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Can I use these on level 100 characters yet?
Have you manually quested on this character before starting the bot?I can't get the bot to move on from this NPC, the NPC has no available quest and yet keeps on insisting to wait for it.
I already cleared all the cache but it still doesnt work.
View attachment 188186View attachment 188187
I'll make a note of it, thanks!hi
i thought i should try and help ppl out as with the brewfest 2015 file in the 1-100 pack holiday section will loop drinking(small step brew) or eating(spiced onion cheese) if you have not acquired the achievements ''the brew fest diet'' and ''strange brew'' as blizz changed the item id's from what i can work out once you have those achievements tho it runs fine
A log would help for this one, but I can send a tester out manually to see if I can get the error to occur.I found out there where a lot of problems in the lower profiles. So once a 25 char cannot accept the quest in gadgezan ... Quest "Blinks" and if i accept manualy, bot stops working. Or another wait for an NPC showing up to accept a Quest, NPC never shows up. So... What i want do do... -> Start a Horde Char Level 1 and only Questing With 1-100 Pack.
I will post every problem what shows up with a LOG.
Hope this will help a lot.
Hm, I don't see in the log where it's outputting "Something went wrong ---"Hey guys,
Just wanted to post up a little error Im getting.
Whenever I use the Auto loader for my DK, level 93 (now) been getting this since 90.
I get - " Something went wrong and we couldn't load The Jade Forest profile! "
I need to load each WOD questing profile independently, any updates?
View attachment 188270View attachment 188270
I can't really help you unless you provide more information about your character, or post a log.90-100 why is it not using fly mount ????
I have it unlocked.
I'll need a log. It'll explain which quest it's attempting to pickup and why.having an issue in gorgrond at 50.51 ( cords ) the bot is standing there waiting for quest pick up but there is no nps in that area in fact i removed all quests from my log and it still insists on running to this area and standing there wand wait fr quest pick up. Anyone else runing into this error in gorgrond?
I'll need a log. It'll explain which quest it's attempting to pickup and why.
That's alright.I did edit this but nothing that could stop you from understanding why the questing is having issues. reason i edited it , is the drive information is labeled and could give away personal information about myself or my account directly. i hope you understand
How do you mean?For me, it said the Kun-Lai Summit quests were no longer supported. It's fine, since I grinded out the level somewhere else on accident anyways, but is this an error for me?
How do you mean?
Were they buggy? Or did they not show up on the pack?
That's alright.
It seems the bot wants to pick up the quest Saberon Population Reduction from the NPC Altauur.
I'm not too familiar with this NPC, but according to WoWhead, it looks like he can spawn in two locations.
The only thing I could guess is that he's spawned in the secondary location.
Could you go to the second spot where WoWhead claims he stands in and see if he's there to offer the quest?
If he isn't, you could try one other thing.
Go to both your Honorbuddy and World of Warcraft folders - inside them look for and delete a folder named Cache.
Make sure both WoW and Honorbuddy are closed out when you do so.
If neither of those suggestions work, tell me and I'll dig a bit further to see what's going on.