Community Developer
- Joined
- Jul 20, 2010
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Could you add support for Hightfish Cap maybe?
It's a hat that's fished and gives +100 fishing when equipped, but it has a limited duration of 7 days.
Ideally, it would work with Nat's Hat in that the the Hightfish Cap is equipped, but the buff from Nat's Hat is still used (Nat's Hat support already works with AutoAngler).
Hey Guys thers a new Lure "<WoWItem Name="Extraordinärer Wurm" Entry="118391" />" can you add to the Bot that he have to use this one if possible ?
This is easy enough to do yourself. Just go into Bots/Autoangler/Coroutines.Lure and find where the list of lures in and copy/paste "Extraordinärer Wurm" Entry="118391" into the list.
That one was easy enough but I'm trying to figure out how to use the various fish baits introduced in this expansion such as Blackwater Whiptail Bait. Since I know nothing about coding, I just replaced all the entries dealing with Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm (since I don't have it) with BlackwaterWhiptailBait and the corresponding item/aura codes. It worked great the first time, I start the bot and it equips my fishing rod, attaches a lure, then puts on the bait. The problem is, when the bait runs out after 5 min, even though i have more in my bag, it doesn't put a new one on. Anybody have any ideas?
Hi, all,
We've opened these two feature requests:
- HB-1524: AutoAngler: Allow use new Draenor Lures and Baits
- HB-1529: AutoAngler: Updating to Draenor fishing attire
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