I'd like to report some issues with dungeonbuddy for Highmaul LFR.
1) Last boss (Imperator Mar'gok), the wrong adds are targeted and killed during the phase shift. The warmages and the reaver needs to be killed first.
2) First boss (Kargath Bladefist), the Berserker rush requires you to lead him into the flame traps.
3) Road down to The Butcher and to Tectus the bot has some pathing issues. Mostly when it goes down the ramp from the first boss. Alot of circling
4) The Butcher and Brackenspore was perfectly scripted, however at Brackenspore the bot stops just before where it can get locked out if the boss is engaged. (Some slow reaction following tank)
5) Tectus with ranged classes is a horrid thing to watch, when the mountains spawn the bot is running back and forth to get in line of sight. The ranged classes should not stack under the boss and the adds before the boss spawns.
6) Twin Ogron fight needs better flame handling, whirlwind moveaway and the falling roof ability.
7) Ko'ragh fight needs better handling of debuffs, theres a yard range on the flaming debuff, aswell as getting away from the tanks if they do have a debuff.
- The adds are targeted when the boss needs to be targeted during the Vulnerability phase.
8) It keeps doing lfr unless you stop the bot, maybe you can let it do lfr only once?
Other than that i'd like to thank the buddy team for their efforts for making dungeonbuddy handling lfr!
Attacthing log