt matter now, shït happens... Thank you for your answer... I did a HUGE mistake with being mad at my first msg. here there for did i get missundertod by you, others and by one moron (he know who he is) Think i linked +/- 10 if not +/- 15 logs... I am done with bizzard games. I was actualy looking for af ban so i can start playuing other games. Have ps4 i nearly never played on and alot of other PC games... A

Anyway mate, SORRY again, i did big mistake with starting mad on my msg. But the moron pissed me extreme much off so he didnt actuly help me with relaxing.. So some morons have to shut up untill ppl with mistakes can see there problem and sry for that.

Again sry and thanks your for looking to my msg`es, thats show me that you still are up to trying to fix problems...

Sorry for my englis. Learned it by playing wow and using google translate...
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Dude i have linked alot of them just in one msg. and with few msg`es buts its dosnt matter now, shït happens... Thank you for your answer... I did a HUGE mistake with being mad at my first msg. here there for did i get missundertod by you, but others and by morons (he know who he is) Think i linked +/- 10 if not +/- 15 logs... I am done with bizzard games. I was actualy looking for af ban so i can start playuing other games. Have ps4 i nearly never played on and alot of other PC games... A

Anyway mate, SORRY again, i did big mistake with starting mad on my msg. But the moron pissed me extreme much off so he didnt actuly help me with relaxing.. So some morons have to shut up untill ppl with mistakes can see there problem and sry for that.

Again sry and thanks your for looking to my msg`es, thats show me that you still are up to trying to fix problems...

Sorry for my englis. Learned it by playing wow and using google translate...
I'm just here to help. I understand your frustrations.

It's hard losing an account to the banwave.
Expecially one that you've spent so much time and money into.

I went back to find your original bug posts, and I did reply to them but you never replied back so I wasn't sure that my suggestions fixed your issues or not.
At that point I just have to archive your posts and move on.

Anywho, good luck with your adventures outside of the Blizzard world!
I had the account for 10 years and payed every single year, all collectors edition OR digital deluxe, 654 pets, all level capped and rare, alot of toys, many golds, 7 chars (deled chars many times, dunno why) alot of cool rare stuff BUT you know what, i dont care :) i was pissed becous i didnt get my msges answered but now i can see you answered and the problem was at me... SO SORRY!

Thanks and wishes for you to in blizzard and honorbuddy....
Bans related directly to questing are quite rare.
Aside from the banwave we had today, under normal circumstances there's typically a very -very- low chance of getting banned while running the 1-100 questing profiles.
I've never had it happen once and I constantly have groups of 5 going to 100 for tetsing purposes.

I wouldn't reccomend 'straight up' grinding since grinding is one of the more risky things to bot.
The best thing you could do is limit how long you bot the questing pack, and actually play the character a bit manually inbetween breaks.

my account is only a few days old and alive after running kick's.

if i try to start the bot again soon it's ok (risk as usual) ?
or shall i wait (let Honorbuddy exe untouched) until there is a new official statement? (tripwire etc....)
Most of the bots and profiles for me were awful. Even when i have no addons on, its still saying i have it on and it may cause problems. Anyway, my character always gets stuck or goes into a mount/dismount loop. i always had to babysit that fucker!
Most of the bots and profiles for me were awful. Even when i have no addons on, its still saying i have it on and it may cause problems. Anyway, my character always gets stuck or goes into a mount/dismount loop. i always had to babysit that fucker!
mount/dismount loop? that's an issue with the bot, not the profile.
you should report that on the support section.

i personally have virtually no issues when running this 1-100 pack.
ive leveled a ton of characters from 1 to 100 and it only messes up maybe 2 to 3times on average.

the mess ups are usually just some weird error that doesnt exist when i start the profile up again.
like the quest frame not closing out, or the game disconnecting
my account is only a few days old and alive after running kick's.

if i try to start the bot again soon it's ok (risk as usual) ?
or shall i wait (let Honorbuddy exe untouched) until there is a new official statement? (tripwire etc....)
To be completely safe, I'd wait a week after Honorbuddy is officially live again.
Currently we don't know how long it'll be before Honorbuddy will be live, but investigations as to what was detected are still ongoing.

The last time we had a banwave, people claimed that they botted directly after the banwave and had no problems at all.
Although, it's better to be safe waiting the week than sorry.
using your profiles now mate , in drainor , seems to be a problem , sometimes just stands there doing nothing then when i move is manually it carrys on as normal
Sick download link breeeh
There is no .zip download for these profiles given they are updated multiple times a day.

The only methods of obtaining the profile are:

The store, which is explained on the third post.
The SVN link, which is linked at the end of the third post.
Or, use the copy that's shipped with the bot, it's located in the "Default Profiles/Questing Profile Pack" directory inside of your Honorbuddy folder.