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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Bug Reports--DO NOT DELETE!

Bot: LazyRaider
Character: BM Hunter
Routine: Tuanha Hunter Special Edition

I am noticing an error that was occurring in BETA only happening in Arena's. Seems to work fine in Battlegrounds.

ISSUE: Trap launcher and Flare spells are not being automatically placed on the map. It requires a mouse click (Which throws off the entire Routine).

It happens with every bot base. I was just trying to follow the format required for posting bugs.
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Which Bot? (Grind, Quest, Archaeology Buddy, BGBuddy, etc)
Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec
Druid 66 Nightelf Feral
What profile were you using? (if applicable. Please provide a link, or an attachment for the profile)
Kick's Outland Alliance profile.
Date the bug occured (please be as specific as possible, eg; Weds, 12th of October, at 5:36 AM EST)
Thurs 30th of May at 16.14
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.
The Druid is trying to get to a mob, yet it just manages to fly right into a mountain, i see an other person doing same thing it was afk there for about 30 minutes before i noticed it. then took it to the right place, it had to go back to town to sell or outside to use my mount i dont know. but 30 minutes later after i had cut the grass in the garden it ended up same place and the same guy was still there
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
it is on the quest Ruins of the burning blade, to slay Boulderfist Crushers and Mystics
Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)
Antidrown, Autoequipt2, Pimpmyguild, Questhelper - ItemForAura, Refreshment Detection, Talented2
Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.
Singular the version of your newest update in the bot.
Please attach a log for this bug report.
2 logs attatched, 1 with old meshes( before cleaning all of meshes, and with after. both does same)
Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug. (Note: ensure you do not use the built in WoW screenshot functionality, as it does include a watermark, unless you change the image quality!)


Reporting this issue here aswell as the release thread so the information doesn't get lost. The template on first post doesn't really apply, but included what I believe is enough information..

Affliction Warlocks - SpellManager.CanCast() Bug

Quick description of what's meant to happen;
- Casting Soul Swap when our target has none of our debuffs (Corruption/Agony/Unstable Affliction) should fail.
- Casting Soul Swap when our target has any of our debuffs (above) and we DONT have Soulburn should remove the DoTs from our target (so we can move them to a new target). This behavior can be modified using a Glyph, but that's not an issue here.
- Casting Soulburn and then Soul Swap will apply all 3 of our debuffs to the target.

Soul Swap can have 2 different cast Id's;
- 86121: Soul Swap - Spell - World of Warcraft (Normal)
- 119678: Soul Swap - Spell - World of Warcraft (Soulburn)

HBConsole Code:
Log("Have Soulburn? [{0}]", Me.HasAura("Soulburn"));
Log("-----Soul Swap by ID");
Log(SpellManager.CanCast(86121, StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget));
Log("-----Soul Swap by Name");
Log(SpellManager.CanCast("Soul Swap", StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget));
Log("-----Soulburn + Soul Swap Id");
Log(SpellManager.CanCast(119678, StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget));

Issue 1:
- Target has NO debuffs. I DO NOT have Soulburn (and thus I should NOT be able to cast Soul Swap)

Have Soulburn? [False]
-----Soul Swap by ID
-----Soul Swap by Name
-----Soulburn + Soul Swap Id

This should return FALSE for all 3 checks.

Issue 2:
- Target has NO debuffs. I DO have Soulburn. I CAN now cast.

Have Soulburn? [True]
-----Soul Swap by ID
-----Soul Swap by Name
-----Soulburn + Soul Swap Id

The Affliction rotation within PureRotation is completely dependant on this piece of code returning the correct results, and thus means it does not work.

Feel free to PM if any further details are required.
So why did my posts get deleted?My honorbuddy isn't working well since it was updated.Please help

BGbuddy leaves the game after a couple of bgs.It never did that before patch 5.3
Questing stays stuck after about an hour at a flightmaster.

Using Kick's leveling profiles 12-58 horde

Hi, Mrryanthai,

As described by the first post of this thread, logs are required to be attached when reporting a problem. After locating your previous post, it said this in totality:
"yeah..the bot keeps leaving the game when in bgs.Before 5.3,it's never done this.Please fix it.Now it's not working at all for me. "

This is insufficient information to even begin chasing a problem.

If you wish to prevent future posts from being deleted, you can learn more about why posts get deleted here:

If you wish to report a problem, please follow the management rules established by the thread (in the first post).

If you need help because your Honorbuddy is not working as you expect, you should use the Support forum. Over there, you must attach the full log that demonstrates the problem, also.

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Attacking oppostie faction

My bot is attacking any opposite faction member that pass by, even if they are 90, and then they end up killing me.

Which Bot? Questing
Character Information (Hunter, 83, Troll, Beast Mastery)
What profile were you using? Kicks mega profile
Date the bug occured: Monday, June 3rd, 4:25AM
As soon as any opposite faction members are in my range the bot immediately attacks them.
please xplain any steps to reproduce the bug. - just go near an alliance if your horde and the bot will start attacking.

Please list all plugins currently enabled = Anti Drown, autoequipt2,drinkpotions,refreshment detection,talented2.
Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable. = TuanaHunter. Dont know which one is the version, on the svn it says "Powered by Subversion version 1.6.13 (r1002816)." and it also says "revision 4"

Please attach a log for this bug report.
Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug. (Note: ensure you do not use the built in WoW screenshot functionality, as it does include a watermark, unless you change the image quality!)


Which Bot?--- Tyreal
Character Information--- 90 Human UH DK
What profile were you using?--- Tuanha DK - The Ultimate Experience
Date the bug occured ---Its been happening ever since patch 5.3 hit. The most recent and the specific one found in the log happened a few hours ago.
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.--- The Bot randomly crashes while doing arena and Battlegrounds. It may work for a few games then randomly crash on the next one. I haven't had it crash during the BG or Arena usually before or after.
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it--- To replicate it I would simply log in and Pvp with the profile stated previously.

Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)--- I do not have any plugins enabled while using it.

Please attach a log for this bug report.
Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug. (Note: ensure you do not use the built in WoW screenshot functionality, as it does include a watermark, unless you change the image quality!)--- Log attached to the post.

Really hoping someone has a fix for this. It's making it really frustrating to use. Especially when it crashes and by the time you log back on your group kicks you from the party.

@Robtomo: I solved my crashes of WoW (real hard crashes - WoW error and shut down mid fight for example) by going back to DX9. DX11 kept crashing, without me finding any sort of pattern or action related to it. Only when using HB by the way; without HB WoW ran fine DX11.
Yeah I switched back to Dx9 a little while back and im still experiencing these crashes. I also experience no crashes whatsoever when i'm not running HB whether im using dx9 or dx11.


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I'm having a problem with Dungeonbuddy. It will accept the ques and quests inside the dungeon, but after that, it just sits there and goes like, "afk." I've restarted my comp, and did a fresh install of honorbuddy. Not sure what else to do. Attached a log to this.


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I hope amendment honorbuddy into the dungon
Delay for the players and the adjustment when you get out of the BGBUDDY
Move so as not to be AFK

Thanks to the great effort
I agree that BG buddy needs to be fixed. It is extremely easy to spot bots before the game has even begun. All the bots move to the same spot together and even when the gates are open they all run and use the teleporter instead of running through the open gates.
I think it's time some randomness was generated on the player's computer such as an option with way-points where some displacement can be used.

So when a player creates a hotspot, they can add an extra set of coordinates that allow the user to input max displacement amount. This means that profile creators can minimize the displacement when a narrow passage is navigated and when the path is open, the way-points can have large displacement values. THIS will make detecting bots using the coordinate system much more difficult.

Also, with the BGs, different pathways and timing needs to be randomized when out of combat. I can join a game and tell you who is a bot easily.
As for questing, often I find the bot gets stuck because of various reasons. To fix this I just stop and start the bot. Perhaps some coding can replace me having to babysit the bot during MoP quests: eg. the bot has a check-box that allows the bot to stop/start X amount of times if the 'player location not moving' condition is flagged.
Not so much a bug, as a request, but SpellManager.CanCast() doesn't contain an overload method for integer spell id's and ignore moving.

It has string and WoWSpell variants, just not integer.
Which Bot? Dungeon + Autoequip2
Character Information Warry (prot), Monk (wind), warlock (destro), Shaman (resto), Hunter (bm)
What profile were you using? rnd dungeon
Date the bug occured everytime
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.

None of this chars roll need for blue items. If they can disenchant, they do - only rolling need on green items. :(

Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)
Anti Drown
Refreshment detection
Talanted 2
Tidy Bags

Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.
Singular - each char

Please attach a log for this bug report.
Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug. (Note: ensure you do not use the built in WoW screenshot functionality, as it does include a watermark, unless you change the image quality!)

[AutoEquip]: Loot roll in progress
[AutoEquip]: Equipped item in slot:LegsSlot scored 789.8 while loot-roll item scored:928.6
[AutoEquip]: Rolling Greed
[AutoEquip]: Loot roll in progress
[AutoEquip]: Equipped item in slot:LegsSlot scored 789.8 while loot-roll item scored:928.6
[AutoEquip]: Rolling Greed
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Quest Behavior: ButtonPressOnAura is not working. HB says the correct button is being pushed per aura but nothing is happening.


Jade Forest
Quest: Missed Me By... That Much!

Toon stays infront of the NPC to turn in the Quest. But does nothing. Cleaned Cache and Restarted HB.

[EDIT 25Jun2013 by chinajade]: Tumbum, moving your post to the Bug reports thread.
Obviously, the profile is issuing the correct directives, but Honorbuddy is not carrying them out.
This isn't a profile problem.


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I've got a couple to add...
Improvement 1) If HB casts a spell and the target moves out of range, it shouldn't just cancel it, move 2 meters and try again... It looks amazingly suss when it does this like 5 times in a row because the target keeps kiting.
Improvement 2) Make it so that HB does not re-summon a dead pet unless it is out of combat. It often stands in the middle of a 3-4 man group summoning the pet... It's very detrimental. At least make it an option. (Ps, I know this is part of Singular but yeh...).
I would like to suggest that you add a "Show Log" button on the interface somewhere so we can just open the current (if bot is running) or last (if bot is stopped) log for that character. Finding logs for people with 6+ accounts is a real pain in the ass. Gotta go through all of them and try to guess which one is the one you are looking for.
I don't know if it's just me, but I think BGBuddy needs an overhaul. Running for towers in AV, EoTs perhaps? Also, AV it doesn't even seem to run anymore, never leaves tunnel. I don't think I'm setting it up wrong but I see myself and other botters running around BG's on mounts not attacking players. Also if you do tweak combat on it, maybe smart targeting, go for heals instead of dps.
BGBuddy needs a huge fix up, current state is more worse than when I originally brought how appalling it is.
HB API deficiencies...

Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.ProfileHelperFunctionsBase.HasSpell(int) is incomplete for purposes of profile writing.

Currenty, the "HasSpell()" shortcut only looks for spells in the Spellbook (via SpellManager). For profile writing purposes, we are also interested in Pet/Vehicle spells, Tradeskill spells, Mount/Minipet spells, etc.

Can we alter HasSpell() to look for the requested spell in all the various nooks and crannies where it might lurk--not just the SpellManager?

Combat Bot Crashing in Honorbuddy 2.5.7350.638

Which Bot? Combat
Character Information: Warrior, 90, Gnome, Fury
What profile were you using? none
Date the bug occured : Sunday, July 14, 2:33pm PT
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.: As soon as i start the bot it crashes. I closed wow, deleted wow cache folders. I then installed HB clean from Honorbuddy 2.5.7350.638.zip , no plugins, and using singular. Started Combat bot.. and again it crashes.
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it. Just do a clean install nothing else.. it should crash for you too.

Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default). None
Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable. Singular

Please attach a log for this bug report. Attached

