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Instance: Stormstout Brewery (Normal and Heroic Versions) Issue: The run between the first boss and the second boss, where theres is hundreds of little rabbit NPCs.. the bot starts fighting them in an endless loop instead of running to the second boss. Even with a group full of ilvl 500's it wont kill them quick enough to make it all the way to the boss room. They respawn very quickly.. the tank is supposed to run through them all the way to the next boss (Rabbit Boss). Its made a lot easier by grabbing the maces and knocking all the little shits away.
Every time that my bot is in a dungeon, it accepts the quest(s) at the very beginning. After the dungeon is completed, he (sometimes) begins to head towards the beginning of the instance (usually only if the tank is).
My character then leaves the group without handing in the completed quest(s).
PLEASE update or fix this issue! It would grant my character so much more XP and level him much faster! I don't want to have to come back at the end of every dungeon, turn off the bot, and hand them in, then turn it back on.
Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
The point is, DB is still BETA as topic title says. So you cannot expect it to work like it's a release. I'm very frustrated with the situation too, because DB could work much better and be more complete, but it is BETA. So please stop now with bitching around and give this thread back a little more constructiveness.
Code Lines in the script 504-511 for Shado-Pan Monastery.cs located in the HB\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\
folder denote a "skip mobs" tactic on the last bridge before the final boss fight.
HB and the script are working as one, so the functionality should be in here to take corrective action should the bot and or scripting get to a point where it gets stuck.
The action should be to re-align the movement to alternate locations instead of CTM hitting 1 spot consecutively over and over thus appearing to be "stuck". Which it is, the progression of the next step cannot continue thus "stuck" is the word used.
My fix currently is to ATTEMPT to remove these lines and see where things go, instead of skipping the mob, simply proceeding to the next step... However these mobs just happen to be a special kind of mob which you down to almost 0 health and then hit a dead body which takes the spirit out of them killing them completely, otherwise they sit and beat on you.
This logic, is great when it WORKS flawlessly, however there is not method of backup should it NOT.
THAT LOGIC is FLAWED and is the type of "dander code" we need to have implemented optionally should the first subset of code fail.
If I was a developer, and I knew EXACTLY how to edit/change this code specifically because I understood what each function did, I would correct it myself, and release it on the forums here.
But... I am a customer who has taken the time to research the exactly problem area of the scripting (which I shouldn't be doing as a customer...) thus why the complaints ensue!
Things that took me 5 minutes to find, but yet my inability/skill to fix the problem is here... is also why there is complaining from me and others.
Key words: 5 minutes.
I am PRETTY SURE!!!!??? That the dev has 5 minutes to correct this, unless he works for free. IN THAT case I forgive him/her.
But seeing as I paid money, and Bossland pays his employees actual money to ensure the code/scripts/bot bases/features are updated/functioning/implemented...
Then the developer/s of this have 5 minutes to spend on fixing 1 simple dungeons, among the MANY that are broke.
Use the word "Beta"... It worked great at one point and I don't see the word "BETA" on the Dungeonbuddy drop down anymore in HB like it used to denote.
So I think BETA is out the window here. And since it's released WITH HB... I don't consider that a beta either. It's RELEASED with the RELEASE which isn't in a BETA status to be used as an excuse.
So... 5 minutes of your time DEV. I challenge you to do your part/job. You got my money too among the many bitching on here.
So if you would do your job... That'd be great!...
The removal of the code only hosed that dungeon from working all together... So that didn't work. My next consideration is the change the coordinates, however it appears that this bot base downloads dungeon scripts from a website of some sort keeping them up to date. And I see no options in DungeonBuddy which denote NOT downloading these scripts for updates.
That should imho be a feature. And over and over again I die in game, and fighting the mobs it intended to skip over and over, but still manages through the "navigation" it's using to pull the mobs unintentionally. Well... had it cleared them in the first place to not just save a minute or two of time.... I wouldn't be here over this.
OWNETH WINS THE INTERNET! Anyone defending this, Ilja included must be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. We pay for something, we expect it to be have a guy with barely any coding experience find the issue with minimal effort shows how HORRIBLE the service is by Bossland. Hence why I won't buy any other bots from them until they get their act together.
if only all the other customers would have the state of mind Owneth has, then maybe just maybe we'd have a nice fully functional product we're entitled to.
I'm not asking for miracles either, 1-2 months to have the latest raids scripted since they released is good enough for me.
I feel like we're having a moment here, unless a moderator decides to ban all three of us and remove our posts
Every time that my bot is in a dungeon, it accepts the quest(s) at the very beginning. After the dungeon is completed, he (sometimes) begins to head towards the beginning of the instance (usually only if the tank is).
My character then leaves the group without handing in the completed quest(s).
PLEASE update or fix this issue! It would grant my character so much more XP and level him much faster! I don't want to have to come back at the end of every dungeon, turn off the bot, and hand them in, then turn it back on.
Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
I would love this. I've been RAFing 5 bots over and over in dungeon finder. They will turn in the quests if they zone in and the quest is there to turn in, but you are correct in that it's annoying that they just leave the dungeon when there is a quest to turn in, especially if they have leveled above the point where they will never encounter that dungeon again. I've had times where I stop the bots, and manually queue for each dungeon where I have quests to turn in, turn em al in get the sweet RAF exp then start the bot again.
Also sometimes after a run, the bot needs to repair or vendor stuff, so they zone out, and then back in, and once they are in they turn in the quest. With RAF if the other RAF Player isn't nearby you dont get the bonus exp. This causes the bots to get out of synch with regards to their levels.
The ideal behavior, IMO would be after a dungeon is finished, turn in any quests that have turnins at the final boss, then zone out and back in, and turn in quests when the whole party is zoned in, then and only then, assess if you need to repair or vendor, and queue again.
Another thing for a "wish list" would be some way to set the bot settings as a profile that I can copy to new toons. I seem to spend a lot of time just setting up all 5 bots that could be spent leveling.
Instance: Stormstout Brewery (Normal and Heroic Versions) Issue: The run between the first boss and the second boss, where theres is hundreds of little rabbit NPCs.. the bot starts fighting them in an endless loop instead of running to the second boss. Even with a group full of ilvl 500's it wont kill them quick enough to make it all the way to the boss room. They respawn very quickly.. the tank is supposed to run through them all the way to the next boss (Rabbit Boss). Its made a lot easier by grabbing the maces and knocking all the little shits away.
It is in alpha stage for allowing us to create our own scripts for Dungeonbuddy. I see it as promising, but so were the other 50 attempts at things like this.
**referring to the builder app in the post above**
I've tested all level 90 heroics with a 5-main team, running HB .720 release. They all completed without any interaction from me and can be run 100% afk.
The only problem I had was the one that Clearcut described, that it took 10-15 min to clear from Ook-Ook room to Hoptallus, but eventually it got there.
The removal of the code only hosed that dungeon from working all together... So that didn't work. My next consideration is the change the coordinates, however it appears that this bot base downloads dungeon scripts from a website of some sort keeping them up to date. And I see no options in DungeonBuddy which denote NOT downloading these scripts for updates.
This is exactly the case. If you are making changes to the scripts in the default folders they will be overwritten from the source when you enter an instance. To use any edited versions, they will need to be stored in a custom scripts folder and DungeonBuddy pointed at this folder in the settings.
Naming and folder structure is irrelevant, the scripts are identified by dungeon id. To keep things simple, try copying the HB\Default Profiles\DungeonBuddy and HB\Dungeon Scripts folders into one folder and using these copies to test any edits.
Bot in now running directly into the path of Durumu The Forgotten? It didn't use to do that. It runs to a starting point at the time of the beam and then when beam is active it runs straight into it
It is in alpha stage for allowing us to create our own scripts for Dungeonbuddy. I see it as promising, but so were the other 50 attempts at things like this.
This is exactly the case. If you are making changes to the scripts in the default folders they will be overwritten from the source when you enter an instance. To use any edited versions, they will need to be stored in a custom scripts folder and DungeonBuddy pointed at this folder in the settings.
Naming and folder structure is irrelevant, the scripts are identified by dungeon id. To keep things simple, try copying the HB\Default Profiles\DungeonBuddy and HB\Dungeon Scripts folders into one folder and using these copies to test any edits.
Been clearing ToT LFR without issue with .720, full AFK with default scripts. Still has issues being killed by trash patrols in wing 2 and issues with the wind bridges in wing 1, but outside of that fully afkable for ToT.