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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Having problems with the Valley of the Four Winds-profile. When I start it says:
"[Profile Message]: Compiling Valley of the Four Winds Quests"
In HBs info it says: "Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Search for the Hidden Master : QuestID - 30086 : To - Xiao : ID - 56110"
The character stands ontop of Xiao without doing anything. Doesn't even target him.
I tried with several chars, I deleted the cache and I updated the profiles. Suggestions? Other profiles works well.

Hi, Hobbygesel,

There is no chance of assisting you with problems like this unless you attach the full log that captured the issue. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

im using kicks questing wich is really awesome and everything but i got a little problem
for example if im lvling in an area thats lvl 62-64 it will stay there till atleast 65 i got heirlooms on so i lvl up to max lvl of area before i hit that lvl
is there any possible way to get the bot to change questing area if im at max lvl? so for example if im lvl 64 i shouldnt be in the lvl highest lvl of the zone 64
but in a zone that has instead 63-65 or something like that if you understand . Plz help!
PS why the ef is my bot using ground mount when i can fly in a area?????

Hi, Fenol1,

You can find the answers to your two questions in these articles:
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]
[post=1087063]HelpDesk: Honorbuddy and flying[/post]


I'm using "[QO] Sha'tari Skyguard Rep A [Kick]" to... well... farm Sha'tari Skyguard reputation, but my toon keeps getting stuck, trying go up up an un-climbable hill.

I have little to no experience with profile writing but I've been trying to fix the issue by adding the following blackspot to the profile:

		<Blackspot X="-3996.589" Y="3117.768" Z="323.7128" Radius="260" />

These coords are the exact coords of the place my toon always gets stuck on. I've been playing up and down with the radius, so far I've ranged from 0 to 260 but the toon always gets stuck on the exact same spot.

EDIT: I have now read the Blackspot tag description and I understand it does not literally blacklist the area. Any change there is a bug in HB's navigation paths?

Hi, Sacoplastico,

What you are describing is not a profile problem, but a navigation issue. And as described in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], should be reported to the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post].

issue with the quest the arcanic oubliette View attachment 125406
it just runs around the barrier in circle's and does not click the little totems to open up the quest hub
yes you can shoot me now i have 1 addon on that hasnt' seemed to bother anything titan panel

Hi, Micron85, and thanks for the log!

According to the log, your Honorbuddy skipped right over doing the objectives for Arcanic Oubliette, and went to pick up The Lost Dynasty. When the bot was stopped, your toon was working on a later quest, Squirmy Delight.

You appear to have a problem with corrupted caches. Please follow the procedure outlined in this article to clear up your problem:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1475701]Micron85's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Any way to make it so if npcscan goes off, it will kill the rare elite in the area? It's a ton of xp being missed out on, for just killing a mob.
Any way to make it so if npcscan goes off, it will kill the rare elite in the area? It's a ton of xp being missed out on, for just killing a mob.
Hi, Twisty,

This is not a task for a profile, but for a plugin. If you search the plugin forums for "Rarekiller", I believe it may meet your needs.

one more question - not sure if its profile related or bot related....

when picking a quest item - does it always just choose the highest gold? not if its an upgrade?

I'm using the singular CR, questing bot.
Sporeggar Rep Farm

Big problem with "Hawker's 'Sporeggar Rep Farm' Profile"
The bot finishes quest first time and turns it in, then all it does is stand in front of Gzhun'tt (quest giver). If you accept it manually it flies too the farming area only to dismount and mount up again and fly back to the quest giver and that route is repeated.

I have fresh hb installed, no plugins etc. Guess it's total profile error in coding.
Log provided.


Was weird sometimes when using the deepholm script it would crash my fps was like over 100 to like 4 its kinda strange in my logs it doesnt show it for some reason.
[A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]

Changes: Added a NonCompeteDistance="0" because sometimes there are many other Players arround.

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="44456" InteractByGossipOptions="1, 1"
                                    X="1796.26" Y="-1684.78" Z="60.16992" />

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="44456" InteractByGossipOptions="1, 1"
                                    NonCompeteDistance="0" X="1796.26" Y="-1684.78" Z="60.16992" />
Last edited:
[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]

Changes: Added a Range="4" to prefent a bug where the char stay to far away from the object. And removed the Objective because its not needed anymore.

        <If Condition="HasQuest(25509) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25509)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="break Lodestone's" Land="true" X="4497.652" Y="-4274.71"
                            Z="904.4438" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(25509) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25509)">
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25509" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount"
                                InteractByUsingItemId="54788" MobId="202952" NumOfTimes="1" NonCompeteDistance="10">
                        <Hotspot X="4497.652" Y="-4274.71" Z="904.4438" />
                        <Hotspot X="4489.638" Y="-4207.516" Z="917.9042" />
                        <Hotspot X="4462.573" Y="-4161.2" Z="931.2515" />
                        <Hotspot X="4557.5" Y="-4116.103" Z="944.2537" />
                        <Hotspot X="4567.564" Y="-4168.217" Z="914.8597" />
                        <Hotspot X="4610.544" Y="-4249.458" Z="903.1671" />
                        <Hotspot X="4688.793" Y="-4263.408" Z="900.4235" />
                        <Hotspot X="4729.933" Y="-4338.116" Z="895.1566" />
                        <Hotspot X="4696.564" Y="-4383.854" Z="895.7845" />
            <Objective QuestName="Physical Training: Forced Labor" QuestId="25509" Type="UseObject" ObjectId="202952"
                       UseCount="5" />

        <If Condition="HasQuest(25509) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25509)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="break Lodestone's" Land="true" X="4497.652" Y="-4274.71"
                            Z="904.4438" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(25509) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25509)">
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25509" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount"
                                InteractByUsingItemId="54788" MobId="202952" NumOfTimes="1" Range="4" NonCompeteDistance="10">
                        <Hotspot X="4497.652" Y="-4274.71" Z="904.4438" />
                        <Hotspot X="4489.638" Y="-4207.516" Z="917.9042" />
                        <Hotspot X="4462.573" Y="-4161.2" Z="931.2515" />
                        <Hotspot X="4557.5" Y="-4116.103" Z="944.2537" />
                        <Hotspot X="4567.564" Y="-4168.217" Z="914.8597" />
                        <Hotspot X="4610.544" Y="-4249.458" Z="903.1671" />
                        <Hotspot X="4688.793" Y="-4263.408" Z="900.4235" />
                        <Hotspot X="4729.933" Y="-4338.116" Z="895.1566" />
                        <Hotspot X="4696.564" Y="-4383.854" Z="895.7845" />
Last edited:
[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]

Changes: Removed one Runto after the RunMacro and Disabled Mounting to prefent the Bot from casting "Ghost Wolf" for Shamans who cancel the Buff.

        <If Condition="HasQuest(25308) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25308)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="kill High Cultist Azennios." Land="true"
                            X="4831.854" Y="-4231.888" Z="895.1534" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(25308) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25308)">
                <Runto QuestId="25308" X="4833.147" Y="-4218.988" Z="894.0121" />
                <CustomBehavior QuestId="25308" File="RunMacro"
                                Macro="/cancelaura cat form\n/cancelaura bear form\n/cancelaura travel form\n/cancelaura ghost wolf" />
                <Runto QuestId="25308" X="4833.147" Y="-4218.988" Z="894.0121" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for  {TimeRemaining}" />
                <!-- CJ: Disable the Combat Routine between costume application, and ready to pick fight...
                     Otherwise, Druids have a problem with this quest.  Many Combat Routines will put a
                     druid into Cat form when moving.  If a Druid shapeshifts, he will lose the Orc costume
                     buff that we need to complete this quest.  Hopefully, disabling the combat routine,
                     and moving into final position before picking the fight will work around this issue.
                     Otherwise, we're screwed, since profiles have no direct control over toon abilities
                     used by the Combat Routine.
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <UseItem QuestName="Seeds of Discord" QuestId="25308" ItemId="55137" X="4833.147" Y="-4218.988"
                         Z="894.0121" />

                <RunTo QuestId="25308" X="4807.945" Y="-4182.254" Z="897.5319" />
                <!-- Karr'gonn -->
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25308" MobId="40489" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1"
                                CollectionDistance="200" X="4807.945" Y="-4182.254" Z="897.5319" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="8000"
                                GoalText="Waiting for Karr'gonn to leave {TimeRemaining}" />
                <EnableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <!--High Cultist Azennios-->
                <Objective QuestName="Seeds of Discord" QuestId="25308" Type="KillMob" MobId="40491" KillCount="1" />

            <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CancelUnitBuff('player',GetSpellInfo(75724))" WaitTime="1000" />

        <If Condition="HasQuest(25308) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25308)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="kill High Cultist Azennios." Land="true"
                            X="4831.854" Y="-4231.888" Z="895.1534" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(25308) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25308)">
                <UseMount Value="False" />
                <Runto QuestId="25308" X="4833.147" Y="-4218.988" Z="894.0121" />
                <CustomBehavior QuestId="25308" File="RunMacro"
                                Macro="/cancelaura cat form\n/cancelaura bear form\n/cancelaura travel form\n/cancelaura ghost wolf" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for {TimeRemaining}" />
                <!-- CJ: Disable the Combat Routine between costume application, and ready to pick fight...
                     Otherwise, Druids have a problem with this quest.  Many Combat Routines will put a
                     druid into Cat form when moving.  If a Druid shapeshifts, he will lose the Orc costume
                     buff that we need to complete this quest.  Hopefully, disabling the combat routine,
                     and moving into final position before picking the fight will work around this issue.
                     Otherwise, we're screwed, since profiles have no direct control over toon abilities
                     used by the Combat Routine.
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />                               
                <UseItem QuestName="Seeds of Discord" QuestId="25308" ItemId="55137" X="4833.147" Y="-4218.988"
                         Z="894.0121" />

                <RunTo QuestId="25308" X="4807.945" Y="-4182.254" Z="897.5319" />
                <!-- Karr'gonn -->
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25308" MobId="40489" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1"
                                CollectionDistance="200" X="4807.945" Y="-4182.254" Z="897.5319" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="8000"
                                GoalText="Waiting for Karr'gonn to leave {TimeRemaining}" />
                <EnableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <!--High Cultist Azennios-->
                <Objective QuestName="Seeds of Discord" QuestId="25308" Type="KillMob" MobId="40491" KillCount="1" />

            <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CancelUnitBuff('player',GetSpellInfo(75724))" WaitTime="1000" />
            <UseMount Value="True" />
[Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick]

Changes: Set CollectionDistance to 250, the WaitTimeAfterItemUse to 3000 and added HuntingGrounds with 5 Hotspots and removed the outdated CombatUseItemOn.

        <If Condition="HasQuest(27943) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27943)">
            <MoveTo X="-10697.36" Y="907.6794" Z="24.80945" />
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Land="true" X="-10554.47" Y="576.6568" Z="25.6509" />

            <If Condition="Me.Level &gt;= 86">
                <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="true" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="5"
                                Text="You are too high for this Combat UseItemOn quest, please manually do it!" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(27943) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27943)">
                <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOnV2" QuestId="27943" ItemId="62794" MobId="47220"
                                UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent="49" MaxRangeToUseItem="10" WaitTimeAfterItemUse="5000"
                                X="-10639.89" Y="459.0928" Z="24.41246" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(27943) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27943)">
                <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27943" MobId="47220" ItemId="62794"
                                MaxRange="10" WaitTime="5000" X="-10639.89" Y="459.0928" Z="24.41246" />

        <If Condition="HasQuest(27943) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27943)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Land="true" X="-10554.47" Y="576.6568" Z="25.6509" />

            <If Condition="Me.Level &gt;= 86">
                <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="true" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="5"
                                Text="You are too high for this Combat UseItemOn quest, please manually do it!" />
            <While Condition="HasQuest(27943) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27943)">
                <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOnV2" QuestId="27943" ItemId="62794" MobId="47220"
                                UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent="49" MaxRangeToUseItem="10" WaitTimeAfterItemUse="3000"
                        <Hotspot X="-10567.46" Y="567.0773" Z="21.27567" />
                        <Hotspot X="-10639.89" Y="459.0928" Z="24.41246" />
                        <Hotspot X="-10779.45" Y="532.3384" Z="24.09258" />
                        <Hotspot X="-10850.15" Y="312.7719" Z="12.49994" />
                        <Hotspot X="-10670.64" Y="267.0026" Z="20.93913" />
[Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick]

Changes: Better Hotspots and increase the CollectionDistance from 200 to 250

        <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27941" NumOfTimes="100" CollectionDistance="200"
                        MobId="47207" MobId2="47213" MobId3="47216" MobId4="47219">
                <Hotspot X="-10554.47" Y="576.6568" Z="25.6509" />
                <Hotspot X="-10683.08" Y="432.2956" Z="20.76402" />
                <Hotspot X="-10801.13" Y="391.395" Z="24.81909" />

        <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27941" NumOfTimes="100" CollectionDistance="250"
                        MobId="47207" MobId2="47213" MobId3="47216" MobId4="47219">
                 <Hotspot X="-10567.46" Y="567.0773" Z="21.27567" />                 
                 <Hotspot X="-10639.89" Y="459.0928" Z="24.41246" />                 
                 <Hotspot X="-10779.45" Y="532.3384" Z="24.09258" />                 
                 <Hotspot X="-10850.15" Y="312.7719" Z="12.49994" />                 
                 <Hotspot X="-10670.64" Y="267.0026" Z="20.93913" />
NPC Interact loop

When trying to interact with Witch Doctor Uzer'i for the quest turn in (it thought it was a quest pickup) the bot just loops..
The issue is around line 1249 with this loop:
[07:23:47.599 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Witch Doctor Uzer'i.CA3E h=100.0%, maxh=4430, d=3.5 yds, box=1.5, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=N, entry=8115, faction=876, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N
[07:23:47.640 D] InteractDebug:714458644
[07:23:47.641 D] Interact Done:714458644
[07:23:51.561 D] InteractDebug:714458644
[07:23:51.561 D] Interact Done:714458644
[07:23:54.991 D] InteractDebug:714458644
[07:23:54.991 D] Interact Done:714458644
I stopped the bot and manually turned in the quest and got the followup then restarted the bot.

View attachment 2676 2014-04-21 11.19.txt
Hi kick...

thank you for the amazing profile but just a couple of issues if you don't mind... for the quest where you talk to the pandas individually in the north part of the zone... it just stand there infront of the quest giver and refuses to go to the ones with the chat bubbles.

the entire part of the file which deals with the bottom right of the zone where you kill the fish and open the cages etc.. it just stands there and waits for the fish to path infront of it... the same with the quests with the dog.. it just stands on the dead whale carcass and refuses to move.

Also in the same zone when it is supposed to clear the Enormous Landslide... it just runs along the edge and tries to use the item but because it is moving it stops the cast.

sorry if it's very vague but i am writing this from memory mostly.
Hi kick...

thank you for the amazing profile but just a couple of issues if you don't mind... for the quest where you talk to the pandas individually in the north part of the zone... it just stand there infront of the quest giver and refuses to go to the ones with the chat bubbles.

the entire part of the file which deals with the bottom right of the zone where you kill the fish and open the cages etc.. it just stands there and waits for the fish to path infront of it... the same with the quests with the dog.. it just stands on the dead whale carcass and refuses to move.

Also in the same zone when it is supposed to clear the Enormous Landslide... it just runs along the edge and tries to use the item but because it is moving it stops the cast.

sorry if it's very vague but i am writing this from memory mostly.
The noble garden profile performs too many action (I guess?) and makes my WoW.exe crash.

You guys need to post details plus logfiles to get assistance....
Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].
One more question... how come the bot frequently switches between flying and ground mount when in an area where flying is allowed and I have the appropriate riding skill to fly? it seems that no human player would ever use a ground mount to run a few yards, then switch to a flying mount.... or, as in Deepholm, use a ground mount to run out of the Temple of Earth, then switch to a flying mount...
Log attached, it's a short one.. I started the bot with the hearthsteed mounted, and it dismounted to mount the Fossilized Raptor.. Is this a Kick's behavior or general HB?


PS, it's not in this log, but I noticed that the bot flew down towards the Temple of Earth, landed outside, then used the raptor to go in and do quest turn-ins.. that's why I stopped it so I could get a shorter capture of this behavior..

View attachment 3484 2014-04-21 17.10.txt