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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Return to the Highlands

Toon moves to OG and finished the Quest, after using the Portal back to Twilight Highland i see all my Toon at this Place and HB stopps. After restarting HB Toon goes on again.

Hi, Tumbum, and many thanks for the logs and screenshots.

Here is the problem:
[13:46:23.305 D] Changed map(s) to StormwindGunshipPandariaStartArea, Azeroth
[13:46:23.360 D] Activity: Waiting for port 1s
[13:46:27.884 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
[13:46:28.016 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn

Honorbuddy decides to immediately go learn the wingstop upon arriving in Twilight Highlands. This action throws off the MyCTM directives and causes Honorbuddy to get irrecoverably stuck, so MyCTM terminates the profile.

We should have this problem repaired in v3133.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403484]Tumbum's problem report w/log and screenshot[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Mo Better Shredder

Toon starts to summon the Repair guy. This NPC comes and start to repair. Now my Toon has to save the Robot till its repaired. He has to kill 3 or 4 Mobs still its repaired.
But after killed one mob he start to mount and fly to the next one and do the same thing. nonstop fly between the both robots and kill 1 mob and fly away. Quest cant be finished. He has to wait till the Quest ist finished.
In the log you see that my toon try to do the quest on 5 or 6+ robots but always go to the next. To fast, he has to wait till the next robot spawns.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log and screenshot.

After looking at the way the quest is instrumented in the profile, it needs to be completely redone. There is no way we an make a blind fix for this kind of problem, so we've captured your issue to [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post].

cheers & thanks,

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403499]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Quality Consturction

Toon use the Rope on the Items, but he is a little bit to far away and most of the attempts fail! After the 10 trys he run to the well know place where all bots stuck (Picture). As you see there is another Mage stuck at this place with my WL :). The Rope Quest doesnt work, he just try 10 times then go to this place and idle out. he has to try till the quest is finished. and is to far to use the item.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for another report,

In v3134, we have switched out pursing the goal from UseItemOn (which is deprecated and unreliable) to InteractWith. We believe this will rectify the issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403526]Tumbum's problem report w/log and screenshot[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Pool Pony Rescue

Toon finished this Quest, but cant get up to the Questgiver to turn in. Looks like.

*edit* After closing HB and restarting an Press Start, my Toon goes and and turn in the Quest.

Hi again, Tumbum,

This looks like another issue with usage of the deprecated UseItemOn behavior. In v3135, we've switched the mechanics to InteractWith.

The quest may still be somewhat unpredictable since it occurs in the water.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403555]Tumbum's problem report w/log and screenshot[/post][/size]
where can i download??
Hi, Bazzer,

The first few posts of this thread contain all the information you need to download, and start using the profile pack. Please be sure to read all the front matter. It contains a wealth of information to make your journey smooth.

Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Reprisal

This Quest Parts doesnt work. Most time toon gets on the Flyship and doesnt move and AFK out. Sometimes i get a User Window with "Get back on the Ship" but Toon is on the Ship. Toon doesnt turn in the Quest, not picking up the next Quest and turn it in and get the next 2 ones and go from the ship. This Part need complet hands on.


Pickup: Off the Wall (where to use the Vehicle)
Turnin: Off the Wall

NPC: Patch
Pickup: Of Utmost Importance
Pickup: Highbank, Crybank

NPC: Ticker
Pickup: Parting Packages

then jump from the boat.

Hi, Tumbum, and thank once again.

This set of quests has multiple issues, and there is no way we can address this with a blind fix. As such, we've recorded the issue to [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post].


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403567]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
Location: Kun-Lai Summit

Quest: Barrels Of Fun (Horde) http://http://www.wowhead.com/quest=30656

Description: 2 issues for this quest.. once it kills the mobs around the first catapult and picks up the bomb... it tries to bomb each of the catapults twice.

The other issue is that once it plants the bomb it goes back to the place where the first catapult was destroyed even though there are plenty of exploding barrels around.

Hi, Ash23,

Thank you for the report, but we are unable to act without the full log that captures the issue. In the future, please don't forget to include it.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Total War

Toon just hit 5 "Wildhammer Kegs" and run to turn in the Quest. He needs to do 10. After restarting HB my Toon runs again to kill the other 5 and go on.
Btw. There is my Mage HB friend on the Picture with the same problem.

*edit* ok restarted HB. Toon goes out to get the 5 but turn back with 9/10 and cant turn in the Quest. have to restart again to finish this Quest.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks once again for the log and screenshot!

The profile was trying to get clever and pursue the goals of Total War and War Forage in parallel. Unfortunately, the profile did not instrument the solution for this correctly. In v3136, this has been corrected.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403599]Tumbum's problem report w/log and screenshot[/post][/size]
57/60 quests completed. is it possible to avoid this and just fully complete everything? how do i load pre-checkpoint profiles?

Hi, Oresal,

What you ask is equivalent to pursuing the Loremaster achievement. You can find more information about how to get as close to that as possible in this article:
[post=1067958]HelpDesk: Questing profiles and the Loremaster achievement[/post]

Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Bait and Throttle

First the Toon start to kill the Gryphon near the Dragonmaw base in the Air. But its impossible to kill them. After a while Bags are full he run and Mail and sell Stuff.
Now he is on the right Place. But just target a yellow Gryphon and dont kill it. Why the Quest is finished, i cant say but toon stuck there and dont go on as long as he has this gryphon in target.
I just have to press a Spell to force fight and toon go on after killing this Mob.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks again.

In v3137, we've added the Thundermar War Gryphon to the AvoidMobs list. This should prevent future problems with them.

As far as the Untamed Gryphon, we believe what you observed. Unfortunately this log doesn't appear to reflect the issue:

[16:29:56.631 D] Goal: Collect Fresh Gryphon Carcass x 1
[16:29:56.656 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-3909.546, -5235.441, 23.92769>
[16:29:56.808 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Untamed Gryphon
[16:29:56.907 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Untamed Gryphon.5B54 h=100.0%, maxh=70946, d=23.6 yds, box=2.6, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=Y, hostile=N, entry=46158, faction=15, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[16:29:57.034 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Untamed Gryphon.5B54 h=100.0%, maxh=70946, d=23.7 yds, box=2.6, player=N, hostil=N, faction=15, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[16:29:57.037 N] (Singular) .... [Pull] h=100.0%/m=100.0%, fury=200, metamor=False, mcore=0, darksoul=False, aoecnt=0, enemy=100% @ 23.7 yds, face=Y, loss=Y, corrupt=0, doom=0, shdwflm=0, ttd=-1
[16:29:57.038 N] [Singular] [Pet] Casting Attack
[16:29:57.039 N] [Singular] [Pet] Casting Attack
[16:29:57.040 N] [Singular] [Pet] Casting Wrathstorm
[16:29:57.042 N] [Singular] Casting Corruption on Untamed Gryphon.5B54 @ 100.0% at 23.7 yds
[16:30:09.952 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[16:30:09.952 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Shadow Bolt#686 failure: 'Your target is dead'

The log shows Honorbuddy issuing the Kill directive against the Untamed Gryphon. In in less than half a second, Singular has issued attack command for your pet, and your toon. The target is dead within 13 seconds.

There is nothing the profile can do to address this problem. Please post again, if you see Singular fail to pull a yellow-named mob.

[EDIT 23-Feb-2014 by chinajade]: The AvoidMob will also handle this report, Tumbum.
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: ???

Toon try again to kill the Thundermaw Gryphon in the Air and running around to kill them at Bloodgulch Base. Doing this till he runs to Mailing and Selling. Dont know why he is doing this.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403621]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403656]Tumbum's Thundermaw War Gryphon problem[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: How to Maim Your Dragon

Toon runs to the Place, drop the Item to pull the Dragon. Start to fight with the Dragon till its possible to mount up on him. But Toon just mount up on his Moun and run away and run cray around left and right, endless. withour droping the item or anything. very bad situation if someone see you running wild around without any sense.

Hi Tumbum, and thanks once again.

Bliz had changed this quest slightly, and the dragon carcass is now handed to you as part of the quest (rather than having to fetch it yourself). This made an <Objective> no longer necessary, and resulted in the roaming behavior you observed.

We've repaired the problem in v3139.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403627]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Dressed to Kill

Target not in line of sight. This Problem is very very old. Toon just stay in this position and try to cast a spell, but cant.

[17:15:29.543 V] (Singular) [CombatLog] no valid destunit so using CurrentTarget
[17:15:29.544 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] cast failed due to los reported at 18:15:29.544 on target 0
[17:15:29.543 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target not in line of sight
[17:15:29.543 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Shadow Bolt#686 failure: 'Target not in line of sight'

Hi, Tumbum,

This is a problem with the KillUntilComplete behavior. We've opened HB-515 ("KillUntilComplete has LoS issues") against the issue.

cheers & thanks again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403655]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
been using this profile for a while now and never had a problem, and now at lvl 85, on my death knight it did the first quest to get the MOP weapon and after that it just goes to the moneky area and chills there and gets killed over and over

Hi, Ludiboris,

If you need assistance, we must have the full log that captures the issue. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Devoured

Toon goes into this Dream where Thrall is. Toon interact with Thrall to turn in this Quest, but cant. He just open and close the Quest windows. Thats
why Thrall despawns after a while and you have to log out and in to get thrall back to turn in the quest by hand. And pick up the next one. to the back out of
the Dream.
Uploaded 2 Logfiles. One where HB Stopps automaticly and one where toon endless interact with Thrall.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the logs and screenshots.

There were a number of problems with the handling of these quest turnins and pickups. We believe the problems to be rectified in v3141.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403674]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
So is this a good leveling bot and are all the bugs fixed because this seems like it would get banned in a heartbeat with all these errors.

Hi, Threlk1984,

All botting activity involves risk. If you are not willing to lose your accounts, you should not be botting.

With that said, Questing is one of the lowest risk activities for botting.

[ProfileCompatibilityInfo-v1232(warning)] PROFILE COMPATIBILITY WARNINGS:
* Ground mount (Серый кодо) is not known to Honorbuddy. Spelling error? ItemId instead of SpellId? Mount not available on this account? No skill to use mount? Please configure ground mount correctly.
Flying mount (Зеленый вертокрыл) is not known to Honorbuddy. Spelling error? ItemId instead of SpellId? Mount not available on this account? No skill to use mount?Please configure flying mount correctly.
after 4 hours , bot crashed with this problem < sry for bad english
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Pressing Forward

On the Way with the Soldiers my Toon is going dead. But Toon go on to turn in the Quest, but it need to get with the Soldiers to the Gate to finish the Quest. Toon will stay there endless and interact with the NPC. Need to do this Quest by Hand.

Hi, Tumbum,

We've captured the issue to [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post]. This is going to take some serious consideration, and possibly a unique quest behavior to solve the problem.

In v3142, we've removed the attempt to solve the problem, and replaced it with a UserDialog. This means the quest will need to be done manually. This is how the Alliance-side has handled this problem for quite a while.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403713]Tumbum's problem report w/log and screenshot[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Battle of Life and Death

As posted before, Toon dont turn around in the Vehicle and fall down/die. Profile doesnt restart when fall down, Toon just sit there where he falls and afk out.

Hi, Tumbum,

We've attached your log, and this post, as supplemental information to HB-489 ("The 28758-TwilightHighlands-BattleofLifeandDeath.cs QB does not address mobs attacking from behind").


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403723]Tumbum's additional log & screenshot[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Last of Her Kind

As posted before. Toon picks up the Quest, Dragon comes, toon target one time and run away. Quest Fail. Toon run somewhere in Twilight Highlands and stuck there.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log and screenshot.

Thank you for confirming that Obsidia is not instanced (i.e., MobId is always 47929).

The failure mode this time, is [post=1402738]quite different than last time[/post]. Last time, your Honorbuddy couldn't even "see" Obsidia. This time, Honorbuddy sees her, but instead chooses to run off and spank some lesser mobs nearby.

We've made some changes in v3143 that will hopefully prevent the toon from running off until Obsidia can be dealt with.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403745]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1402738]Our original response to Tumbum regarding this problem[/post][/size]
Profile: Twilight Highlands
HB: .724
No WoW Addon + just shipped HB Plugins

Quest: Ogres & Ettins

Toon just log out at this Place. All my Toon stuck there and dont move.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log and screenshot!

Your problem as a bug in FlyTo that was repaired in http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/149952-honorbuddy-v2-5-9752-725-a.html.

HB-483 ("FlyTo should no longer get stuck trying to pursue a previously set POI, once the behavior starts.")​

Honorbuddy revisions have bumped twice since this log was made?time to update again! <smiles>


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1403763]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]