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I have a problem with Dungeonbuddy profile .It start not functioning wells since few days.I wront a thread in support section and they directed me to you.

Here is the link to my thread with Log file attached.


I've been testing it since the servers came back up. It looks like DB is broken at the moment. Even if it loads the profile without errors on Gates and Vale the CR isnt being initiated. It'll move around and follow the tank, but it won't attack or heal (even using singular).
I've been testing it since the servers came back up. It looks like DB is broken at the moment. Even if it loads the profile without errors on Gates and Vale the CR isnt being initiated. It'll move around and follow the tank, but it won't attack or heal (even using singular).

I also am seeing the same issue. Prior to the previous Bot update, where the BETA was the only version able to do Gates / Underhold / and Downfall, it was working fine. After the "stable release" bot pushed the update with these profiles included those three LFR dungeons will no longer will call the CR.

EDIT: Unlike the quoted text above my Vale LFR is working just as it always has and will make a call the CR to initiate just fine. It is only the other 3. The same issue exists on a new install of the current release and the newest beta release available.
I've been using DB for the last 2 weeks with no interruption. Do you not set your role in-game when your character is logged in? Have you setup the Bot Config properly?

Can you be more specific with your issue, or provide a log?

As of the last update I used (Whatever build was active last night) the bots themselves correctly set and confirmed their roles throughout their runs. I believe I've set up the bot config properly as I do the same thing every time and there are releases in which everything works (though dungeon support is extremely limited, only 2 Cataclysm dungeons are afk-able as a tank with a full bot group).

What I would love is some feedback from the developer in charge on DB on how to refine and create the profiles ourselves. I'd then go through and make dungeon profiles, most especially 'farm' ones that mass-pull and assume that you massively outgear what you're farming so that you can chain pull and not wait for stuck DPS or healer mana or whatever.
I have been using this option for past two weeks and used to work perfectly.

but since last couple of days I noticed that when ever I choose the option "Auto Select Best Raid" it queues to "Gates of retribution" and not "Vale of eternal Sorrows"
Even when "gates of Retribution is done, the next LFR it queues is "pinnacle of storms" which is lower than "Downfall" & "The Underhold"... while non of these been done yet.

I tried to manually select "Downfall" but it doesn't work well anymore.. in the status bar it keep saying "Checking for Script update" and below is the error log I get when it enter the dungen:

Honorbuddy v2.5.9468.722 started!
Character is a level 90 Draenei Shaman
Current zone is Shrine of Seven Stars
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.3195
[Singular] Installation: modified by user - forum support may not available
[Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Lightning Shield
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Shaman Elemental
[Singular] Your Level 90 Draenei Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the BGBuddy bot in Shrine of Seven Stars
[Singular] ... Zone: Pandaria using my SOLO Behaviors
[Singular] Initialization complete!
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Disabled
AutoEquip2 - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Talented2 - Disabled
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Dungeonbuddy
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Checking for profile updates.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Checking for script updates.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: All files are up-to-date.
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Party Mode is off
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will not kill optional bosses.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will sell items of Uncommon quality and lower
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will loot bosses only
[DungeonBuddy 660]: My role is ranged dps
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon type is set to None
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Raid type is set to Specific
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I have selected to queue for the Downfall raid
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Scenario type is set to None
[Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Dungeonbuddy, Plug-in, Profile, or User
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for RaidFinder
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for Downfall
WoW cannot be minimized while running Honorbuddy!
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for RaidFinder
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for Downfall
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Accepting dungeon invite in 5 seconds.
Not in game
[Singular] Your Level 90 Draenei Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the Dungeonbuddy bot in Shrine of Seven Stars [LFR Raid Instance]
[Singular] ... Raid using my INSTANCES Behaviors
[Singular] ... in a group as DAMAGE role with 22 of 22 players
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Lightning Shield
[DungeonBuddy 660]: No script found for dungeonId: 725
[DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}noNamespaceSchemaLocation'
[DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}xsi'
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Successfully loaded default profile for Downfall

I noticed that it still:
-enters the raid by itself
-Accepts ready check
-some times move with raid and mounts but most times not moving
-some times moves if boss does a move on ground where I had to move from it.
Log File: View attachment 1612 2014-01-20 23.02.txt

Please Help and advice!
HI i was having the same problem so i open the script of the deepholm and downfall and find the problem

for underhold
using Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers;
using AvoidanceManager = Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager;
using Vector2 = Tripper.Tools.Math.Vector2;

namespace Bots.DungeonBuddy.Dungeon_Scripts.Mists_of_Pandaria
/* Not finsished
public class TheUnderhold : Dungeon
#region Overrides of Dungeon

public override uint DungeonId

for downfall
using Bots.DungeonBuddy.Attributes;
using Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers;
using AvoidanceManager = Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager;

namespace Bots.DungeonBuddy.Dungeon_Scripts.Mists_of_Pandaria
/* not finished
public class Downfall : Dungeon
#region Overrides of Dungeon

public override uint DungeonId
get { return 725; }

they are not finished as can you see and all the script is not activated, if you xant to test it remove the line "/* not finished" and go but it maybe don't work at all ^^'

sorry for my poor english
Both Downfall and Underhold don't work, look at the comment right above yours....seriously, do you even read the posts in this forum or just your own?

I don't appreciate your rude comment,but I will answer you.

I read all 21 pages in this thread and I wrote my details and waiting for developer's reaction as per moderators advice.
I don't appreciate your rude comment,but I will answer you.

I read all 21 pages in this thread and I wrote my details and waiting for developer's reaction as per moderators advice.

I don't even know why this thread is opened. The support is by the users not the mods. I think it should be reported and closed. I am sick of seeing posts in here and no one getting any help.
I don't even know why this thread is opened. The support is by the users not the mods. I think it should be reported and closed. I am sick of seeing posts in here and no one getting any help.

In about every new release of the bot there are fixes for dungeonbuddy. There may not be a lot of replies here by devs, but they do read and fix (most) bugs reported here.
In about every new release of the bot there are fixes for dungeonbuddy. There may not be a lot of replies here by devs, but they do read and fix (most) bugs reported here.

They do fix bugs, but would be better if responses were actually made somewhat to explain what has been recorded as an issue. These ignoring the customer scenarios aren't helping anyone and people already with a problem come here for help and are ignored/not answered. This then creates the attitude that I see and witness and the backlash is just the normal mechanism of response.

So if you're gonna help besides sucking ass... Please don't bother starting a troll war. There needs to be more action on this forum and reporting back. This is NOT support in the current form. I work in a support role daily. I respond to my customer base, keep them involved and help them along until we find answers and resolutions. I also work for a MAJOR name brand corporation.

Avid responsibility.
I don't appreciate your rude comment,but I will answer you.

I read all 21 pages in this thread and I wrote my details and waiting for developer's reaction as per moderators advice.

If you truly read all 21 pages you'd have figured out that there is not developer's support here. If you truly read all 21 pages, you'd see how many users/PAYING customers like us are pissed off at the lack of support. If you truly read all 21 page, then you would have known those two profiles don't work because of the excellent post RIGHT ABOVE YOURS!
They do fix bugs, but would be better if responses were actually made somewhat to explain what has been recorded as an issue. These ignoring the customer scenarios aren't helping anyone and people already with a problem come here for help and are ignored/not answered. This then creates the attitude that I see and witness and the backlash is just the normal mechanism of response.

So if you're gonna help besides sucking ass... Please don't bother starting a troll war. There needs to be more action on this forum and reporting back. This is NOT support in the current form. I work in a support role daily. I respond to my customer base, keep them involved and help them along until we find answers and resolutions. I also work for a MAJOR name brand corporation.

Avid responsibility.
Or better yet would be making their bug tracker publicly available for users to see what issues/features they're working on and which have top priority.
Siege of Orgrimmar script update:

I've fixed the issue where bot idles at start of Gates of Retribution and also fixed various bugs in Vale of Eternal Sorrow script. Both scripts are attached to this post.

The Underhold LFR script is currently undergoing tests and it's pretty solid however not ready for release.
The Downfall LFR script still needs allot of work done.


I've fixed the issue where bot idles at start of Gates of Retribution and also fixed various bugs in Vale of Eternal Sorrow script. Both scripts are attached to this post.

The Underhold LFR script is currently undergoing tests and it's pretty solid however not ready for release.
The Downfall LFR script still needs allot of work done.

Wait im confused? Where do we put these .cs files as the default ones are .xml
Am I right in guessing that we put them in a folder, then under DungeonBuddy settings select the folder option for custom script?

Edit: Error when loading

[DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}noNamespaceSchemaLocation'
[DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}xsi'
Script still loads and running smooth for Gates of Retribution.
I want to solo dungeons with DB 1 char, while toons in my group will chill in other places.
But when my blood dk enters instance I'm getting this message "Activity: Waiting for more DPS to get in range" and doesn't move.
I understand because I have more chars in my group dk is waiting for them to come before starting anything, but maybe it's possible to cancel this function and let DK farming instances while other members doing different stuff?
P.S. I'm using DK to switch servers for other members.
I've fixed the issue where bot idles at start of Gates of Retribution and also fixed various bugs in Vale of Eternal Sorrow script. Both scripts are attached to this post.

The Underhold LFR script is currently undergoing tests and it's pretty solid however not ready for release.
The Downfall LFR script still needs allot of work done.

I appreciate the work and the update. Thanks mate.
Edit: Error when loading
[DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}noNamespaceSchemaLocation'
[DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}xsi'
Script still loads and running smooth for Gates of Retribution.[/QUOTE]

It's safe to ignore this warning. I'll fix it though.

Underhold LFR script is now considered complete however I can't release it to forums because it requires a new HB release.