Hi lads
Havin some troubles for once in a while, ive leveled 5-6 toons with this great profile!
But last night it went to Hellfire, started the flying quest's and bombing, after that i had a short shutdown cuz of the electrity, then when booted up again it started to run to Nagrand, and only "Complining Nagrand" and going after grinding "Howling Wind" questitem in Nagrand that Reqires lvl 64, atm running Cata do have no downtime but it seems like that profile is even more fuckt :-D haha, keeps grinding only -.- "100% questing 0% grinding my assss!!!"
Ive checked the log, havent seen anything strange, but let me know if i should post it + also hummm does it not eixst any force recheck command to make it go through all Q's again to see what's missing?, cuz its at lvl 60 now (it took a lvl while grinding that quest item in Nagrand on red moobs

But its still 4 levels ahead :/
Soz for my english
/regards the harmless one