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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

We've opened HB-1030 ("Making a "Session ID" available in log and via HB API, so user's know which BuddyAuth session to kill ") against this request.

Thanks a lot!

To me, its still unclear how the provided timestamp is ambiguous. Its very hard to imagine multiple bots being started within the same second, and if some were, it would not be very many. We've opened the issue, but the case is not strong, and the change control board may decide its not worth implementing or set the request to a reasonable priority, unless the argument can be made much stronger.

Specifically, having access to a session identifier within HB to compare against BuddyAuth is a critical benefit for me and hopefully many others. We've had requests for this in the general section over the years but none recently.

Regarding the timestamp on BuddyAuth, you are right, there isn't much difficulty in determining the correct session to kill when you remember the order you started them in and I wouldn't consider this a high priority but more of a convenience and usability factor. Many times I have closed the wrong session after HB or WoW crashes during a DungeonBuddy group because I wasn't sure exactly which session was tied to the one that crashed. I end up just closing all sometimes. Other times I would be in town or at work and have to close a session from my phone.

If it wasn't a security risk to include the character name & realm then that would solve all of those issues, at home or remotely. An alternative could be to use PID. Again though this isn't a considerable productivity boost like having a unique session identifier available to HB would be. Thanks again for your time.
If it wasn't a security risk to include the character name & realm then that would solve all of those issues, at home or remotely. An alternative could be to use PID. Again though this isn't a considerable productivity boost like having a unique session identifier available to HB would be. Thanks again for your time.

But honestly the best one is have a dedicated ID exposed on the API that specifically points to that ID on the website.

Aside from that I have to agree with all you said, specifically if you ran more than 1 computer which you can't predetermine when each will restart or start which would cause a great confusing since the timestamps on buddyauth is no up to the milliseconds but just up to seconds. Even if it was up to milliseconds I would still think that would be dubious to automate since the time would differ from the time you would save at HB, you would need A) timezone conversion B) assert the difference in seconds and milliseconds to match against if no other session had similar equivalence while an ID for the purpose would not cause such ambiguity.
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CJ, I might be overlooking something but are you talking about the time displayed on the buddyauth page alone as the timestamp or was there some API property to give you the same timestamp that is updated on the website?
Thanks a lot!
Specifically, having access to a session identifier within HB to compare against BuddyAuth is a critical benefit for me and hopefully many others. We've had requests for this in the general section over the years but none recently.

Regarding the timestamp on BuddyAuth, you are right, there isn't much difficulty in determining the correct session to kill when you remember the order you started them in and I wouldn't consider this a high priority but more of a convenience and usability factor. Many times I have closed the wrong session after HB or WoW crashes during a DungeonBuddy group because I wasn't sure exactly which session was tied to the one that crashed. I end up just closing all sometimes. Other times I would be in town or at work and have to close a session from my phone.

If it wasn't a security risk to include the character name & realm then that would solve all of those issues, at home or remotely. An alternative could be to use PID. Again though this isn't a considerable productivity boost like having a unique session identifier available to HB would be. Thanks again for your time.
But honestly the best one is have a dedicated ID exposed on the API that specifically points to that ID on the website.

Aside from that I have to agree with all you said, specifically if you ran more than 1 computer which you can't predetermine when each will restart or start which would cause a great confusing since the timestamps on buddyauth is no up to the milliseconds but just up to seconds. Even if it was up to milliseconds I would still think that would be dubious to automate since the time would differ from the time you would save at HB, you would need A) timezone conversion B) assert the difference in seconds and milliseconds to match against if no other session had similar equivalence while an ID for the purpose would not cause such ambiguity.
Hi, Namednoob and Itomok,

I have folded your additional feedback into HB-1030.

Hello, please look into archaeologybuddy - kalimdor continent - ruins of lar'donir and valley of bones digsites. Both seem to be bugged and get constant stucks. Thank you.
Please I beg you to put the line number or line range in the GoalText because at the moment I have to guess where the line number is as it just says "Goal: Grinding" for the GrindSetArea etc, basically just to apply to all objective/quest behaviours etc to tell in GoalText the line number (or line range) for which the bot is on.
At first add an non Moonwalk antistuck would be good (the Botscans the area before moving out and then navigates like a Real Player out to Avoid reports cuz of Stucks in Walls , and an Non CTM option would be good that the Bot would move with Injected W,A,S,D keys i think this would make the bot harder for players to detect it. (Would reduce the Number of Playerreports)
its not really that "advanced" math a little of 6th grade (elementary school) trigonometry

Yeah, they don't teach that in the UK (on level 2 course), I asked in my maths course specifically if they did this and they don't and that's a level 2 course (equal to GCSE or near to).
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HB UI "minimal" mode

add button that switches between normal view and "minimal view"
normal view would not be different from today

in minimal view HB would not have title bar, would be always on top, window height would be height of standard windows title-bar (around 30-40 pixels i think) width would depend on number of buttons in minimal HB window, around 200 pixels should be max

left side part of this "minimized window" should be a bit bigger "drag area" where user can drag this window since it does not have title bar,
than buttons should be put with decent horizontal spacing so no mis-clicks,
buttons available should not have text just small 32*32 buttons with smartly chosen icons so they are easily recognized and if possible each should have significantly different colors so they can be recognized by colors when working from bigger distance/on small screen

suggestion for buttons:
- switch to full UI button (can be first or last not sure which is better for usability)
- start bot
- stop bot
- pause bot
- STUCK light (goes yellow when bot detects stuck) STAYS yellow until user clicks on it
- WHISPER light goes red when you get whisper from somebody including GM STAYS yellow until user clicks on it
- close HB
- close WOW and HB
- settings and tools
- bot config
- class config
- plugins
- settings button for each plugin (plugins-> click on plugin-> click settings )
- should be possible to remove unneeded buttons from this "minimized HB toolbar" somewhere in settings

HB should start in minimal mode if command line switch /minimal is given (so ARELOG/HBRELOG/custom shortcut icons can start HB in this mode)

optional nice to have feature: option to lock minimal HB to its WOW title-bar so when you drag its WOW instance HB moves with it (centered over its title bar) but if you add this please add option to disable it

this way when you have a lot of WOW instances and resize them each to 300*200 you can put HB in "minimized mode" over WOW title-bar for each instance of WOW and don't have to spend screen space on HB or use bring buddy to front/bring WOW to front in your relloger
Please I beg you to put the line number or line range in the GoalText because at the moment I have to guess where the line number is as it just says "Goal: Grinding" for the GrindSetArea etc, basically just to apply to all objective/quest behaviours etc to tell in GoalText the line number (or line range) for which the bot is on.

Hi, Giwin,

I'm sure you know these line numbers are available in the log file. Nevertheless, we've opened feature request HB-1119 ("In LevelBot, include profile line number in 'Goal Text'") against this issue.

At first add an non Moonwalk antistuck would be good (the Botscans the area before moving out and then navigates like a Real Player out to Avoid reports cuz of Stucks in Walls , and an Non CTM option would be good that the Bot would move with Injected W,A,S,D keys i think this would make the bot harder for players to detect it. (Would reduce the Number of Playerreports)

Hi Donrevallo,

We've captured this issue into feature request HB-1120 ("A more human-like stuck handler?").

Please could you make a hook for this quest, http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27001/this-means-war-wild-arachnid-roundup
It requires advanced math to do the quest, At the moment it's not doable with any other quest behaviours.
m8, that quest already works in Kicks profile, a little flaky but works
and even if it was not working, its not really that "advanced" math a little of 6th grade (elementary school) trigonometry
Yeah, they don't teach that in the UK (on level 2 course), I asked in my maths course specifically if they did this and they don't and that's a level 2 course (equal to GCSE or near to).

Hi, Giwin,

The specific quest behavior already exists as:
.../Honorbuddy/Quest Behaviors/SpecificQuests/27001-WPL-ThisMeansWAR.cs

As Bloodmarks point out, the existing behavior is not optimal, but it is effective enough.

Please add the ability to change Combat Routines without having to close and re-open HB
Hi, NavyAV89,

This is feature request HB-30 ("Allow the user to change routines without restart"). It has been on the radar for quite a while, but still no ETA. More pressing things need to be solved first.

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HB UI "minimal" mode

add button that switches between normal view and "minimal view"
normal view would not be different from today

in minimal view HB would not have title bar, would be always on top, window height would be height of standard windows title-bar (around 30-40 pixels i think) width would depend on number of buttons in minimal HB window, around 200 pixels should be max

left side part of this "minimized window" should be a bit bigger "drag area" where user can drag this window since it does not have title bar,
than buttons should be put with decent horizontal spacing so no mis-clicks,
buttons available should not have text just small 32*32 buttons with smartly chosen icons so they are easily recognized and if possible each should have significantly different colors so they can be recognized by colors when working from bigger distance/on small screen

suggestion for buttons:
- switch to full UI button (can be first or last not sure which is better for usability)
- start bot
- stop bot
- pause bot
- STUCK light (goes yellow when bot detects stuck) STAYS yellow until user clicks on it
- WHISPER light goes red when you get whisper from somebody including GM STAYS yellow until user clicks on it
- close HB
- close WOW and HB
- settings and tools
- bot config
- class config
- plugins
- settings button for each plugin (plugins-> click on plugin-> click settings )
- should be possible to remove unneeded buttons from this "minimized HB toolbar" somewhere in settings

HB should start in minimal mode if command line switch /minimal is given (so ARELOG/HBRELOG/custom shortcut icons can start HB in this mode)

optional nice to have feature: option to lock minimal HB to its WOW title-bar so when you drag its WOW instance HB moves with it (centered over its title bar) but if you add this please add option to disable it

this way when you have a lot of WOW instances and resize them each to 300*200 you can put HB in "minimized mode" over WOW title-bar for each instance of WOW and don't have to spend screen space on HB or use bring buddy to front/bring WOW to front in your relloger

Hi, Bloodmarks,

This is feature request HB-490 ("A minimalist Honorbuddy interface"). I've added your thoughts as an attachment to the request.

Can I suggest that maybe there be some kind of CR template or something for new users? As someone coming from PQR/PE for raiding, trying to put together my own CR for Honorbuddy is incredibly daunting, even with the two community guides posted.

The biggest issue is not knowing what functions exist and how to use them. So, for example, how to create totem logic. Most shaman profiles seem to use singular logic, but there isn't a good explanation of it. With more and more CRs moving towards streaming, it will be more difficult to "see" how things are done.

Maybe just commenting in Singular, or basic templates for each class, or something that will help first timers.

Just a thought.
Being able to locally disable all buddystore streaming in the global settings would be helpful for HB installs in a separate development directory. I know you can individually toggle each individual subscription in the buddyauth, but I'd like to be able to leave them enabled for my general use install, and simply not download any in my development install.
Please allow flying mounts to be used as ground mount. I have an account with a boosted 90. There are no ground mounts and cannot buy one until rep is high enough. This looks bad in raids when my toon is walking while everyone else is riding.