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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Bug Reports--DO NOT DELETE!

Which Bot?


Character Information

Druid, 90, Tauren, Feral

What profile were you using?


Date the bug occured

17th of January 2013, 19:58

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.

I have an Issue with the Druid flight form when i?m in Silvermoon. The Bot stops every few yards with the "you can't use that here" error. I have unchecked random mount in the settings and set a mount, what can be used for flying and for ground mode. Furthermore i have tested a groundmount too, but it still doesn?t work. The Bot still wants to go in his own Druid flight form.

Heres the Link to the Thread i opened for that http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...7-deactive-druid-flight-form.html#post1004666

Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug.

Go with LVL 90 Druid to Silvermoon and load the profile i posted. In settings, set Auction House to false and Guild Bank and Mail to True. Now the Bot will try to go to a Guild Bank, and after that to the Mailbox. Now you can see, that the Bot is stopping every few yards with the Issue i described.

Please list all plugins currently enabled

LogMeOut http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...gin-logmeout-world-warcraft-disconnecter.html
Mr. ItemRemover2 http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ver2-deletes-opens-sells-items-your-bags.html
Refreshment Detection
TidyBags 3.6 Reloaded http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...veling/9779-plugin-tidybags-3-0-reloaded.html

Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.

I tested it with Singular CC and with Fpsware CC. Link to Fpsware CC http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...s/druid/75889-fpsware-druid-shapeshifter.html

Please attach a log for this bug report.

With Mount which can be used in air and on ground: View attachment 8976 2013-01-17 17.55.txt

With Mount which can be used on ground only: View attachment 11340 2013-01-17 20.57.txt
I'd like to specify Bogglonauts post. It's this profile View attachment INSC-HerbInkVendorEnchantShuffle-12a.xml
(I didn't released this version in my profile thread yet, because I'm still working on something)

The bug in general is: HB tries to use flying mount in silvermoon, but can't. Every class have problem with "you can't use that here", but only druid wants to use flight form. Other classes can work this around by setting flying mount to some mount, which can be also used as ground mount.
Which Bot? (Grind, Quest, Archaeology Buddy, BGBuddy, etc): BGBuddy
Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec): Monk, 90, Orc, Windwalker
What profile were you using? (if applicable. Please provide a link, or an attachment for the profile): N/A
Date the bug occured (please be as specific as possible, eg; Weds, 12th of October, at 5:36 AM EST): Friday, 18th of January at 9:30 PM - 9:40 PM AWST
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.:
So basically I have my character sat at the PvP vendors so MrGearBuyer can buy my gear whilst running BGS, but the bot changes POI to repair and then tries to repair at Jeeves because it had tossed it into the database when a player put it down. So it just sits there spamming that it can't find Jeeves.

Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.: Have damaged gear, park character at pvp vendors and have Jeeves in the DB.

Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default): MrGearBuyer
Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.: Singular
Please attach a log for this bug report.: View attachment 6828 2013-01-18 21.35.txt
Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug. (Note: ensure you do not use the built in WoW screenshot functionality, as it does include a watermark, unless you change the image quality!)
Which Bot? (Grind, Quest, Archaeology Buddy, BGBuddy, etc) Dungeon Buddy
Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec) Level 19 Draenei Shaman
What profile were you using? (if applicable. Please provide a link, or an attachment for the profile) Dungeon Buddy default Deadmines
Date the bug occured (please be as specific as possible, eg; Weds, 12th of October, at 5:36 AM EST) 23:03:38 17/01/2013
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.
Autoequip is needing on multiple unique items such as the Lavishly Jeweled Ring from Deadmines, and Silverlaine's Family Seal from Shadowfang. The other finger slot is still empty or has a lower geared item so it is being needed again the next time it drops. Only one of each of these can be equipped, so the plugin spams 'unable to equip'. Should you be running in a group with others and you need on a unique item you already have, it will give you a reputation as either a bot or a ninja, neither of which are good.
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
I discarded any duplicate items in my bags and ran Deadmines again. Same error.
Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default) Anti drown, Autoequip, Tidybags
Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable. Singular


I would love to see the feature to use hearth stone if getting out of combat makes the character do nothing. Last night, my bot got 10 hrs idle time because it was stuck in combat, doing nothing. (no mobs attacked it)

Also, the bot moves sometimes too much. It can't stand still it seems. (e.g. Bossfights in Dungeonbuddy, attacking mobs after charge or one-hit mobs)
I think it is reproduceable for everyone to set up any grindprofile with one hit mobs and use any melee char with any botbase.
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A node inactivity timer similar to gold inactivity timers in db.
If for example u don't collect a node within say 5 min some anti stuck measures kick in. If node inactivity still remains after anti stuck then game logs out.
I suppose this could be added into logmeout plugin instead/aswell.
Could potentially save account from being banned since there are stucks that go undetected especially when mounted.

An instant wow/hb disconnect whenever u are targeted.
Logmeout has something similar but the lowest it can be set is to 1min which imo is more than enough time for someone to report u.
For example, your bot gets stuck while u are not watching, someone sees u stuck and clicks on u to report u but then all of a sudden u log out.
Most ppl could think u have DC'd and the stuck was nothing more than game lag after a person has logged.
With this extra feature u could potentially use an untested/BETA profile without worrying about ever being targeted by 100 ppl while stuck. LOL
It seems that there is a bug when using grindbot and having "use ground mount farming mode" enabled. The grind bot will simply never unmount to grind - seems not very reasonable to me.

Also there seems to be a bug that the bot simply ignores the mount I want to use - for example in the options I disabled 'random' and 'automatic' and wrote in both, fly/ground the spellid of my 'black stallion' (=470) but HB ignores this and uses my flying mount. (Which then leads to other bugs -.-)

The log is for the flying mount usage.

And another thing that I think is a bug; when in grinding mode and the bot cannot reach the next hotspot it will simply stand there and do nothing until anything gets in attack range.
So simply force the bot to move to the next hotspot in line (or next random if this is selected) when he cannot reach the one he wants to go because he cannot calculate a route to it. And throw an exception into the chat windows even with logging set to normal, so that this can be seen easily.


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It would be nice of the Plugin "Anti Drown" would check for the most common underwater breathing buffs like:
water Gliding, and maybe also the class abilitys.

Iam not 100% sure if the Plugin is Maintained by HB but i wasn?t able to find it anywhere else.
Well, an improvement could be to make the dungeonbuddy automatically detect ur level so that is qeues for the right type of dungeon.
the last couple of days ive been having problems with it trying to qeue for BC dungeons after it has leveled 69, so i lost a lot of time with it just sitting there a few hours trying to qeue for somthing that dosent work :)
Which Bot? (Grind, Quest, Archaeology Buddy, BGBuddy, etc)
BG Buddy

Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Paladin, 90, human, ret

What profile were you using? (if applicable. Please provide a link, or an attachment for the profile)
N/A. Map it occurred on was Isle of Conquest (although it happens elsewhere)

Date the bug occured (please be as specific as possible, eg; Weds, 12th of October, at 5:36 AM EST)
Wed, Feb 13, 10.24AM +8GMT

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.
BGBuddy will attempt to move to the biggest friendly pack even when that pack is a whole bunch of dead people (spirits, not corpses) waiting for the spirit resser to bring them back to life. This can cause it to get stuck on cliffs below the "pack" while it is attempting to get up to all the dead folk (the "biggest friendly pack").

A check needs to be put in place that only counts live players when looking for the biggest friendly pack.

Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
Be in a battleground where a large number of your team is dead, and be near the resurrection point. The bot will attempt to go to the biggest pack, which is all the folk who died, and try climb up the cliffs below the res spot.

As far as logs go, there's literally nothing to see as it's not a recognized error for HB - it thinks its doing the right thing. The line it spams, over and over in the log is:
[BGBuddy]: Moving to biggest friendly pack

Full log attached anyway, just in case.

Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)
Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.
Ultimate PvP plugin http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/pvp/51190-plugin-ultimate-pvp-suite.html
Mr GearBuyer http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/pvp/68598-mr-gearbuyer.html
iGlue http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-glue-reborn-stick-your-target-like-glue.html
Refreshment detection

CC: Vanguard http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...90370-vanguard-lights-justice-zomg-ezret.html


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I would Personally like Dungeon Buddy to have more options - Pick Roll.

And BG Bot Improvements - Be more independent not all bots stay in one big group destroying everything.
This is probably my fifth caster I am using with HB, and I get so frequently the same annoying issue when I am soloing. Say the pull distance is at 25 [units], and the pulling method being a casting item say the frost bolt. If then the target is moving away from me, the bot will detect that the target is out of range (25 [units]), interrupt the spell and move closer till they are 25 [units] away again. I wish that HB bet's a furthest and closest distance instead. So by saying the enemy can be anywhere between (as example) 25 and 40 [units], the bot won't interrupt the spell. But if the target is further away than the 40 [units] set, the bot will move to the 25 [units] set as the closest distance.

PS, good work with all your bots :)
Alterac Valley pathing issue (makes it look really obvious that you are botting)

Which Bot? BGBuddy
Character Information Monk, 90
What profile were you using?
Date the bug occured: More of a general fix then anything
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
Be alliance, go to Frostwolf area (between the East and West Towers)
Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)
not a plugin issue
Please attach a log for this bug report.
Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug. (Note: ensure you do not use the built in WoW screenshot functionality, as it does include a watermark, unless you change the image quality!)

The bot for what ever reason when you get to this point just paths back and forward, it looks really botty and needs to be fixed asap

Here's a pick of the path

Which Bot? GRIND BOT
Character Information ROGUE 90 DWARF COMBAT
What profile were you using? It's my own profile which was working properly before 5.2 and Hb updates for 100%
Date the bug occured Depends on date, each time my bags are full
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. The bug is really simple. Before patch 5.2 after my bot grinded full bag, he went to sell items and then go back to farm. When the time came that he had 1 slot free with items which I selected to mail to another char (white named items) he went to mail and send it, then over and over. Now it gets full bags and don't even try to move to NPC, not going to mail items either. Somehow I manage to force him to sell grey items and after that mail the white ones (I was start > stop the bot in different places, also with vendor targeted etc.) but right now it's not working. There is no need to post my profile for since it's just coords and options what to do (imba easy one + it was working perfectly before patch).

Please list all plugins currently enabled Refreshment Detection and Hotspot Recorder (this 2 are enabled when I open HB)
Which Custom Class are you using? If you mean which routine, I use FightThisWay by Kamilche (saying that everything was working good befoe patch)

Please attach a log for this bug report.

Can't give you log since there is not showing anything, just standard information about grinding. The problem is the bot should know that there is 1 slot free only > move to vendor > mail items, but he is ignoring full bag right now and continues to grind.

The question is, does something change in the engine or anything? Or maybe I have to make the profile from start ? I saw that in "developer tools" when I refresh my position coords are showing in some different then before way. It was always like X 2344.98 (4 characters then dot) and now it's 2 34498. Maybe HB can't read coords of Mailbox ? But how he could grind on hotspots right now also with old coords ?
StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Subterfuge") always returns true for me when I have the subterfuge talent. The same holds true if I use the spell id. If I don't have the talent it shows as false.

This happens whether I have the Subterfuge aura or not. This seems like a bug.
Which Bot? (Grind, Quest, Archaeology Buddy, BGBuddy, etc) - Archaeology

Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec) Death Knight 90 Human Frost

What profile were you using? (if applicable. Please provide a link, or an attachment for the profile) Default

Date the bug occured (please be as specific as possible, eg; Weds, 12th of October, at 5:36 AM EST)
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report. - March 20th 2013

Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it. Attempting Archaeology on Kalimdor results in flying in a triangle formation between Silithus/Uldum, the bot says "Going to Trainer" I have the auto-train option turned off.

Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)

Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.

I hope this is enough information, I'm quite new to the botting world and simply heard about you guys from a friend of mine.
1. DungeonBuddy - Ability to auto switch between LFR wings after first one is complete. I have 6 toons that I need to do LFR on every week, it is a nuisance having to swap between wings for each one.
Probaly already suggested; global pause, for all botbases!

(No i did not read this topic).