Hello lads...wich bot... bg buddy... class : any cc: any
You have to admit, you seen this question before, multiple times yet you dont see the urge to fix something that
is 1. really really broken and 2. in its current state for a long time. Might be a good idea to make this a prio tbh cause
everything you tried to fix on it so far, only made it worse x 10? Can we conclude by seeing the above, that you 1. dont
care or 2. dont know how to fix it?
People always said, it takes a bot to spot a bot, but thats long gone, 12 yr old kiddo down the street can tell if your botting now.
The way they move is just retarded. Settings like refreshment detection just shows your botting since people stick a hs on the other side of the room and all bots run simultaneously. The amount of errors by just opening a bg are plain retarded.
For example, all bots always stand on same places when a bg starts. You can tell in a blink who is botting and whos not since you see all scattered and then one big pack.
When a bg opens, for example :
-eots, all stand on each other on MT.
-IoC, they use the effin portal on open keep door, and this after they ran retarded trough the keep door, back and forth a few times and then take the portal Before you attempted to fix this they actually only took the portal.
-Gilneas, run trough the door, back and forth a few times until, in the end, they continue they're route trough the other room and then that gate....
Its so obvious, not a botter is seeing it now, but a lot of people are and it has become a standard chat issue in bg now making the chance you get reported x10 bigger.
How come, so long, this has been the same, over and over. You have to be a moron to run bg buddy, even av, cause you get stuck on so many occasions, its not even funny no more. I dont care about my account anymore, so i bot 24/7 every cgar to 90, if i get banned, tough luck. But the lack of updates on this, even when this issue has been addressed many many times before, with logs, pics, detailed description.... still remains.
So legit question here. Can we xpct an update soon on the one thing this bot started out to be big with? Or will this remain broken as is...and in the end, is there no use for this bot no more then lazyraider and endless farming?