i told you abot all the problems and bugs in bot... i spammed all the bugs, stupid moves and other problems i had but no one of you answered me back. You guys did a huge ZERO about that.... i was not afk and stopped bot asap i see the bugs and still suspended... This is like a joke... HUGE JOKE!
Could you link me the bug reports you had made?
The only reports I'm finding that you posted are bugs that aren't profile related and are moreso technical issues caused by your installation or in-game addons.
I responded to you by giving advice on how to fix it since the reported issues weren't profile releated but you never responded back to confirm that the solutions actually worked.
You not replying to me isn't my fault.
But claiming I did "ZERO about that" is an absolutely absurd statement.
I make sure everyone that posts on the questing pack gets a full length reply with a full solution to their issues or at least a temporary work-around to get the bot going again.
Even if they don't post a log, which is typically required on this thread.
Keep in mind also, when you report a bug I must send a tester out to the location and verify it's actually a bug.
If I can't replicate the error on my end and nobody else reports the error, then it's assumed the issue lies within your installation and not the profile.
You can keep track of the bug fixes here:
Also to be clear, a profile bug wouldn't have caused your bot to be banned today.
Today there was a banwave.
Since it seems that you don't know what a banwave is: It's when Blizzard finds a very specific method of detecting the bot globally, and uses it to ban a huge chunk of botters regardless of what they were doing.
Even people who weren't actually using the bot directly but instead using it to write profiles or develop combat rotines could be affected by the banwave.
Anyone who had botted within a specific date range was banned - you were just one of the unlucky ones.