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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

i would like to add my opinion to the thread

an reputation bot. an collected bot for grinding rep for all those factions that exist in wow. you just click in which ones you want and at what rep lvl you want them. and assign profiles acordingly. also a priority lvl would be nice. like i want goldenlotus the most and anglers the least.

please come with feedback anyone.
i think this element to honorbuddy would be awesome.
If you get Kick's profiles, they come with a lot of reputation grinding profiles. Some work better than others, but most of the relevant ones (MoP) work very well. They run on the Questing botbase.
If you get Kick's profiles, they come with a lot of reputation grinding profiles. Some work better than others, but most of the relevant ones (MoP) work very well. They run on the Questing botbase.

let me clarify. i want to be able to tie and profile to a faction and have a profile order. like klaxxi -> golden lotus and so on. i got most of the rep grinding profiles. but many is just dailys. i can achive the same results with warscout farm. but i want an automatic profile changer when all the dailys or quests is done for that faction to let the bot automaticy begin the next on the list.
I would like to propose to better dungeon farming.

What i have in mind:
Using the Dungeonbuddy bot a user should be able to chose what dungeon or dungeons he wish to farm by selecting them from a drop down menu and such the bot will farm the dungeons endlessly, mailing and vendoring should be supported.
I am proposing this because right now we use Questing bot and advance as it is resurrecting after dead is bugs the bot and stucks the character. And lets be honest DC's, crashes and lag spikes do happen. As far as i can see Dungeon resurrection works if its using dungeonbuddy it would be nice if dungeon farming solo becomes part of Dungeonbuddy

Hi, Soullinker,

Dungeonbuddy provides exactly the feature you describe. Please have a look at the Dungeonbuddy [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Would be really nice if we could have a changelog (doesn't need something overcomplicated just something simple like this https://couchpota.to/updates/changelog.html) so we can easily track fixes, pending bugs that we report and were it was pushed into and other related stuff.

Right now I know that there is a downloadable changelog file on the beta builds and aside from the latest we have to dig around piles of split threads to see any other changelogs which we actually might not be able to see since archived files can't be downloaded I think. If we have a page for that we can easily browse and search at the page by the version, issue number, etc and see how its going.

Or perhaps there is something but I am not aware of so kindly point me if there is one ;)

Hi, Namednoob, and thanks for the suggestion.

So far, we've made about 100 drops since the MoP release (as of this writing). You can find the list here:

Each of the entries on this list contain a (sometimes lengthy, sometimes tiny) changelog. This is the current method with which we are delivering the change information.

However, we've opened feature request HB-1020 ("Monolithic, comprehensive changelog since Honorbuddy drop for expansion?") against your request to have it investigated. The development staff is spread very thin in preparation for the upcoming WoD expansion, so don't count on it anytime soon—even if they decide to pursue it.

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Is there anyway you could implement a time cap on how much you wanna bot for? For instance, it would at least minimize the amount bans that could potentially happen? Say I wanna bot for 2 hours today, I just set the time for 2 hours and let the bot run and after 2 hours it would try to accurately place me in an area where I'm not getting attacked, or just uses hearthstone after quest. Just something along those lines and logs out. That way, people don't get banned because I forgot to turn off my bot kinda of dealio.
Check the plugin area for "logmeout" or "HBRelog" they both can achieve that.

Hi, Jasons,

The development staff does not feel such functionality belongs in the core of Honorbuddy. Instead, that functionality is left for other components in the Honorbuddy Architecture to instrument.

Namednoob has provided some examples. You can find them here:
  • [post=727393][Plugin] LogMeOut! - A World of Warcraft disconnecter ! [/post]
  • [post=324557]ARelog - A Simple Free Relogger for Buddy Products [/post]
  • [post=458625][App] - HBRelog, an opensource relogger [/post]
I have talked to a few of you core developers on skype about this allready but I thought I would make a formal request here.
What I would like to be implemented is a HB chat channel.
This is a chat channel that would work like WoW addon channel.
The channel has no GUI and is never showned to any user at any time.
When you auth HB you would at the same time connect to this channel.
For security reasons no character names would never ever be sent over this channel.
This channel would be for us developers.
After arguing with myself on how to solve all security issues and to make it work for only your own sessions I sugest 3 prefix.

Prefix 1 : When you auth your honorbuddy session you are automaticly linked to your buddyauth (I guess), so prefix 1 would be your buddyauth, now this make it so that you can only communicate with your own sessions.
Prefix 2 : This is for users with alot of sessions. This should have a default name, but a user can log into his buddyauth page and add prefixes, then when you start HB a popup (like when you have multiple CC's) you select what prefix you want that session to use.
Prefix 3 : Developer prefix, this is the prefix that we developers decide what it is to send/get information between our own sessions.

So as an example of a message that could appear on the chat channel:
<MyBuddyAuthName> <default> <MyCustomBotBase> gotoloc 1,2,3
Now if all 3 prefix is correct for your session then (if the botbase is coded correctly) all sessions would move to said location.

What is the impact on the user ?
Well none, the channel is hidden, no user (or developer) will ever see it, if you as a user haven't added custom prefixes on your buddyauth page you wouldn't even know it existed (unless you read the patch notes :P )

What is the benefits for us developers ?
It would be a huge benefit for us developers as we can safly send/recieve information on your other sessions.
As an example, when to make a rafquester.
You can request to see if the others sessions have picked up quest, solved quest, go to specific location and wait for everyone to gather up before returning quests etc etc etc.

As the chatchannel is completly hidden and there is on GUI for it (except for core developers) this can't be abused, no developer can use it to get information about anyone else, core filtering would be that you only react to your own buddyauth prefix, and what that prefix is can never be requested, the only prefix that could be checked (from a developers standpoint) is the 3rd prefix.
if(prefix == myCustomBotBase) {
  if(arg1 == "gotoloc") {
Silly example but to prove my point on what the developer have to work with and what he can check.

Hi, AknA, and thanks for the suggestion.

This feature request as already been captured as HB-941 ("A Buddy-hosted communication channel for Honorbuddy sessions?"). We've updated, HB-941 with the information you've provided here, to make certain that none of the desires got lost.

The current status is:
  • We understand the power of the idea and what it would allow
  • There are security concerns with implementing such things, beyond what you have alluded to
  • This is a feature request vs a bug report, so it will naturally have lower priority
  • The development staff is currently spread thin doing WoD pre-work
We said all that to emphasize that even though the idea is powerful, we've no ETA for it yet. :D

And, as a warning to ALL developers...
Do NOT try to solve this problem using WoWclient facilities. (chat channels, storing things in LUA variables in the WoWclient, etc). This leaves a 'footprint' that is potentially detectable by the Warden, and well within its capablities.

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Id like to see a "set bags to full" button as many profiles trigger events when bags are full, and this would help in certain occasions.

Hi, Proceed,

This would be of limited use and a "developer only" type function. As such, we would not consider adding such a feature to the UI.

For developers, there are two easy ways to trigger such a condition.
  • Buy stacks of something cheap (e.g., 60 "Refreshing Spring Water"), and unstack them in your bags.
    You could easily write a macro or LUA code to assist you with doing this, if its something that needs to be done frequently.

  • Use the Developer Console, to force a sell run
    Vendors.ForceSell = true
Which technique you used depends on what exactly you are trying to test.

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Could we get a checkbox in the questing-bot-settings, that lets us disable the vendor hook?
With some profiles, this really causes trouble and stucks and there seems not be a possibility to disable this at the moment.
Hi, Syunsi,

This is not something we would consider adding to the UI.

Instead, the profile should be using:

<DisableBehavior Name="Vendor" />
<!-- ...profile code that has problem with making vendor runs -->
<EnableBehavior Name="Vendor" />

...to work through these problematic areas.

I know it sounds crazy, but I am botting mostly on my 8 inch windows tablet using mobile data.
Honorbuddy is mostly very good at what I am using it for. However, it requires a little babystting from time to time.

In this specific 'on the go' setting, I have no access to a mouse or a keyboard, which is a huge pain to tap the little down arrow to pause or resume the bot for a little maintanance job. For some profile, accidental tap on stop screw things up big time.

If the pause button can be bigger and a seperate button from stop one, it will improve my quality of life greatly.

Sorry for the insane request. lol

Hi, Ericthemage,

Part of the problem may be the Honorbuddy UI gets kinda crowded when "Enhanced Mode" is turned on. Enhanced mode is used by many people.

Nevertheless, we've opened feature request HB-1021 ("A more prominent "Pause" button?") against this issue.

i would like to add my opinion to the thread

an reputation bot. an collected bot for grinding rep for all those factions that exist in wow. you just click in which ones you want and at what rep lvl you want them. and assign profiles acordingly. also a priority lvl would be nice. like i want goldenlotus the most and anglers the least.

please come with feedback anyone.
i think this element to honorbuddy would be awesome.
If you get Kick's profiles, they come with a lot of reputation grinding profiles. Some work better than others, but most of the relevant ones (MoP) work very well. They run on the Questing botbase.

Hi, Inzomnia89,

As HB8240E15 points out... to solve this problem, we expect users to apply the Questing bot and use one of the hundreds of reputation profiles that already exist. There is no need for a dedicated bot to do this.

let me clarify. i want to be able to tie and profile to a faction and have a profile order. like klaxxi -> golden lotus and so on. i got most of the rep grinding profiles. but many is just dailys. i can achive the same results with warscout farm. but i want an automatic profile changer when all the dailys or quests is done for that faction to let the bot automaticy begin the next on the list.
The Honorbuddy Architecture expects you to use a plugin or write profiles appropriately to solve this problem. "Profile changing" plugins already exist, in addition to the creative use of ARelog or HBRelog.

As Kmica has pointed out, TheBrodieMan's "Profile Compendium" plugin is a perfect example of how we expect such problems to be solved.

Again, there is no need for a dedicated bot to solve this problem. And, this is not something that we will consider.

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Hi, Namednoob, and thanks for the suggestion.

So far, we've made about 100 drops since the MoP release (as of this writing). You can find the list here:

Each of the entries on this list contain a (sometimes lengthy, sometimes tiny) changelog. This is the current method with which we are delivering the change information.

However, we've opened feature request HB-1020 ("Monolithic, comprehensive changelog since Honorbuddy drop for expansion?") against your request to have it investigated. The development staff is spread very thin in preparation for the upcoming WoD expansion, so don't count on it anytime soon—even if they decide to pursue it.


Thanks that is really nice to know I wasn't even aware of that page and knowing it will be kept up to date with is a plus.
I would like to request, that the PAUSE button to be accessible within the the API of the BOT, I have seen that I can stop the bot as it I had pressed the stop button however I don't see any simple way to just PAUSE and resume the bot activities.

For example, If I am using Kick's profile to level and use the PAUSE button and then resume the bot, it will continue whatever it was doing. However if I were to use the STOP to possible emulate a PAUSE it would cause the bot to refresh several information including the profile which would make the bot skip to a possible new are unlike the PAUSE.

That could be a really nice feature to for instance synchronize a group of bot together without having to refresh everything with a stop/start action.

Would be nice if you guys could create a secondary ID which we can accessed using the API and referenced on the buddyauth so we can precisely kill the running bot we need to. This is specifically one down side to those who buy keys that are composed of multiple sessions(aka 2 or more and I don't see that as being the intended desired outcome for the kill feature) and gives us a very shady accessibility to the feature in a case of automating of the process, after all that is why we bot right? To have it play for us.

A simple example would be, if I am using multiple accounts at different times with my 3 session key and at some point one of the bot on that key get stuck(not in game related stuck) and that session won't get removed from the buddy auth page, I no longer can use 3 session at that specific time until it releases it self.

However I am able to kill it and yet I can't kill the specific bot session in question but rather am obligate to kill the entire kill and restart all the bots under that key which is extremely bad at least to my case.

I understand one could buy single keys instead that is probably my mistake for buying the package of keys however I am not even allowed to pay the difference in price to obtain separated key or so it was told me on the support mail so I believe to be pretty unfair to your customers.

As a side note I would see this one as a BUG since the session related to a specific bot does exist but access to it is not present with HB I would think because of security issues perhaps so having a secondary key specific to that might be just as good or any other reference to that specific bot that allows you to identify it.
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I think it would be great if the bot can join arenas for pvp like it does whit bgs. so if you have 2 accounts it will just to party up and join and the weekly cap is no problem.


I think it would be great if the bot can join arenas for pvp like it does whit bgs. so if you have 2 accounts it will just to party up and join and the weekly cap is no problem.


Arena wil never be supported other then with tyrael or lazyraider botbase, aka movement by hand.

And thank god for that.

Bg's are pointless allr, happy arena will never ever be that way.
I would like to request, that the PAUSE button to be accessible within the the API of the BOT, I have seen that I can stop the bot as it I had pressed the stop button however I don't see any simple way to just PAUSE and resume the bot activities.

For example, If I am using Kick's profile to level and use the PAUSE button and then resume the bot, it will continue whatever it was doing. However if I were to use the STOP to possible emulate a PAUSE it would cause the bot to refresh several information including the profile which would make the bot skip to a possible new are unlike the PAUSE.

That could be a really nice feature to for instance synchronize a group of bot together without having to refresh everything with a stop/start action.

Would be nice if you guys could create a secondary ID which we can accessed using the API and referenced on the buddyauth so we can precisely kill the running bot we need to. This is specifically one down side to those who buy keys that are composed of multiple sessions(aka 2 or more and I don't see that as being the intended desired outcome for the kill feature) and gives us a very shady accessibility to the feature in a case of automating of the process, after all that is why we bot right? To have it play for us.

A simple example would be, if I am using multiple accounts at different times with my 3 session key and at some point one of the bot on that key get stuck(not in game related stuck) and that session won't get removed from the buddy auth page, I no longer can use 3 session at that specific time until it releases it self.

However I am able to kill it and yet I can't kill the specific bot session in question but rather am obligate to kill the entire kill and restart all the bots under that key which is extremely bad at least to my case.

I understand one could buy single keys instead that is probably my mistake for buying the package of keys however I am not even allowed to pay the difference in price to obtain separated key or so it was told me on the support mail so I believe to be pretty unfair to your customers.

As a side note I would see this one as a BUG since the session related to a specific bot does exist but access to it is not present with HB I would think because of security issues perhaps so having a secondary key specific to that might be just as good or any other reference to that specific bot that allows you to identify it.

I would also like this functionality. Having all my keys merged into one opened up a lot of possibilities but also limits the ability to know which session is attached to which bot. Being able to access a unique ID to the session itself within plugins/botbases that corresponds to the session shown on BuddyAuth has been requested in the past and it would be great if we could get some attention to this subject.

The timestamp itself displayed on BuddyAuth just isn't enough to identify the correct sessions when manually trying to close a session either, especially if you start many at near the same time.
I think it would be great if the bot can join arenas for pvp like it does whit bgs. so if you have 2 accounts it will just to party up and join and the weekly cap is no problem.
Arena wil never be supported other then with tyrael or lazyraider botbase, aka movement by hand.
And thank god for that.
Bg's are pointless allr, happy arena will never ever be that way.

Hi, Kitzum,

Webhond is spot on, in that Bossland GmbH will never support Arena play. You can find more information here:
[post=1253312]HelpDesk: Honorbuddy and Arenas[/post]

I would like to request, that the PAUSE button to be accessible within the the API of the BOT, I have seen that I can stop the bot as it I had pressed the stop button however I don't see any simple way to just PAUSE and resume the bot activities.

For example, If I am using Kick's profile to level and use the PAUSE button and then resume the bot, it will continue whatever it was doing. However if I were to use the STOP to possible emulate a PAUSE it would cause the bot to refresh several information including the profile which would make the bot skip to a possible new are unlike the PAUSE.

That could be a really nice feature to for instance synchronize a group of bot together without having to refresh everything with a stop/start action.

Hi again, Namednoob,

The problem is that once Honorbuddy is paused, nothing gets 'ticked' any more. So, bot, combat routines, plugins, quest behaviors, etc are not running while Honorbuddy is paused. In this situation, there is nothing "running" that can set the Pause back to the 'resume' state. This is why TreeRoot.IsPaused is read only. To allow otherwise, would effectively be "locking your keys in the car".

Would be nice if you guys could create a secondary ID which we can accessed using the API and referenced on the buddyauth so we can precisely kill the running bot we need to. This is specifically one down side to those who buy keys that are composed of multiple sessions(aka 2 or more and I don't see that as being the intended desired outcome for the kill feature) and gives us a very shady accessibility to the feature in a case of automating of the process, after all that is why we bot right? To have it play for us.

A simple example would be, if I am using multiple accounts at different times with my 3 session key and at some point one of the bot on that key get stuck(not in game related stuck) and that session won't get removed from the buddy auth page, I no longer can use 3 session at that specific time until it releases it self.

However I am able to kill it and yet I can't kill the specific bot session in question but rather am obligate to kill the entire kill and restart all the bots under that key which is extremely bad at least to my case.

I understand one could buy single keys instead that is probably my mistake for buying the package of keys however I am not even allowed to pay the difference in price to obtain separated key or so it was told me on the support mail so I believe to be pretty unfair to your customers.

As a side note I would see this one as a BUG since the session related to a specific bot does exist but access to it is not present with HB I would think because of security issues perhaps so having a secondary key specific to that might be just as good or any other reference to that specific bot that allows you to identify it.
I would also like this functionality. Having all my keys merged into one opened up a lot of possibilities but also limits the ability to know which session is attached to which bot. Being able to access a unique ID to the session itself within plugins/botbases that corresponds to the session shown on BuddyAuth has been requested in the past and it would be great if we could get some attention to this subject.

The timestamp itself displayed on BuddyAuth just isn't enough to identify the correct sessions when manually trying to close a session either, especially if you start many at near the same time.

We've opened HB-1030 ("Making a "Session ID" available in log and via HB API, so user's know which BuddyAuth session to kill ") against this request. To me, its still unclear how the provided timestamp is ambiguous. Its very hard to imagine multiple bots being started within the same second, and if some were, it would not be very many. We've opened the issue, but the case is not strong, and the change control board may decide its not worth implementing or set the request to a reasonable priority, unless the argument can be made much stronger.

Hi again, Namednoob,

The problem is that once Honorbuddy is paused, nothing gets 'ticked' any more. So, bot, combat routines, plugins, quest behaviors, etc are not running while Honorbuddy is paused. In this situation, there is nothing "running" that can set the Pause back to the 'resume' state. This is why TreeRoot.IsPaused is read only. To allow otherwise, would effectively be "locking your keys in the car".

We've opened HB-1030 ("Making a "Session ID" available in log and via HB API, so user's know which BuddyAuth session to kill ") against this request. To me, its still unclear how the provided timestamp is ambiguous. Its very hard to imagine multiple bots being started within the same second, and if some were, it would not be very many. We've opened the issue, but the case is not strong, and the change control board may decide its not worth implementing or set the request to a reasonable priority, unless the argument can be made much stronger.


CJ, I might be overlooking something but are you talking about the time displayed on the buddyauth page alone as the timestamp or was there some API property to give you the same timestamp that is updated on the website?