i love your stuff but is there anyway to disable flying till lvl 100 in the scripts it seems to be really messing up the questing because it wont even dismount to turn things in or interact with things....
remember to add a log with all posts about problems make sure you have all up to date files and versions and svn links also
How do I even turn on flying? been trying to make my druid fly for ages while leveling. (yes I have the achievment).i love your stuff but is there anyway to disable flying till lvl 100 in the scripts it seems to be really messing up the questing because it wont even dismount to turn things in or interact with things....
Hello guys, theres a way to auto pick the "map ability garrison" option? Because when im afk the bot stop everytime i reach that part in leveling.
i love your stuff but is there anyway to disable flying till lvl 100 in the scripts it seems to be really messing up the questing because it wont even dismount to turn things in or interact with things....
How do I even turn on flying? been trying to make my druid fly for ages while leveling. (yes I have the achievment).
I checked the profile, there's no output resembling this.Honorbuddy displayed a red message just briefly saying the quests were no longer being maintained so that the profile would be unavailable for use. I'm guessing it was just me this happened to, weird.
I don't see that there was an error.the talador profile doesnt seem to work for me properly , all my mage does is running everywhere
will attach log below :
View attachment 188464
It seems the bot loaded into the 58-70 profile before the repair logic could activate - causing the bot to seek the vendors in Outlands.The DK start zone profile leads the toon after reaching lvl 58 and return the quest at the king in stormwind to a repair npc located in the shadowmoon valley called Mari Stonehand
It should lead to repair npc in Stormwind...
You'll need to be more descriptive than that.Do you have the script for the fort?
Hm, I'll make note of this.I found this quest NPC hes actually inside the mountain side . no where near the spot wowhead says he is. Additionally, the bot is still trying to make me run to that spot i linked to in the log for a quest pick up, even though i already picked up the quest from the NPC at the other location.
To get past this i had to manually interact, run to the one spot to *Shreder vs Saberon. Which spawned the NPC to the new spot, then i had to complete the quest manually cause the bot wouldnt hand it in. Once i do that o picked up new quest , manually which was Saberon population reduction, which then spawned the item the bot has been trying to loot or pick up in that location it was a small wooden box on th ground that gives the quest * Reclaiming Property*. Once all that was manually done the bot was able to continue on its own.
i love your stuff but is there anyway to disable flying till lvl 100 in the scripts it seems to be really messing up the questing because it wont even dismount to turn things in or interact with things....
Flying is really giving me trouble, but just the same i'd like to spam up your thread with a thanks. Your profiles have given me 10+ lvl 100 chars and a fuckton of alts. If i wasn't perpetually 2 weeks behind in rent and living off oatmeal and whatever fiber supplement i can suck out of the wallpaper i'd donate =]
How do I even turn on flying? been trying to make my druid fly for ages while leveling. (yes I have the achievment).
i had teh same problem with my second linked account... it wouldnt fly sometimes... i submitted a ticket but than i deleted my cache before i got a GM response and it seemed to fix the problem
Currently there's not an easy way to.is there anyway to make the character not out level zones with heirlooms on
is there anyway to make the character not out level zones with heirlooms on