Why dosn't the bot stand in imploding energy in the Malkorok encounter? The code is there:
(taken from the underhold.cs line 303)
// Stand in imploding energy
new PrioritySelector(
ctx => GetImplodingEnergyMoveTo(),
new Decorator<WoWPoint>(
moveto => moveto != WoWPoint.Zero && moveto.DistanceSqr(Me.Location) > 4*4,
new Helpers.Action<WoWUnit>(unit => Navigator.MoveTo(unit.Location))),
Im not a coder so I cant see whats wrong- I hope someone else can help me...
Another log to add to the pile of ones related to the deserter bug with the latest build.
View attachment 141189
DB is leaving the SoO LFR instance immediately after entering, thus giving me the deserter debuff.
I started to have this issue this week. I was able to complete whole ToT and SoO without issues before.
MixedMode with Dungeon Buddy does not seem to be accepting the queue when it pops up. There is nothing in the log that even indicates the bot has recognized the dungeon is ready to enter, however it will immediately requeue when the time to accept the queue runs out.
I read in this there hear that this was up for a fix back in May if I understood correctly - has that been implemented yet? https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...ort/165842-mixed-mode-fix-lfr-queue-time.html
Reading a couple more posts and actually seeing what happens, its 100% a bug with dungeonbuddy.
After it exited the first time i went and manually selected "Damage" as role, it entered tot lfr and popup said tanking is not supported.
I was in dps spec, dps stance and manually selected damage as role.
Has a ticket been made for this bug ? Can provide logs upon request.
Side information:
Joined middle of a run with bosses dead.
The group only had 1 tank.
My tank had a problem in Blackfathom Deeps, when the jumping part in this dungeon comes...the first part it works, but at the last jump the tank just walks in the water.
The rest follows and the whole routine becomes a loop. I had to stop the Tank and walk/jump manually then start the bot again. After that no problem.
Just my 2 cents![]()
Is it possible to configure DungeonBuddy to requeue without leaving the completed instance? I would like to avoid other players seeing my dungeon group standing around somewhere. Any help to achieve this would be much appreciated. Thanks!
yes, thats a pain in the a..
as a workaround place your groupmembers in different cities and/or quarters
^ this. Just make sure you don't put them where the closest repair may get you stuck in a doorway if you're in a main city - do this by watching them do a repair run and make sure it goes through successfully.
Hi, Glidarkatten,is there anyway to run lfr more then once same week? I farm legs from lastboss in tot. But cant run this more then once, cuz it know I have already done it. Any to turn that check up off? Cheers?
ORIGINALLY POSTED HERE: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...41-priority-mailbox-stuck-repair-run-bot.html
Using Dungeonbuddy, EVERY time a repair run is triggered, no matter the location in the world, HB will indefinitely (yes, indefinitely!) try to click inside of a mailbox while running into it - I have seen this happen at multiple mailboxes in Orgrimmar, Shrine of the Two Moons, etc. See below for what it's doing:
Essentially, this would go on all day if I was afk and would give people the chance to submit dozens of reports before I have time to do anything about it.
The only work-around appears to be stopping (or pausing) HB, manually repairing and starting HB again. This will make HB think a repair run is not necessary and it will work until the next repair run is triggered.
At the end of the log, you can see that it's basically been using CTM in the same spot for at least 60 seconds before I stopped HB (the above screenshot was taken during the below log time frame).
Am I the only one getting issues with the elevator boss in heroic Mogo'shan Palace ? Even though it's running at a steady 50 FPS - it often fails to get off the elevator ( sometimes It keeps trying for over 60 minutes )
Got 18 ms aswell.
Hi, Boatswain,Having issues with 3 man queing in heroic scenarios. I cant get the healer to heal the group it just follows around.
Is there any way to remove the setting where it makes me click "OK" when it gets in a raid before it starts? It says "DO NOT AFK" but it's working fine without me there, I'd like to take the "risk" by afking when I shouldn't be.
Any way to stop this?
It will time out after 20 seconds and continue. There is a bug where it thinks it's trying to tank and leaves after 20 seconds, but that's being worked on, or has already been fixed in an upcoming release.
Either click on OK, or let it time out and it will continue on its own.
Hi, Fresh2death,I didn't see it on my monk the first time I tried dungeonbuddy, and it was on "healer" and it must have waited the 20 seconds and left, because I came back 5 minutes later and I had deserter from lfr.
Hey I have some big problems when using DungeonBuddy in Raids (LFR, Flex, Normal)
1. Transition phases Immerseus fight (when he is not active, when the bubbles spawn) the healers are not healing, even if the other people are almost dead. The healer will only heal when Immerseus is active again.
2. Same Problem on Galrakas fight, by the time when the Towers are active and the enemies on the towers are throwing fire arrows at me, healers won't heal and dps won't attack the siege craft. They just stay and do nothing ... or run like chickens around trying to avoid staing in the fire, but not healing, rather dying ...
3. Malkorok!! I hate this GUY! The toons just won't run into the f****ing void zones, so the whole Raid wipes from the insane dmg. Checked the script for this behaviour. As far as I understand the "The Underhold.cs" Script, the toons should corectly run into the voids ... but the don't .... what to do here?
Would be grat if you could provide me some helpfull answers ..
Hi, Unmomento,Can I farm a Dungeon whitout killing any boss?
I have update 747 and Im still having the same problem with the bot not returning to the beginning and zonign out, resetting the instance and coming back in to farm it again. Same exact problem as before. Heres 2 logs...one run on my shaman and another on my hunter...both did the same exact thing.
View attachment 141617View attachment 141618
Why dosn't the bot stand in imploding energy in the Malkorok encounter? The code is there:
(taken from the underhold.cs line 303)
// Stand in imploding energy
new PrioritySelector(
ctx => GetImplodingEnergyMoveTo(),
new Decorator<WoWPoint>(
moveto => moveto != WoWPoint.Zero && moveto.DistanceSqr(Me.Location) > 4*4,
new Helpers.Action<WoWUnit>(unit => Navigator.MoveTo(unit.Location))),
Im not a coder so I cant see whats wrong- I hope someone else can help me...
I noticed that the bot sometimes doesn't engage Instructor Chillheart in Scholomance and just stands there. While the DPS stand near the end of the room and instantly die from the ice. (I run a 5 man MoP Heroic team)
I have had no problems with engaging ChillHeart, it usually clears the trash first then hits Chilly. I have noticed that if you dont kill Chilly fast enough then the DPS dies. Really need to back them against the wall.
Thanks for the reply! Ill try it with a fresh install and post a log if it happens again!
1. The Juggernaut Waypoint i posted arent fixed yet, still Toons pull this Boss while run to the Group.
2. Possible to set a WaitTimer when the Boss is pulled?