OKs, here we go again with another one of my lists (You know you just love 'em)
Today we are working our way through random Pandaland dungeons on our way from level 85 to cap with a full bot group (Pally tank - Singular, druid healz - Mirabis' Leaves, frost mage - Singular, elem shammy - Singular and windwalker monk - Tuanha Special Edition).
As always, I will update this as I go along.
Stormstout Brewery - afkable with issues. Occasionally toons trapped outside the doors when starting boss fights (seen on both Ook-Ook and Hoptallus, chasing trash out of the room when the boss is pulled), not avoiding bloat damage from toons on the Yan-Zhu fight (can't stand to the side of somebody with the debuff). Can the tank turn the boss or dps move behind him?
[EDIT: This one does not complete the last boss before re-queuing. This is a recent change.]
Temple of the Jade Serpent - fully afkable. Toons standing in the water during the adds phase of Wise Mari. Mage got splatted by the fish on upper level of library (wtf? why are you in melee range?) Not swapping between Peril and Strife in the trial of the yaungol in the library (maybe alter to add some priority to the one without the stack as well as drop priority on the one with?)
Again, dps not moving behind the bosses (C'mon this is basic tactics, even before taking fight mechanics into account. Not doing this means fights take longer, boss hits tanks more, healers run oom).
Mogu'shan Palace - afkable with minor issues. Some wipes. Lots of spasm-movement on the Xin fight and doesn't avoid the knife streams. Much easier tactics below - the tank has to pull him to the door at the other end of the room. Tank moves from one side of the door to the other to avoid the cleave (Ground Slam?). DPS and healer stay behind the boss on the room side of the boss (but still in the entrance alcove) and avoid all the room's nastiness.
Shado-Pan Monastery - afkable with minor issues. Some unnecessary deaths. Taking too much damage before the Snowdrift Dojo (the archers). Healer isn't healing this damage. Occasional deaths. Should really use mounts here. Also pulls multiple groups into the water on the run between the Sha of Violence and Taran Zhu. Not a problem for my group but will render this profile completely unusable for a PUG. If we're pulling these groups, stay on the bridges. If we're going into the water, don't pull those groups.
Gate of the Setting Sun - fully afkable. I haven't found any issues thus far. Healer takes a lot of adds on the Commander Ri'mok fight but these are a mere annoyance rather than trouble.
[SIZE=6][/SIZE][FONT=Courier New]
| ____
| | |
|____| a |
Room x The O
of bad stuff x boss O
____ R
| | b |
| |____|
Hope the above came out alright. Tank moves between positions a and b to avoid Ground Slam. Healer and dps stay at positions xx behind (or beside) the boss. Everything in the room is avoided with the (very) occasional exception of a Circle of Flame in the door alcove (I've seen it ONCE in nearly tewnty fights). This can either be healed or avoided with existing encounter code, just as long as toons resume their positions when safe.
For co-ords we can use these:
a X="-4558.782" Y="-2607.305" Z="22.32573"
b X="-4559.008" Y="-2619.841" Z="22.32573"
x X="-4569.446" Y="-2613.779" Z="22.32573"
You can also reverse it and have the healer and dps by the door and the tank on the room side of the boss. Either way works a treat.