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Hi, Angulus, and many thanks for those logs!

We've opened HB-1116 ("Crypt of Forgotten Kings: Tank not avoiding Deathforce") against this issue.

As Joker76 has pointed out, there have been some recent changes to Singular that may be interfering with proper DungeonBuddy operation.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1615623]Angelus' problem report w/log[/post][/size]

I think I was able to correct the avoidance behavior for the Abomination of Anger boss fight. Not only was the tank getting nuked by Death Force, the followers were also getting hit by bad stuff sometimes because they weren't moving far enough away. So I made the following changes to Crypt of Forgotten Kings.cs

  • Increased the avoid radius on Cloud of Anger from 6 to 8
  • Increased the avoid radius on Death Force from 18 to 25 (20 or 22 might be fine)
  • Commented out the line about not targeting 'me', which is what was causing the tank to stay and get nuked

Starting at line 197
	AddAvoidObject(ctx => true, 8, cloudOfAngerId);
				ctx => true,
				u => u.Entry == AbominationOfAngerId && u.ToUnit().ChanneledCastingSpellId == DeathforceId);
			var frontalCone = new ScriptHelpers.AngleSpan(0, 150);

			return async boss => boss.Distance < 15
								&& boss.ChanneledCastingSpellId == breathOfHate
								//&& boss.CurrentTargetGuid != Me.Guid
								&& await ScriptHelpers.AvoidUnitAngles(boss, frontalCone);

I tested the changes on Heroic mode a couple times with great success.
Any fix for this crap with tanking not supported even though your in DPS / healer spec.. getting this deserter now in SoO aswell...
They allready know about leaving dungeons and raids. We need to wait new version of HB. I hope today!
From another thread and because it concerns some of the things I've seen in DB's LFR mode.

The stutter walking around areas of 'bad' particularly on fights like Dark Shaman or Garalon is a bit of a bot giveaway. There are also a few fights that still need some extra refinement - not running into pools on Malkorak, not standing in the beams for Spoils, ignoring the demolishers on Galakras. Also really prioritising harbingers (and ignoring manifestations) in the corridor of wipes before Garrosh and staying the hell away from Thok during blood frenzy. And those are just the ones I've seen while watching tv. I'll actually watch tonight's runs and look for potential improvements.

In all honesty though, in LFR each and every one of those is not noticeable. Because nobody else does them either.

I'm just going to post this in the DB thread as well. Maybe we can improve the quality of LFR through botting :)

Great bot, I'm running 5 accounts with ilvl550 in DB and it works like a charm. I'm trying to speed some of the MoP Heroic dungeons up since I'm seriously outgearing them.

The worst dungeon is Siege of Niuzao which takes twice as long as some of the other dungeons. The most time consuming part is the second boss, Commander Vo'jak. It is a gauntlet type event, but in the code it says the following: // when true, just follow tank around and nuke adds down (supposedly done in highly geard groups)

Can you please point me towards where I should change the part in the code that lets me avoid the event, and just head right for the boss? Please find the code enclosed.



Great bot, I'm running 5 accounts with ilvl550 in DB and it works like a charm. I'm trying to speed some of the MoP Heroic dungeons up since I'm seriously outgearing them.

The worst dungeon is Siege of Niuzao which takes twice as long as some of the other dungeons. The most time consuming part is the second boss, Commander Vo'jak. It is a gauntlet type event, but in the code it says the following: // when true, just follow tank around and nuke adds down (supposedly done in highly geard groups)

Can you please point me towards where I should change the part in the code that lets me avoid the event, and just head right for the boss? Please find the code enclosed.

I haven't done dungeons in a while, but aren't the waves during stage 1 required before the boss will appear? I did find this comment on Wowhead though;
"Siege of Niuzao Temple: A Challenge Gong has been added, allowing players the option to trigger waves of attackers more quickly during the Commander Vo'jak encounter." - Source.
Maybe you could add something to interact with the gong to trigger the waves faster?

Or maybe adjust the hotspots so the group will wait at the bottom ramp instead of on the top platform?
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Hi guys,
here is another logfile (which maybe can help you finding the issue) with an deserter issue.
Cheers and tahnks for all the work!
Just thought the more logfiles the easier to see / find the issue... nevermind.

Hi, Farfalla,

Thank you for the new log! I've attached it to HB-1118 ("Deserter buff still appears to be an issue "). And indeed, providing log files is exactly the right course of action.

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So maybe this has already been brought up, but I couldn't find anything with a quick google search. An idea that might be useful to many of us DungeonBot users out there would be to have the bot or a plug in change our loot specialization per boss. Maybe have a list of boss for each LFR where we as the user can edit with some sort of drop down for each boss which loot specialization we'd like. For example. Currently from SoO LFR all I need for my main spec is the mastery trinket from Blackfuse. It would be helpful to allow myself the opportunity to get resto gear on every boss except Blackfuse while doing the dungeonbot. Once the bot detects I am on Blackfuse it would automatically change to feral allowing me the chance to get the loot I'd like. Another thing would be an implementation of bonus roll for pre determined bosses. If you're confused by my explanation and would like a more detailed one please let me know I'll try to explain better. If there is something already in the works or just a simple plugin out there please let me know! Thanks so much!

Hi, Klb2948,

We've discussed this in the past, and what you describe is not for Dungeonbuddy to solve. The best solution is to write a plugin to do what you seek.

I think I was able to correct the avoidance behavior for the Abomination of Anger boss fight. Not only was the tank getting nuked by Death Force, the followers were also getting hit by bad stuff sometimes because they weren't moving far enough away. So I made the following changes to Crypt of Forgotten Kings.cs

  • Increased the avoid radius on Cloud of Anger from 6 to 8
  • Increased the avoid radius on Death Force from 18 to 25 (20 or 22 might be fine)
  • Commented out the line about not targeting 'me', which is what was causing the tank to stay and get nuked

Starting at line 197
	AddAvoidObject(ctx => true, 8, cloudOfAngerId);
				ctx => true,
				u => u.Entry == AbominationOfAngerId && u.ToUnit().ChanneledCastingSpellId == DeathforceId);
			var frontalCone = new ScriptHelpers.AngleSpan(0, 150);

			return async boss => boss.Distance < 15
								&& boss.ChanneledCastingSpellId == breathOfHate
								//&& boss.CurrentTargetGuid != Me.Guid
								&& await ScriptHelpers.AvoidUnitAngles(boss, frontalCone);

I tested the changes on Heroic mode a couple times with great success.

Hi, Joker76, and thank you much for this!

I've attached your repair recommendations to HB-1116 ("Crypt of Forgotten Kings: Tank not avoiding Abomination of Anger's Deathforce attack").

cheers & thanks again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1621093]Joker76's recommended repair for HB-1116[/post][/size]
From another thread and because it concerns some of the things I've seen in DB's LFR mode.
Hi, ShortRound,

We need logs and detail descriptions that reference timestamps in the log, so Highvoltz can analyze these. Master Highvoltz is a very productive, busy, and heavily-loaded member of the development team, and I cannot trouble him with 'investigative' work.


Great bot, I'm running 5 accounts with ilvl550 in DB and it works like a charm. I'm trying to speed some of the MoP Heroic dungeons up since I'm seriously outgearing them.

The worst dungeon is Siege of Niuzao which takes twice as long as some of the other dungeons. The most time consuming part is the second boss, Commander Vo'jak. It is a gauntlet type event, but in the code it says the following: // when true, just follow tank around and nuke adds down (supposedly done in highly geard groups)

Can you please point me towards where I should change the part in the code that lets me avoid the event, and just head right for the boss? Please find the code enclosed.
I haven't done dungeons in a while, but aren't the waves during stage 1 required before the boss will appear? I did find this comment on Wowhead though;

Maybe you could add something to interact with the gong to trigger the waves faster?

Or maybe adjust the hotspots so the group will wait at the bottom ramp instead of on the top platform?

Hi, Zim79,

We agree with Joker76—the waves are a required part of the event for addressing the second boss. We'll leave it up to you (and the Community) to modify the DungeonBuddy scripts. We will not be able to assist in such customization activity.

If you are indeed over-geared, then cutting through the waves should not take much time.

hello, chinajade i understand but i have seen many people edit the dungeon id in the cs file to make dungeonbuddy to work with flexi normal and heroic the only difference between lfr and norm flex and heroic are the damage of the mechanics can you provide me with the dungeon ids please
Hello Everyone! I receive an error
The class profile currently loaded is Shaman - Elemental, but the current toon is Shaman - Restoration. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot.
Although it is written that all supported
Thank you