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Dungeonbuddy has again big problems claering the 4 mob groups in Temple of the Jade Serpent, in the room where Liu Flameheart should appear. Not happening everytime, but it happens, so afk'ing fails because of the issue. Happened on both release and beta.
Hi guys and thanks of lot for your great work! HB is just awesome :-)

I'm sadly newb at computer and i dont get this really well : "You can script Flex raids yourself by copying the files and replacing the ID in the script. The file names do not matter, only the ID of the dungeon contained therein.

A normal raid or any dungeon that the player didn't join via LFG doesn't have a dungeon ID. So, the only way to get DungeonBuddy to load a script for a normal raid is to set raid type to Farm mode, then select the script for that raid."

Could someone explain it to me? Let's say i wana run my flex 1, 2, 3, 4 with Dongeon buddy, i must copy the files from "Dungeon Scripts/Mist of Pandaria/Raids"? But where should i paste them, how to replace the ID in the script and how to have them appear in farm mode?

Sorry for my noobish question!:(

Cheers and thank you very much.

I would like to make a feature request for dungeonbuddy to make it look less like a bot.
Currently it follows tanks with a default range of 20 yards. This makes the bot move and stop constantly while moving between trash and bosses, looking very suspicious.

I suggest to set static coords that it moves to and waits there, it shouldn't be many places it has to move to and wait for tank to initiate either trash or boss combat.

If you can point me to an faq or similar on how to gather cords inside dungeons i'll try to get something to work off. Assuming this is something that can be done and will be put in :p
Hi guys and thanks of lot for your great work! HB is just awesome :-)

I'm sadly newb at computer and i dont get this really well : "You can script Flex raids yourself by copying the files and replacing the ID in the script. The file names do not matter, only the ID of the dungeon contained therein.

A normal raid or any dungeon that the player didn't join via LFG doesn't have a dungeon ID. So, the only way to get DungeonBuddy to load a script for a normal raid is to set raid type to Farm mode, then select the script for that raid."

Could someone explain it to me? Let's say i wana run my flex 1, 2, 3, 4 with Dongeon buddy, i must copy the files from "Dungeon Scripts/Mist of Pandaria/Raids"? But where should i paste them, how to replace the ID in the script and how to have them appear in farm mode?

Sorry for my noobish question!:(

Cheers and thank you very much.

Never tried but i think they mean this :p
Select dungeonbuddy as botbase and click bot config, select raid tab, choose "farm"
Click load profile and choose whatever script you copied.
Inside each script, you will find a line
		public override uint DungeonId
			get { return [B]611[/B]; }

It doesn't say what to replace with, so can't help there and im doing my own lfr, so cant test either :p

But running flex with dungeonbuddy is probably one of the fastest way to earning a ban lol. Do it at your own risk.
Try lazyraider or tyrael with a custom cc instead, sure you have to move and cant afk but imo is the best middle ground if you cant perform yourself.
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Hi there,
I do not know if this is a bug or a bad config but when going through SoO LFR, the bot does not move, it stays here like an ass.
Are my settings at fault or is this indeed a bug?

Also sometimes the bot will start to move but not were it should.
It's extremely obvious that it's a bot :/
Hi there,
I do not know if this is a bug or a bad config but when going through SoO LFR, the bot does not move, it stays here like an ass.
Are my settings at fault or is this indeed a bug?

Also sometimes the bot will start to move but not were it should.
It's extremely obvious that it's a bot :/

Need logs.
Are you using singular or a custom cc ?
Mogu'shan Palace should be reworked a little. Group pulls complete room where Gekkan stands, including all elite mobs around, at once. Thats too much on heroic when not having ultimate gear.
Using TuanHA DK free version.
I'll try to up some logs

Never used TuanHA, does it support movement ? I quickly looked at the page and my guess is no, it says if you're NOT questing, lvling, grinding, which usually means it has no support for movement and is thus useless with dungeonbuddy. Try using singular and see if the issue is still there. I could be wrong about tuanha tho, but its qualified guess ;p
Never used TuanHA, does it support movement ? I quickly looked at the page and my guess is no, it says if you're NOT questing, lvling, grinding, which usually means it has no support for movement and is thus useless with dungeonbuddy. Try using singular and see if the issue is still there. I could be wrong about tuanha tho, but its qualified guess ;p
AFAIK the free TuanHA supports no movement. You will need the paid version. Or singular :)
Mogu'shan Palace should be reworked a little. Group pulls complete room where Gekkan stands, including all elite mobs around, at once. Thats too much on heroic when not having ultimate gear.

The only reason it does this is cause 99% groups jump down, while the bot walks down, pulling everything in its path. If it would only jump, it would just be the boss.
The only reason it does this is cause 99% groups jump down, while the bot walks down, pulling everything in its path. If it would only jump, it would just be the boss.
Well, I remember that was working much better few weeks ago...
The problem in Mogushan Palace seem to be the 2 mobs at the entrance of the room. The group doesn't kill them before jumping down, so they pull the rest of the whole area. With good gear, you may wipe 2-3 times until room is finished, with bad gear it sucks :)
You can script Flex raids yourself by copying the files and replacing the ID in the script. The file names do not matter, only the ID of the dungeon contained therein.

A normal raid or any dungeon that the player didn't join via LFG doesn't have a dungeon ID. So, the only way to get DungeonBuddy to load a script for a normal raid is to set raid type to Farm mode, then select the script for that raid.
For example: should I replace "716" with "0" in the following code, or just delete this part of the script code? I've found only one mention of "DungeonId" in script.

public override uint DungeonId
get { return 716; }

And one more problem. Yesterday everything was fine, but today my toon get into the dungeon and just stand at the entrance, doing nothing. I did not change any options, have no idea what's the matter :(
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"too many instances queued" spam after latest update.
Log displays endless queuing tries:
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Забытые глубины
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Вершина Бурь
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Залы Искажения Плоти
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Забытые глубины
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Вершина Бурь
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Залы Искажения Плоти
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Забытые глубины
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Вершина Бурь
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Залы Искажения Плоти
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Забытые глубины
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Вершина Бурь
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Залы Искажения Плоти
[DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Забытые глубины
Have 8 LFRs (4 ToT + 4 SoO) checked in settings.
Worked wine before update :)
I am currently using Kicks profiles and Singular and am on the 83-85 uldum profile. I cannot run these quests and dungeonbuddy in mixed mode. Is there a reason why? And what is causing the issue? Mixed mode? Dungeonbuddy? Singular? Kicks?
Same issue as Chase here is the part of my log with the issue.
"[16:26:28.449 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False[16:26:28.450 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: True] hasDeserter: False, hasDungeonCooldown: False, hasQueuePermissions: True
[16:26:28.490 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Gates of Retribution
[16:26:28.493 D] Frame lock was forcibly released after tick completed
[16:26:30.271 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Vale of Eternal Sorrows
[16:26:31.605 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Halls of Flesh-Shaping
[16:26:33.034 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Forgotten Depths
[16:26:34.756 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for The Dread Approach
[16:26:36.383 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for The Vault of Mysteries
[16:26:38.198 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Guardians of Mogu'shan
[16:26:43.491 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[16:26:43.491 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: True] hasDeserter: False, hasDungeonCooldown: False, hasQueuePermissions: True"

*EDIT* Just went in game seems the Ability to Queue for all raids has been broken in latest hotfix.
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Scholomance Issue:
Dungeonbuddy works flawlessly untill Rattlegore, then it's a mass wow-crash.
Earlier HBs like 719 etc worked fine on rattlegore, sadly that bot didnt wait for rattlegore to spawn so they tried to pass through the gate thinking that the encounter was completed.
This was fixed by adding a wait for rattlegore in DB. Maybe this wait-timer is causing the crash?

	    public Composite WaitForRattlegoreSpawn()
			// Wait for Rattlegore to spawn.
		    var spawnLoc = new WoWPoint(261.9058, 91.38342, 113.4891);

		    return new Decorator(ctx => ctx == null && Me.IsTank() && !IsRattleGoreExitGateOpen 
					&& Targeting.Instance.IsEmpty() && Me.Location.DistanceSqr(spawnLoc) < 20 * 20,
					new PrioritySelector(
						new ActionSetActivity("Waiting for Rattlegore spawn"),
						new ActionAlwaysSucceed()));

EDIT: Bugreport #2:

Gate of the setting sun:
Tank no longer correctly boards the elevator going down. Worked flawlessly before (earlier HB-version) (or close to, sometimes getting stuck on the lever).
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I have 2 DPS but, i configure one of them like a leader and the another caracter like a fallower, but wend the start dungeon the follower is great, but the leader is stuk every second, I have problem with the configuration in the leader caracter?
