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There isn't a Coren Direbrew script yet. I'm still in the process of writing one. At the moment the basics are working but I have to start the fight manually and the encounter is clearly bottish. This is not ready for anything but a full bot group at this time.
There are also issues with multiple instances of HB trying to load scripts from the same folder. Sometimes the script won't be recognised and a HB restart is required to access the script properly.

Working - Drinking the booze to avoid the stun. Moving away from the disarm. Tank moves away from Ursula. DPS maintains aggro on Ursula from tank/healer but will try not to kill her.
Still to do - Waiting to start until all toons are in the side room. Starting the encounter. Tidying up the taunting of adds. Checking death/wipe logics.

Ok thanks :) Let me know if you need a tester I have a full group :)
View attachment 8088 2014-09-22 21.07.txtView attachment 5292 2014-09-22 23.02.txtView attachment 8088 2014-09-22 21.07.txtView attachment 5292 2014-09-22 23.02.txthi guys im neew 2 botting wow ( get started on diablo) and im trying 2 farm tolvir with my 90lvl toons and im constanly getting problems with stuck on last grp of mobs and with not hs 2 vendor (not even once since iv started 3h ago) i have 2 manualy hs then bot do the rest and somtimes i need 2 "push" my toon at the end of the instance for it to exit and reset

after observing a while i notice that when toon getting back from town its going sortof thrue the part where the instance is and when he supose2 go vendor hes getting on mount and runnning same way back problem is that on this way back stands instance portal so he ending up back in the instance ??!!

u posted no known issues ?
1- vortex pinacle not working in farm mode - at the end afk not going out after boss kill
- dont know about vendor runs did not last that long there
2 - tolvir not working farm mode stuck at lest mob pack no looting them no exit instance around 50% of times
- vendor runs ?!!! not using hs... running back 2 town ... stright thrue instance portal ???!!!!
3- hals of origination !!! getting killed at boss by little 13khp snakes becouse bot dont fight them just stand and die
- vendor runs not even lasted that long there
4 - grim batol unable 2 finninsh last boss bot dont fight adds ???!!!
- dont last till vendor run

not even one so far farmable with "farm" option
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Is it possible to have DB stay in the dungeon if you are running a 5 man team and rejoin from there instead of leaving and then queuing.?
thats not my problem atm my problem is that dungeonbuddy never do any quests in dungeons... posted a log this time
Hi, Destor@th, and many thanks for the log.

By German court order, HonorbuddyDE is precluded from executing quests. This includes DungeonBuddy. You can find more information about the situation here:
Ref: [post=1256821]Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung[/post]


Ref: [post=1644579]Destor@th's original post w/log[/post]
Is it possible to have DB stay in the dungeon if you are running a 5 man team and rejoin from there instead of leaving and then queuing.?
Hi, Chesnut817,

We've already answered this question in [post=1630799]this post[/post].

View attachment 143613View attachment 143614View attachment 143613View attachment 143614hi guys im neew 2 botting wow ( get started on diablo) and im trying 2 farm tolvir with my 90lvl toons and im constanly getting problems with stuck on last grp of mobs and with not hs 2 vendor (not even once since iv started 3h ago) i have 2 manualy hs then bot do the rest and somtimes i need 2 "push" my toon at the end of the instance for it to exit and reset

after observing a while i notice that when toon getting back from town its going sortof thrue the part where the instance is and when he supose2 go vendor hes getting on mount and runnning same way back problem is that on this way back stands instance portal so he ending up back in the instance ??!!

u posted no known issues ?
1- vortex pinacle not working in farm mode - at the end afk not going out after boss kill
- dont know about vendor runs did not last that long there
2 - tolvir not working farm mode stuck at lest mob pack no looting them no exit instance around 50% of times
- vendor runs ?!!! not using hs... running back 2 town ... stright thrue instance portal ???!!!!
3- hals of origination !!! getting killed at boss by little 13khp snakes becouse bot dont fight them just stand and die
- vendor runs not even lasted that long there
4 - grim batol unable 2 finninsh last boss bot dont fight adds ???!!!
- dont last till vendor run

not even one so far farmable with "farm" option

Hi, Botur, and thank you for the pair of logs.

We've opened bug report HB-1203 ("Lost City of the Tol'vir: Problems with vendor runs & last group of mobs in "farm mode""). After looking through both of your logs, we could not find any place your toon made a vendor run for mail/sell/repair.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1646186]Botur's problem report w/pair of logs[/post][/size]
hi chinajade
thx for ur replay and sorry for eny anger i was puting 2 my previouse post i was after hard work day and then i was forced to sit on my bots half of the night . enyway im not 100% on acctual vendor run being in the logs couse i was trying menny things with reinstaling DB from scrach few times so it could be logs without vendor runs but it was defienetly somthing (everything ) wrong with vendor runs all my bots didnt use HS even one time and i dont think that it was problem with configuration options (couse i was trying every posible variant :D) at least not the obwiouse one. i dont use meny plugins yet, "mail gold" only at the moment and no foregin rutines or profiles just clean HB-DB with HBreloger. that was for tolvir
with vortex pinakle i only try it after tolvir and only one run on 5 toons run went almost smooth but at the end toons just stand on the dead boss(after looting him) thay did not use the windvortex to transport to start and i was gettin red wow message (on screan) that teleport location is not valid (or somthing similar) i "Hulk" out from there (i was so angry in the midle of the night :P) and tried halls of origination only 2 c all my toons constanly dying on (i think) first boss one with leavers that u need 2 pull on both sides during fight, they die after pulling second one just standing down there and gettin eaten by little non elite snakes ... HULK SMASHHH again.... and i was off to grim batol just to be suprised at the end. my toons engaded in unending fight with last boss he was heling all the time couse toons dont kill adds just fight boss :( ... and then fully GREEN i was on ur page editing my already angry post :P so.. sorry for that :D hope i shine a little more light on what was heppening with my toons and u can fix it or at least try 2 and sorry for no more logs i delete whole HB folder from my PC and clean instaled it again that night

I just hit level 90 and I wanted to get some gear trough LFR.
Now I filled in the settings and the bot tells me the following:

[Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Dungeonbuddy, Plug-in, Profile, or User
Bot stopping! Reason: You have completed all of the selected LFRs for this week
Changing current profile to Test 86 Elite

I have never ever done a Raid yet. How come I get this message?


Just noticed that my ilvl is not high enough. Still strange that it gives me that message tho ^^
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Hi, T0b1as,

To get started with raiding, you will probably need gear from the Timeless Isle. The [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post] answers this question in more detail.

Hi, T0b1as,

To get started with raiding, you will probably need gear from the Timeless Isle. The [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post] answers this question in more detail.

Thanks for your help!
If I want to run my warrior tank as a DPS warrior in LFR. I keep getting the message that I am a tank and that I have to set the option ''Tank In Random Groups'' to true. I have my role setup as Damage in the bot. If I put the ''Tank In Random groups'' to true, will I become the tank in the group or will it be a DPS if I said the Role to Damage?
An update on the Coren Direbrew script I'm working on - I think I've managed to confine the fight to the room itself. I still have to work through a few targeting priority issues and actually starting the event. I have a free weekend coming up so there is a good chance to have this completed by Monday.
does anyone know if you can decrease the time it takes to roll on loot with auto loot?im losing 9-13 seconds everytime it comes up. Any tips?
Im having a problem where when the bots bags are full and he goes to vender, he mounts up on a group mount. Im on a floating island were the dungeon is, so a ground mount will not work. Also, it says this in my log. He just keeps running in and out the dungeon without vendering or anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Singular] Your Level 90 Tauren Retribution Paladin Build is
[Singular] ... running the Dungeonbuddy bot in The Botanica
[Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3400.361, 1486.908, 182.5388> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3400.361, 1486.908, 182.5388> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3399.757, 1486.495, 182.3976> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3399.757, 1486.495, 182.3976> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3400.525, 1486.439, 182.7865> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3400.525, 1486.439, 182.7865> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3401.46, 1486.371, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3401.46, 1486.371, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3402.375, 1486.305, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3402.375, 1486.305, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3403.325, 1486.236, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3403.325, 1486.236, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3404.281, 1486.166, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3404.281, 1486.166, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3405.265, 1486.095, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3405.265, 1486.095, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3406.243, 1486.024, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3406.243, 1486.024, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3407.283, 1485.948, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3407.283, 1485.948, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3408.365, 1485.87, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3408.365, 1485.87, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
Changing current profile to [Pexus] The Botanika endless Farm v0.4
[DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: The Botanica
Im having a problem where when the bots bags are full and he goes to vender, he mounts up on a group mount. Im on a floating island were the dungeon is, so a ground mount will not work. Also, it says this in my log. He just keeps running in and out the dungeon without vendering or anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Singular] Your Level 90 Tauren Retribution Paladin Build is
[Singular] ... running the Dungeonbuddy bot in The Botanica
[Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3401.271, 1486.94, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3400.361, 1486.908, 182.5388> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3400.361, 1486.908, 182.5388> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3399.757, 1486.495, 182.3976> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3399.757, 1486.495, 182.3976> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3400.525, 1486.439, 182.7865> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3400.525, 1486.439, 182.7865> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3401.46, 1486.371, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3401.46, 1486.371, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3402.375, 1486.305, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3402.375, 1486.305, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3403.325, 1486.236, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3403.325, 1486.236, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3404.281, 1486.166, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3404.281, 1486.166, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3405.265, 1486.095, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3405.265, 1486.095, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3406.243, 1486.024, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3406.243, 1486.024, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3407.283, 1485.948, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3407.283, 1485.948, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <3408.365, 1485.87, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <3408.365, 1485.87, 182.837> in Outland (Id: 530)
Changing current profile to [Pexus] The Botanika endless Farm v0.4
[DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: The Botanica

Struggeling on a fix...

My tank ALWAYS (druid ore pala testet ) had a problem in Blackfathom Deeps, when the jumping part in this dungeon comes...the first part it works, but at the last jump the tank just walks in the water.

The rest follows and the whole routine becomes a loop. I had to stop the Tank and walk/jump manually then start the bot again. After that no problem.

View attachment 144274
First off, thank you very much for this botbase... It saves me a lot of attention when doing my weekly LFR's. It works great, but I do have one question. My toon seems to stutter step a lot during movement which looks very unnatural. I guess its obviously from getting to max distance from its focus target. Has anyone else had this problem or come up with a fix for it? Thank you!
I'm sure i'm just doing something wrong but I hope someone can help me out with dungeonbuddy not working.

Summary: [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 472
Class: Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random Heroic
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Heroic Scholomance

This has happened for every dungeon I have tried to join. Bot will queue join dungeon then just sits there. Made sure DB is selected on Random MoP Heroic.


I'm sure i'm just doing something wrong but I hope someone can help me out with dungeonbuddy not working.

Summary: [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 472
Class: Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random Heroic
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Heroic Scholomance

This has happened for every dungeon I have tried to join. Bot will queue join dungeon then just sits there. Made sure DB is selected on Random MoP Heroic.

I did a 3rd full reinstall and it appears to be working just fine now thank you anyway!