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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I have noticed a problem with this pack in Durotar which makes it stuck for hours. This quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=25194/unbidden-visitors which requires you to spank some Striders until they flee from Durotar to Barrens is impossible to do if you have your heirlooms on as the bot will one shot the mobs. I left the bot on for 3 hours to level a new rogue and majority of the time it was stuck at level 12, killing those striders. This would be better if the bot would take the weapons off and just hit the striders with bare fists.

Edit 1: And I have also noticed that the bot has problems with mounting. I don't have logs but when I use auto loader to level my mage it doesn't mount at all even though it has the heirloom mount and riding skill learned. Also Desolace seems to be broken as the bot picks most quests but ends only half of them. Would list the quests but when I noticed this the bot had already abandoned the completed quests and it was changing zone.
It's a common issue where the "beat up until at low % of health" quests become too easy, and the bot overkills the mobs uncontrollably.
I believe a quest behavior was created to help battle the issues caused by them - I'll mark down your report here and see about working the quest behavior into this quest.

The Heirloom mount is still a bit iffy with both the bot and questing profiles.
Make sure it's set as your ground mount in "Settings & Tools."

I'm not sure why Desolace would be set to do this - I'll need to ask Kick what's up.
It could be that only bits of Desolace was coded as the entire zone wasn't needed to level.
is there any plans in the Draenor profiles, to allow us to select the buildings the bot chooses up front, or have ones fixed to be selected, so we don't need to be there to select the options?
Once the bot opens up the 'pick your building' menu, a dialog will come up and the bot will pause. You'll have 5minutes from that point to pick which one you want.
Once you pick it, the bot will continue automatically. If you don't pick, I believe the profile just picks the first building - or in some situations it picks the specific one (like the 20% experience boost Inn.)
Given that you're at it, is there a way to switch which quest rewards are chosen by the bot? Or is it integrated for each separate quest? For example, by armour type or weapon type. Cloth, mail, swords etc. Not really a necessity, was just wondering if it's actually doable. Be it by a plugin, setting or anything.
Given that you're at it, is there a way to switch which quest rewards are chosen by the bot? Or is it integrated for each separate quest? For example, by armour type or weapon type. Cloth, mail, swords etc. Not really a necessity, was just wondering if it's actually doable. Be it by a plugin, setting or anything.
It's internal to the bot itself, I don't believe there's any way to actually force it to be changed - at least to my knoweledge.
However there is some methods and whatnot in the documentation - so perhaps a plugin 'could' be made to override it. I'm not sure of any that exist though. : /

You could perhaps try using an addon.
For multiboxing, I've used AutoTurnIn which is an addon that automatically picks quest rewards and turns in the quest.
The picked quest rewards are chosen based off of 'rules' that you set (Cloth / Two-Handed / sells for most / etc)


Although I'm afraid that addon may actually cause errors with Honorbuddy. It may be worth trying though.
Bot is not switching profiles as it levels up, currently level 75 in Howling Fjord still. Every time I restart it just loads this profile and does all the quests to completion regardless of how low they are.
Once the bot opens up the 'pick your building' menu, a dialog will come up and the bot will pause. You'll have 5minutes from that point to pick which one you want.
Once you pick it, the bot will continue automatically. If you don't pick, I believe the profile just picks the first building - or in some situations it picks the specific one (like the 20% experience boost Inn.)
you're the best ^-^
Once again, Char is lvl 89 and still questing in Jade Forest. So broke

Cata, MoP and WoD profiles don't have checkpoints. Blizz lowered the amount of exp needed to level 85-90 by alot, so basically nowdays u get to 88-89 in Jade Forrest (u would get max 86 before the exp drop).

With a join date from 2010 u should be better informed, and not make such stupid statements.
While trying to level my 37 lock its messing up ive tried restarting and everything but its treating my lock as if its level 1 and now its stuck at one NPC as if it has a quest left it there for over 10 mins and wont move away from it.
A58-70 (BC) profile - chat run to mage tower and nothing - because portal to BC now inside 2 floor, and not in enter (old place)

also while bot do quest - some time it use Fly mount, some time run by earth... not human-like..
Hi all,

Didn't manage to see how to bot the kick's profile 1-100 with my level 100 toon ?

Thanks for your help.
It's a common issue where the "beat up until at low % of health" quests become too easy, and the bot overkills the mobs uncontrollably.
I believe a quest behavior was created to help battle the issues caused by them - I'll mark down your report here and see about working the quest behavior into this quest.

The Heirloom mount is still a bit iffy with both the bot and questing profiles.
Make sure it's set as your ground mount in "Settings & Tools."

I'm not sure why Desolace would be set to do this - I'll need to ask Kick what's up.
It could be that only bits of Desolace was coded as the entire zone wasn't needed to level.

Yeah if the bot would for example unequip the weapons and just autoattack on that quest it would be great.

By the way, many Horde leveling profiles in 1-100 feels incomplete or broken compared to Alliance profiles. Yes I know the zones and quests are different, but when I leveled my Alliance rogue to 100 with bot I had to step in ~5 times total while on Horde my rogue is at the moment at 40 and I have to constantly watch and help it. I will provide logs once my Horde rogue reaches 100.

TDLR; Alliance feels 99% afkable, Horde 20%. Still loving Kicks megapack though, giving me time to study while getting alts to max. :)
Hey Kick
Having some issues with killing between hotspots. Despite checking it off in settings multiple times it keeps occurring. I clear cache/settings and it still occurs. I stop bot check that its off and its off and it still occurs. Not blaming you or anything but to give you an example, it has taken about 12 hours to level from 40-50 because it kept killing mobs on pathways and me having to check the bot, restart etc. Normally runs very smooth. Anyway I have attached a log here. Thank you for all your hard work. View attachment 4248 2015-10-16 20.03.txtView attachment 6632 2015-10-16 17.51.txt
is there any plans in the Draenor profiles, to allow us to select the buildings the bot chooses up front, or have ones fixed to be selected, so we don't need to be there to select the options?
It is automated. I have the userdialog there so the user can choose.

It auto continues with it's own selection after a few minutes of waiting, if the user didn't select an option

Update for Horde flying profiles:
I am almost done with Talador. Arak and Nagrand will follow shortly.

I've been tweaking the Ally flying one because we had a lot of flying issues... the profiles are done on my end, but I am running them again to iron out any small bugs.

Should be released in the next couple of months. or was it days? years? I can't remember. ;)
why it not posible run "mixed mode" this profile as quest and dungeon buddy? because on 15-80lvl it more quick use mix mode (in dungeon more exp\hour) but long wait time (10-15 minutes for dd)?
why it not posible run "mixed mode" this profile as quest and dungeon buddy? because on 15-80lvl it more quick use mix mode (in dungeon more exp\hour) but long wait time (10-15 minutes for dd)?

no and yes.

Yes it is able to do it.
It will not do it very well if you're in a vehicle or 'timed' quest, or escort, etc.

It is stated in the first page that mixed mode is not supported, this being the reason.