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Summary: The bot gets stuck in a ridge close to a bridge. Keeps running into the wall and doesn't recognise it as stuck (LogMeOut also doesn't recognise it as such)
Class: Warrior prot
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank
Queue Type: 5 man group
Party Mode: Leader
Shado pan monastery

I have had it before, but that must have been at least a week ago and I thought it was because of running with a balance druid (starfall) but it happened again, this time without running with a balance druid.

I have attached a normal run as well.


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You must understand that for HB to release working scripts for the dungeon they need to first:
level up 5 characters to 100
Write scripts for the dungeons
test these characters with all dungeons

I'm not lvl 100 yet and I have been playing more than 8 hours a day which is a regular working day. To expect the HB-team to have done more is not reasonable.

And tbh, I'm not even sure that the bot will be able to handle walking against the wind in Skyreach, so queuing for random HC might never be possible.
And tbh, I'm not even sure that the bot will be able to handle walking against the wind in Skyreach, so queuing for random HC might never be possible.

So many similar/identical mechanics in dungeons...no problem at all.

Curious on a general update status tho! :)
Is there any way that I can make Dungeonbuddy accept the same group's invitation after I have finished a dungeon with that group? (So it will jump straight to the next dungeon with the same people, instead of leaving the group, and waiting in the queue for the next.)
No this was removed because it was too risky to be in the same group when AFK.

Hi, Splatinian,

Great question, and Macatho is spot on with the answer.

We've added a more complete answer to the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Spoils of Pandaria
Class: all

This Boss is broken. When the Battle start all my Toons run like wild Chicken from left to right, run into the Gate, dont jump down and so on.
Chinajade if you need a Video. PM me i will give you a Link.
Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log.

We've opened HB-1530 ("SoO, Spoils of Panderia (wing3): Toons run around like wild chickens") against this issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1713505]Tumbum's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Me and few ppls have same issue in community developers.
After dead bot unable to navigate to enternce and just stopping bot near of entrance <15 feet.
I'm think it's happen couse when bot is alive he use Fly mount to going inside, previos version of HB didn't do that, and never have issue like this "unable to navigate"
And 1 more issue, he use fly mount to enter in instance, when it's no need, bot coming out of instance - mount - fly 5 feet up - turn back in instance... it's too strage...
[11:20:50.630 V] [DungeonBuddy-ERROR]: Unable to navigate to the Lost City of the Tol'vir entrance at: <-10686.43, -1308.724, 18.13906> from: <-10711.41, -1319.138, 17.94557>
[11:20:50.630 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
I have 3 PC 15 bots, all fresh installed all have this issue.
Fresh install without plugins and empty store doesn't help, 100%
Attached 2 logs, My and Patto.

View attachment 150580
View attachment 150581

Class: Paladin / Druid / DK
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank(Auto)
Queue Type: Farm
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Lost City of The Tol'vir
Hi, PePPeRmix, and thanks for those logs and the nice writeup!

We've opened HB-1531 ("Lost City of Tol'vir: Problems navigating back to dungeon while dead") against the issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1714646]PePPeRmix's problem report w/logs[/post][/size]
Bug report:

Summary: Bot does not accept being ressurected immediately. Instead it waits for a ressurection delay while there isn't one. I've actually never seen the delay since 6.0.2 so I think it's completely removed. (Inside instances)

Class: Protection Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank
Queue Type: Random
Party Mode: On
Dungeon: All

Hi, Chli0520,

We cannot find where you died in this log.

This is not DungeonBuddy waiting, but controlled by your Combat Routine.
[13:55:22.780 N] (Singular) WaitForResSickness: True

If you don't have the debuff, it shouldn't be waiting.

If you're talking about getting a healer giving you a res, that is done by HBcore and not Dungeonbuddy.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1714977]Chli0520's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Bloodmaul Slag Mines run" always leave after kill 2nd boss.View attachment 151032
i can concur to this.. :) was trying ot run DB while at work.. so i caould level not working :(
understandable since wod jsut released
there's a cinematic after 2nd boss. cancel it and bot will not leave group.
If i cancel the Video the buddy leaves grp.....tryed it 2 times.
I have the same Problem. I cancel the Cinematic and the Bot leaved instant.
Ah, I see. I thought this might be the case. Thanks!
I used DBM to disable all cinematics, that worked for two dungeon but the bot is now leaving after the second boss.
Hi, all,

The DungeonBuddy WoD dungeons have yet to be scripted. We will not be accepting any bug reports against them, until the scripting is complete.

Never received this bug before last patch or the bot/logmeout did handle it as stuck.

Basically the bot gets stuck after killing Commander Ri'mok and travelling to Raigonn. The bot doesn't recognise it as stuck and keeps running in the wall for hours.

BUT it seems to not have taken the normal route.

Class: Hunter
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random mist of pandaria heroic
Party Mode: Follower
Dungeon: Gate of the setting sun

The last picture shows the place where it should have went down, but I suspect it went right instead.
Hi, Angelus,

Thanks for the log, and those wonderful screenshots!

We've opened HB-1532 ("Gate of the Setting Sun: Stuck after killing Commander Ri'mok and travelling to Raigonn") against this issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1714987]Angelus' problem report w/logs and screenshots[/post][/size]
Toon sometimes skip LFR Dungeon Invites.
Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log.

You encountered a GreyMagic error when Dungeonbuddy went to accept the LFG. This is some kind of low-level issue that Dungeonbuddy cannot anticipate or work-around. Your best bet is simply to reboot your machine—that seems to clear the GreyMagic problems up for a bit.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1715328]Tumbum's original post w/log[/post][/size]
DungeonBuddy ques for random classic dungeons. When it gets in the instance it gives me an "dungeon script not found id:" I went to specific dungeons to select. THe only choices i have for classic are Scarlet halls, Scarlet Mon., and scholo. I am a level 16 druid. PRetty sure i just need a zip file with those scripts.


Summary: The bot gets stuck in a ridge close to a bridge. Keeps running into the wall and doesn't recognise it as stuck (LogMeOut also doesn't recognise it as such)
Class: Warrior prot
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank
Queue Type: 5 man group
Party Mode: Leader
Shado pan monastery

I have had it before, but that must have been at least a week ago and I thought it was because of running with a balance druid (starfall) but it happened again, this time without running with a balance druid.

I have attached a normal run as well.

Hi, Angelus, and thank you for the logs and screenshots!

We've opened HB-1533 ("Shado Pan Monastery: Stuck at bridge") against this issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1720779]Angelus' problem report w/logs and screenshots[/post][/size]
DungeonBuddy ques for random classic dungeons. When it gets in the instance it gives me an "dungeon script not found id:" I went to specific dungeons to select. THe only choices i have for classic are Scarlet halls, Scarlet Mon., and scholo. I am a level 16 druid. PRetty sure i just need a zip file with those scripts.
Hi, Bbiagllla,

This log doesn't show the problem you describe. Instead, it shows a horribly botched Honorbuddy installation that needs a clean install.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1721587]Bbiagllla's original post w/wrong log[/post][/size]
The state of DungeonBuddy for WoD 90-100 dungeons

[size=+1]The Good News...[/size]
Once again, Bossland GmbH is expanding your Honorbuddy value by providing DungeonBuddy support for the new 90-100 dungeons. This expansion comes at no additional cost to you.​

[size=+1]The 90-100 part of the DungeonBuddy scripting is not yet complete...[/size]
  • Do NOT open new threads regarding problems regarding the 90-100 dungeons..
  • Do NOT open Support forum threads regarding the the 90-100 dungeons.
We will not be 'supporting' the profiles until they have been completed.

[size=+1]So, when will it be done?[/size]
DungeonBuddy is a very complex bot. There is much work that goes into scripting a dungeon:
  • Each dungeon must have a profile to tell it 'what' to do, and a C# file that tells it 'how' to do the dance for each boss in the dungeon (and sometimes trash pulls, too).
  • Each of four roles must be scripted: Tank, Healer, Ranged DPS, Melee DPS
  • The scripts must handle the dungeon variants: Normal, and Heroic
  • DungeonBuddy must adapt for groupings: solo, a party of all bots, and mixed human/bot parties.
  • DungeonBuddy must adapt for farming vs. LFG
Writing the code to get this done is just the tip of the iceberg—there are hours of testing that must be conducted for each variant of a given dungeon.

For the next few weeks, the WoWserver queue times will be ridiculous, from 15mins to several hours based on realm and time of day. This affects us, as much as it affects anyone else.

Realistically, it will probably at least two months before the most of the 90-100 dungeons are currently supported.​

[size=+1]Why didn't you write all the dungeon scripts during the WoD Beta?[/size]
Effort was placed into developing the scripts during the Beta phase of WoD. But the situation can best be described as "one step forward, two steps back". Here's the kinds of things that were encountered.

  • Much of the time, the WoWclient Beta was updated on a daily basis.
    This means dungeon script development was offline for the several hours it took to align Honorbuddy with the latest WoWclient Beta. The 'good stretches' were when the WoWclient was patched every other day.

  • Betas were regularly 'reset'.
    This means all the effort you went through to get you toon to 94 was lost, because the toon had to be re-created at 90 and start over.

  • Betas are... well... Beta
    Many, many bugs. Trying to determine if "this is how its supposed to work", to "this is an outright bug", to "let's see if we can work around it, because this one's not likely to get fixed". Quest givers didn't give quests. Certain choices locked out other alternatives, so there are many (buggy) paths to figure out.
    As we've seen at the WoD formal release, many of the game world bugs are still not repaired.
Since the Release, Bliz has continued to make changes from the Beta.​

[size=+1]The current state...[/size]
  • Some of the lower-level WoD dungeons are partially scripted.
    But, we know for a fact they all have bugs.

  • The higher-level WoD dungeons currently have no scripting whatsoever.

  • We will not be accepting any bug reports for the WoD dungeons until the DungeonBuddy scripting is complete.

Master Highvoltz has many, many demands on his time. He supports the entire spectrum of Honorbuddy capabilities from the HBcore, maintaining and expanding the navigation system, quest behaviors (which are also in very high demand at the moment), to the very advanced bots such as DungeonBuddy, ProfessionBuddy, and AutoAngler.

The new DungeonBuddy scripts will arrive in due time, as the Master's time permits.

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Oh it most definitely does show the problem I described. Do a search or scroll to the bottom. I will also try a clean install tomorrow.
@chinajade & DB crew,

I am very excited to hear the great news about the 90-100 support as the first few bosses of the normal dungeons seem to be functional. I currently have 10 level 96-97's that I am hand leveling, but am very open to helping with ques and scripting for the DB program if there is anything I can do.

I have also started working on scripts to grind out each dungeon and reset if it would be worth while to post them up for the community. I am very interested in seeing how the dungeon mechanics are implemented and would love to work alongside the DB team!
Thanks for getting back to us Chinajade on behalf of Highvoltz really great news to see you will be supporting 90-100 dungeons as its an alternative to questing my alts.
Thanks for getting back to us Chinajade on behalf of Highvoltz really great news to see you will be supporting 90-100 dungeons as its an alternative to questing my alts.

Slag mines is pretty much working for me. Running 5 bots, I have to manually run the tank after the second boss, and sometimes it gets stuck targeting an ogre thats hanging up in the chains, but its still working better than I expected. I can afk half of it, then switch tank to raid bot, manually run to the last two bosses, then switch back to dungeonbuddy to do the dungeon again.

Eagerly awaiting the finished product. I loved how I could farm panda heroics 100% afk with 5 bots, and with so many 90s, no way I could sit through that much questing lol. Not to mention the gold. I was making so much gold off of pandaria heroics, I'm sure it will be lucrative in WoD :)
"Class: Warr tank + Druid Balance
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank/DPS
Queue Type: 5 man
Party Mode: Leader/follower
Dungeon: Shado-Pan Monastery

Hey Chinajade,

I am not sure if I have to be in the Dungeonbuddy thread or Singular thread and I also DON'T HAVE THE LOG ATM :(

But my tank basically likes to get stuck in monastery fighting the feared by many, unkillable and deathly training target mob. Training Target - NPC - World of Warcraft

I am 99% certain that both of my druids are hitting this neutral mob with their starfall and by doing so making the tank believe this mob is a threat.

I'll get a log asap."

Hey Chinajade,

I totally forgot about the logs :rolleyes: and switched to resto because I didn't have time to monitor it.

I can confirm for 99% that starfall is making the leader/tank recognise itself in combat with the training target mob. Starfall hits neutral mobs in his range.

I never encountered it again when switched to resto and it happened the first run in Shado-Pan Monastery after switching to moonkin.

I added:

The bolded parts

                        if (unit.Entry == GrippingHatred && StyxWoW.Me.IsTank())
                            return true;
[B]                        if (unit.Entry == TrainingTarget) 
                            return true;    [/B]
                    return false;

        private const uint SlainShadoPanDefender = 58794;
[B]        private const uint TrainingTarget = 60162;[/B]

Will this fix it for me? Oke it seems to have fixed it so far.


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