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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Is there a way to go back over the profiles when at level 90 and force the character to do the quests for the old zones? I'm sure it's something level guidelines but not sure what it would be. Thanks in advance - Nephilim
Hi, Nephilim,

This article addresses your desire:
[post=1067958]HelpDesk: Questing profiles and the Loremaster achievement[/post]

I'm getting this error since I updated honorbuddy today:

Hi, Archaion,

First, when seeking assistance, you must attach your full log, so we have something to analyze. Log fragments are virtually useless.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Second, as discussed in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], "compiler errors" are never a profile problem?they are always a problem with your Honorbuddy installation.

Third, to get started repairing your issue...
we suggest a 'clean install'. The "[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]" article should assist you with that. If you continue to have problems after a clean install, you should make a post to the Support forum, and attach a fresh log to the new thread you create over there.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1400393]Archaion's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I have been trying to lvl my druid on a new server. I keep getting this error and then once it starts it just runs in circles killing the same mobs... Logs attached

Hi, Itabdiel, and many thanks for the log!

As stated in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], 'compiler errors' are never a problem with the profile, but are problems with the user's Honorbuddy installation.

It appears you have corrupted quest behaviors. Most of the time, this is caused by bringing damaged content from an older Honorbuddy installation. It can also be caused by a misbehaving 'profile type' plugins. At this point, I'd suggest a 'clean install'. This article will help you sort the problem:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

After the clean install, I wouldn't add any plugins back until you've confirmed the problem has been sorted.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1400677]Itabdiel's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Hi lads

Havin some troubles for once in a while, ive leveled 5-6 toons with this great profile!

But last night it went to Hellfire, started the flying quest's and bombing, after that i had a short shutdown cuz of the electrity, then when booted up again it started to run to Nagrand, and only "Complining Nagrand" and going after grinding "Howling Wind" questitem in Nagrand that Reqires lvl 64, atm running Cata do have no downtime but it seems like that profile is even more fuckt :-D haha, keeps grinding only -.- "100% questing 0% grinding my assss!!!" :-)

Ive checked the log, havent seen anything strange, but let me know if i should post it + also hummm does it not eixst any force recheck command to make it go through all Q's again to see what's missing?, cuz its at lvl 60 now (it took a lvl while grinding that quest item in Nagrand on red moobs :P)

But its still 4 levels ahead :/

Soz for my english

/regards the harmless one

Hi, Meoww,

This is a classic description of cache corruption. And, power-outages are a very easy way to corrupt caches, because content in memory doesn't get a chance to flush to disk before shutdown.

This article should help you sort the problem, and get you going again:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

Also, when asking for assistance in the future, please attach the full log that captures the problem. You got lucky this time, and we recognized the symptoms from the description alone.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

On the quest: Recon Essentials in Searing Gorge, it tries to head to: Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-6713.333, -1326.333, 141.9292> But ends up in the lava beneath the actual spot, needless to say if you cant heal you just die there.

Hi, Mothr,

There is absolutely no chance to assist you with problems like this, unless you attach your full log that captures the problem. Most likely, this is a navigational issue, and not a profile issue. The problem could also be caused by a plugin, or many other things.

But without a log, we've no way to even begin helping you with problems like this.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Twilight Highlands Profile

isnt it possible to Blacklist this Flight Master. Looks like its bugged on Blizzard site (for Month???) but always Toons get stuck there because they want to learn this Flypoint

[14:15:14.298 D] InteractDebug:1133148952
[14:15:14.329 D] Interact Done:1133148952
[14:15:14.493 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You cannot use this taxi currently.
[14:15:19.586 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
[14:15:19.626 N] (Singular) info: 6.3 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)

but there is nothing to learn.
Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Portal Overload

Toon go to the Item to use at the Mob "Apexar" but always he dont use the Item the first time, just attack and die. After the
resurrection he use the item there and kill the boss.

Second Mob "Aetharon" all my Toons dont use the Item the first time. Strong enough to kill the Mob without using but it doesnt count. After the Mob
is dead he fly a bit away turn around get back there and use the item, but the mobs wasnt respawned and Toon will afk out.

*edit* third Mob works perfect. Toon use the Item and gets infight with the Mob, kills him and finish.
Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Mr. Goldmines Wild Ride

Possible to force a Sell/Repair before doing this Quest? Got some Toon with full Bags or needs to Repair. Toon run out of the Cave and never get back inside. Always run outside in Wetlands and somewhere. At the moment i dont have a Logfile for this. Its just a Request to force a Repair/Sell run before. In normal situations the Quests and following Quests are working.
Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Battle of Life and Death

I dont know how long this Quest isnt working. Toon doesnt turn around to the attacking Mob, all other functions are working. But when Toon gets hit from the back he doesnt turn.
Should I be changing to the next profile in MoP once the character hits the appropriate level?
Twilight Highlands Profile

isnt it possible to Blacklist this Flight Master. Looks like its bugged on Blizzard site (for Month???) but always Toons get stuck there because they want to learn this Flypoint

but there is nothing to learn.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log and screenshot!

This is an Honorbuddy bug, and we've opened HB-488 ("Toons attempt to learn flightpaths from taxi master that is not offering flightmap yet") against the problem. Aquinastrasz will offer the taximap once you've done a few quest for the Red Dragonflight faction, but Honorbuddy doesn't want to wait for that. :D

In v3127, we've attempted to work-around the problem by blacklisting Aquinastrasz. We don't know if the work-around will be effective, as this is not what the blacklist was designed to do. But, its the only tool we have at the profile-writing level.

cheers & thanks for the report,

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1402287]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]

We moved two of your posts to the Navigational thread [post=1402297]here[/post] and [post=1402302]here[/post].

MANY thanks for the log and screenshots that allowed us to do that.

Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Portal Overload

Toon go to the Item to use at the Mob "Apexar" but always he dont use the Item the first time, just attack and die. After the
resurrection he use the item there and kill the boss.

Second Mob "Aetharon" all my Toons dont use the Item the first time. Strong enough to kill the Mob without using but it doesnt count. After the Mob
is dead he fly a bit away turn around get back there and use the item, but the mobs wasnt respawned and Toon will afk out.

*edit* third Mob works perfect. Toon use the Item and gets infight with the Mob, kills him and finish.

Hi, Tumbum, and many thanks for the log and screenshots!

[16:41:31.124 D] [InteractWith-v1188(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
Excluded Units:
Earth Portal Controller [InCompetition(1 players within 20.0, expires in 79s)]​

The problem you experience is there was another player by the controller. So, the behavior was waiting for the other player to clear before activating the controller. It would've interacted with the controller anyway in 79 seconds, if they player didn't clear it.

Nevertheless, in v3128, we've modified the profiles to consider the controllers for this quest as a 'shared resource'. In other words, competing players will be ignored when we go to use the controller.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1402310]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshots[/post][/size]
Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Mr. Goldmines Wild Ride

Possible to force a Sell/Repair before doing this Quest? Got some Toon with full Bags or needs to Repair. Toon run out of the Cave and never get back inside. Always run outside in Wetlands and somewhere. At the moment i dont have a Logfile for this. Its just a Request to force a Repair/Sell run before. In normal situations the Quests and following Quests are working.

Hi, Tumbum,

This is fantastic advice! We've incorporated the recommendation into v3129.

cheers & thanks!
Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Battle of Life and Death

I dont know how long this Quest isnt working. Toon doesnt turn around to the attacking Mob, all other functions are working. But when Toon gets hit from the back he doesnt turn.

Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log and screenshot!

It appears the 28758-TwilightHighlands-BattleofLifeandDeath.cs is the root cause of the problem. There is no way we can blindly repair this, and we've captured the issue to [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post].

We've also opened HB-489 ("The 28758-TwilightHighlands-BattleofLifeandDeath.cs QB does not address mobs attacking from behind") against the issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1402329]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenshot[/post][/size]
Should I be changing to the next profile in MoP once the character hits the appropriate level?

Hi, KroLeXz,

Of course, you are free to do this. Alternatively, you can just let the profile pack run, and it will switch automatically when it completes its objectives.

You may find this article informative in this matter:
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]

The Netherwing rep plugin doesn't seem to show up in my HB. Any ideas what's wrong with it?

Hi, Archaion,

The NetherwingCollector plugin that ships with this profile probably no longer works. Instead, you should use AknA's [post=981332]ObjectGatherer plugin[/post]. We've captured the issue to [post=1260136]Known Bugs List: Miscellaneous (Rep, Seasonal, etc)[/post].

Thanks for reporting!

Twilight Highlands Profile

Quest: Last of her Kind

Problem with this Quest is... Toon runs to the NPC "Baleflame" to pick up the Quest "Last of her Kind" this Pickup triggers the pull of the big Dragon. It lands on the Ground and starts to fight against "Baleflame". From this Point there are 2 possible Situations

1. Toon just stay there, dont Fight. After some Seconds/Minutes the big Dragon despawns and the Quest failed. Toon afk out.
2. Toon started the Quest, just do 1-2 spells on the big Dragon and! run out of the Cave somewhere in Twilight Highlands and cant get back in. Quest failed too.

In this Logfile you will see 1. Toon just stay there and hasnt fight.