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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I did this quest with the 85-86 profile, A Visit with Lorewalker Cho - Quest - World of Warcraft running a 85 alliance warrior at the time.

She stucked at the part with the painting, where you have to right click it and choose something. Thinking back im in doubt if she clicked it or not, but there's 3 options you have to pick then, and that for certainly didnt happen. I finished the quest, and i think the bot might have been on that the time i did the last parts of it. (It force, moved back to the painting when i tried to free the birds).

I attached the log. I'm running build 2.5.8987.714.

Hi, Snixs,

Thank you for the fine problem description. However, the log is a partial log, and does not show you on the "A Visit with Lorewalker Cho" quest, or conducting any of the objectives for it.

Without the full (and correct) log, we will be unable to analyze the problem for you.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1392874]Snix's original post w/log fragment[/post][/size]
didnt you used to be able to run mixed mode while questing? because i swear i was able to run bg bot while questing a while back? not able to now
Hi, Jdurm55,

The profile pack explicitly disallows Mixed Mode, because it causes an unbelievable amount of problems. You can find more information in [post=1259961]Things To Know[/post].

Hello everyone, the profile works perfectly, I am currently using it to upload a Shaman Panadren ... the problem is that it seems to have been stuck in "Northern Stranglethorn", specifically in the town "Base Kurzen" .. I left the bot to grind non-stop, I have no active quests in this area and according to the info of Honorbuddy, exctamente: "Goal: Grinding to Obtain Dino Egg".

I do not know if that object once you got to continue leveling up, but I'm looking for intenet and mobs places such object is stripped.

Some solution.

Thank you very much.

Hi, Ganzack,

We are very confused by the conflicting information you are providing: "I left the bot to grind non-stop", and you are attempting to run this profile.

This is a questing profile pack, and these profiles require the use of the Questing bot. Please see the first few posts of this thread for getting your bot set up correctly to use this profile pack.

Also, any time you seek assistance on the forums, you should attach the full log that captures whatever issue you are having:
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Heya guys, there's a problem with this quest Burning Vengeance - Quest - World of Warcraft wont pick the quest up and when i try it manually it wont leave the NPC, just keeps spamming the quest. Any help greatly appreciated. Oh and heres a log, i cleaned cache and restarted HB but still the same. View attachment 119267 Hope it helps.
Thanks for all the hard work.:cool:

Hi, Shoop, and many thanks for the log!

[01:49:15.076 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - Burning Vengeance : QuestID - 28174 : To - John J. Keeshan : ID - 47811
[01:49:15.076 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[01:49:15.183 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[01:49:17.801 D] InteractDebug:743344316
[01:49:17.834 D] Interact Done:743344316
[01:49:21.103 D] InteractDebug:743344316
[01:49:21.137 D] Interact Done:743344316

This sure looks like a cache corruption issue. Please try again to clear the caches (there are four of them) with the procedure defined in this article:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

If you are not off-and-away after that, please post a fresh log to the Support forum. What you are experiencing is not a problem caused by the profile, and there is nothing the profile can do to repair it.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1393144]Shoop's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Error in Deepholm.

So far this is my nemesis of all the profiles up to this one. It keeps getting stuck as Ally while looking for a mail vendor:

Could not find vendor: ' [0]' blacklisting!
Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <1050.438, 635.0461, -45.78476>, Name:
Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <1050.438, 635.0461, -45.78476>, Name:
Could not find vendor: ' [0]' blacklisting!
Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <1050.438, 635.0461, -45.78476>, Name:
Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <1050.438, 635.0461, -45.78476>, Name:

Hi, Mothr,

We are unable to assist you without a full log attached. What you've provided is not enough information to even begin to analyze a problem.

Also, the profile is not running when Honorbuddy decides to make a vendor run (mail/sell/repair). So, its highly unlikely the problem is profile-related.

Since there's so many possible reasons for something to go wrong I'm not 100% sure my problem belongs here, but I think it does.

The problem is with Kick's Cataclysm profiles, 80 - 82 Hyjal didn't work because it somehow assumes I already did like 50% of all the quests and therefore thinks it needs to accept a quest from someone who's not available to give quests yet. I can't find the log but he quest it wanted to accept was: The Time for Mercy has Passed - 25910.
The same happens in Deepholm, where it somehow thinks I've already done alot of quests and flies towards a quest giver only available later.

I've got the log for the same problem in Uldum. I've just entered Uldum and it is crashing on Quest ID: 27627: Just a Fancy Cockroach, which is not even a relevant quest until a lot of quests later.

I hope someone can help me,

Thanks in advance.

PS: For privacy reasons I've edited the directory names in the log to C:\User\<name>\, no other changes were made.

Edit: After redownloading HonorBuddy it is working fine, I'll still leave this up here so you might be able to find the cause of the problem.

Hi, MrBunni, and many thanks for the log.

The problem you are experiencing is classic 'cache corruption'. You can find the remedy here (for the next time it happens):
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

cheers & welcome aboard,

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1393755]MrBunni's original post w/log[/post][/size]
hello i get this error with the moun after i tried everything and i dont know what to do please help
[ProfileCompatibilityInfo-v1232(warning)] PROFILE COMPATIBILITY WARNINGS:
* Ground mount (23214) is not known to Honorbuddy. Spelling error? ItemId instead of SpellId? Mount not available on this account? No skill to use mount? Please configure ground mount correctly.
Flying mount (0) is not known to Honorbuddy. Spelling error? ItemId instead of SpellId? Mount not available on this account? No skill to use mount?Please configure flying mount correctly.

Hi, Zoomr2,

We've added the problem with the Paladin ground mount to HB-437 ("ProfileCompatibilityInfo needs to handle Druid Flight Forms specially"), and will address it when repairing that bug. In the meantime, it is safe to ignore the warning for this mount.

As for the flying mount warning, please remove the '0' from the Honorbuddy configuration's flying mount, and just leave the field blank.

Mounting: Flight Form
[Singular] /cancel Flight Form - due to Red Shapeshift Error 'ERR_NO_ITEMS_WHILE_SHAPESHIFTED', suppress form until 15:25:51.842!

This error happens all the time while doing the oracles quest line in sholazar basin it's something to do with having Moodle and when he dissapears while mounted it will dismount in the air and plummet to your demise trying to resummon him using Moodle's Stress ball.

Hi, Callumz,

If you need assistance, please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post]. Specifically, we are unable to provide assistance unless the full log that captures the problem is attached.

Twilight Highlands keeps trying to pick up quests that's already completed and won't use flying mount? Like "Even Dragons Bleed"

Hi, Ruinit,

Sounds like a cache corruption problem. This article will help you sort the issue:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

If you need more substantial assistance, we must see the full log attached that captures the problem.

i need help lol im very new at honorbuddy and i have been told this is the BEST leveling profile but i have a problem i cnt seem to install svn because i dnt have service pack 2 on vista and the service pack wont install for some reason can anyone help or send me the .rar files please ty

Hi, Avianlore,

There are no .rar files. This profile is distributed by Subversion only, and updated waaay too frequently for distribution by .zip or .rar to be effective.

We suggest you Google for help on how to get Subversion (or Vista SP2) installed. Our guess, is you are missing the needed Windoze administrator rights. Google will help you with this also.

Don't get me wrong I love this profile but as soon as it gets to flying and using fly mounts in Outland i hate it...
I set my mount to be flight form. Doesn't recognize it.
i set my mount to my drake. Doesn't use it but uses stupid frost saber instead.

Levels so quick in azeroth but as soon as it comes to flying and flymounts it doesn't work perfectly.
sometime it uses the fly mount but that's really a miracle. hope this is fixed or it's just me and i can fix it.

Hi, Nightflow,

The profile pack should start flying once it gets to Zangarmarsh. We've yet to reflow it so it will start flying earlier.

If you need help with a specific problem, please attach the full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

So i just started using this profile, and im having some issues leveling my feral druid, it keeps equiping int gear even though im feral. im sure theres a quick fix for this, if anyone knows thanks :D

Hi, Shinnbones, and welcome aboard!

This profile pack does not equip gear for you, other than when it is needed to complete specific quests (e.g., the Deathknight starter area). Your problem description sounds like a general problem, and if so, is not profile-related.

It sounds like you may not have configured the AutoEquip2 plugin correctly. Please see this article:
[post=1061397]HelpDesk: Configuring AutoEquip2[/post]

If you need further assistance on this particular problem, please make a post into the Support forum. Over there, as here, they will need the full log attached that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]


How do I get my bot to skip questing areas when it's way ahead of it. The quests are 3-4 levels lower, all green. I want it to progress.

Hi, MattyBRaps,

This article should assist you with the problem:
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]

Having issues in nagrand. He picks up the quests, completes (but does not turn in) a few quests while having a bunch of other quests and just flying around nagrand with "Moving to hotspot."

Hi, Neal121, and many thanks for the log!

This is a 'boundary condition' bug in the FlyTo behavior. We've opened HB-483 ("When starting, FlyTo needs to clear the POI after disabling the Pull behavior") against the issue.

cheers & many thanks again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1395719]Neal121's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
When I try to run any profile he writes me with red lines that quest behavior miss , and it starts count them 233, 348 etc. and after it's done with that he start walking into a npc trying to get a quest and he stuck there. The last profile that I had that issue was 83-85 in Ludlum and 85-86 in jade forest.. Any idea how to fix it or where I can found the behavior?

Hi, Xeruvim,

Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post]. Specifically, you must attach the full log that captures the issue, so we have something to analyze.

My character stopped doing anything with this profile in Desolace. There is a critical error showing up in red text that stops the bot. The displayed info is;

[CombatUseItemOnV2-v1145(error)] PROFILE ERROR: One or more of the following attributes must be specified:UseWhenMeHasAuraId, UseWhenMeMissingAuraId, UseWhenMobCastingSpellId, UseWhenMobHasAuraId, UseWhenMobMissingAuraId, UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent
anyone what to do about this error?

Hi, Gfarmzz,

If you need assistance, you must attach the full log that captures the issue:
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

After updating through SVN I have found that I do not have a copy of the quest behaviors folder in the 1-90 folder. Has it moved or am I missing something?

Hi, Theothersamb,

This question is answered in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

once again i found some bug :(

leveling my druid and when i choose druid feral talents the bot always uses bear form :/
whats the problem?? Anyone knows

Hi, Nightflow,

The profile has no contribution on what 'forms' a Druid uses. Such control is under the Combat Routine--not the profile.

It sounds like your Combat Routine is failing in some fashion--most likely due to a mis-configuration somewhere, either in the Combat Routine, or a plugin.

Please make a post into the Support forum regarding this issue. Over there, as here, they must see your full log attached that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

I cant seem to get the profiles to show up in the load profiles dropdown menu. what am i doing wrong?
Don't click on the dropdown arrow in "Load Profile", click the square instead, then you will open a filebrowser and you can navigate to where you installed Kicks profiles.

Hi, ThorRacer024, and welcome aboard.

Slite62 has nailed the problem?click on the words "Load Profile" itself, not the 'down arrow' to the right. The first few posts of this thread should help you sort the problem. More specifically, this article should provide the assistance you need:
[post=1259962]Loading and Using a Profile[/post]

"Summoning vendor mount for vendor run"
but just stands there and does nothing. and i have tundra travelers mount.
View attachment 119869

Hi, User0828,

Unfortunately, the attachment is corrupt, and we will be unable to analyze the problem for you.

the profile is not running when Honorbuddy chooses to make a vendor run. You will need to make a post into the Support forum, and attach the log for the Support staff to analyze the problem.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1398151]User0828's original post w/damaged attachment[/post][/size]