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Am I correct in assuming this bot doesn't mail anything except for boe items? Bots are getting full with cloth and other items already in my forcemail text. Mail minimum is set to common.
Ok just ran into an issue and looked, but did not find anyone talking about the same issue. In the LFR Last Stand of the Zandalari the toon will keep mounting then run a few steps dismount take a few steps mount again. This keeps happening and looks really bottish. Is there a fix to this?

Actually found this in a lot of the ToT LFRs, the toon just wants to keep mounting and dismounting while walking.

Figured out it was an issue being caused by the cc.
Is it possible to use the scripts or Dungeon Buddy to control my toon in Flex? If so how would I accomplish this?
Dungeon: Last Stand of the Zalandri

Needs some rework where the Airwaves are. Most of my Toon falling down or just running crazy there. Isnt it possible to move the Toon to the safespots in the middle of the way and later on the side safepoint where everyone is to kill the mobs there?
Would I be able to run 5 bots in the same group?

Yes, you can. You need to have the proper group makeup, it autodetects the spec and joins LFG with that spec, and only that spec, so you can't run two tanks or two heals etc.

You have to set up each bot to run as either a "follower" or "leader" and set the leader's name on all 5 toons, and the leader needs to have the name of every toon you want it to group with. Then it auto invites, they auto accept, and auto join the dungeon.

I've done this for about 8-9 groups of 5 al the way to 85 with RAF (one to 90 to farm heroics to buy heirlooms, they make a HUGE difference, mostly due to the ideal itemization, and they keep up with your char, so you do pretty decent DPS, not so much from the exp boost, but it does help some)
[DungeonBuddy 660]: No script found for dungeonId: 0
i understand why? i selected pandaria , and same on the game,
but its always the same error..

plz help,
In some LFR Raids you avoid too much Groundeffect. Toon running around crazy if he cant find a save way around. Please dont avoid all Ground effects.
[Singular] ... in a group as NONE role with 1 of 1 players

Im trying to bot 1 account and use my main account legit to RAF dungeons. anybody know a way around this or why its saying that
Set the Dungeon Buddy as a Follower and put the main you will play as the leader, it works for me.
in vale of eternal sorrows it goes kills zeal then walks back why is this thats the only problem in the vale of eternal sorrows profile and i have to manually walk it from zeal through tunnel to stairs thats on other side of tunnel from then on it works perfectly
Can you simply hit level 15, queue up as just one person and do Dungeons with random players? are most of the Dungeons for queuing and scripting supported?
Can you simply hit level 15, queue up as just one person and do Dungeons with random players? are most of the Dungeons for queuing and scripting supported?

simple answer is yes, but monitor because it isn't perfect
I appreciate the brevity of your answer. It's something I've wanted to try for a while, I started a new job and have money to spend out on accounts, keys and I would prefer not to just quest all the way up, it can be somewhat tedious and mind-numbing to watch.
