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Also is there a plugin or is it being planned to add ffa loot to the dungeonbuddy?
Hi, Rakanishuer,

The current default, Need before Greed, does indeed cause a little shuffling on loot pickup after trash clears. We've opened HB-760 ("Support for Free-For-All (FFA) looting?") feature request.

However, we expect this request to be quashed, as the loot pickup for FFA would only save about 30 seconds on a dungeon run. If you are in a big hurry on dungeon runs, you should set looting to "Only for Bosses".


[EDITED 5-May-2014 by chinajade]: HB-760 ("Support for Free-For-All (FFA) looting? ") was closed with this action:
"Added a 'Free-for-all' setting under Loot category. Group loot is set to Free For All when this setting is enabled and bot is group leader."
This new feature should be available in the next (post-.732) Honorbuddy drop.
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I am curious as to whether I am doing something wrong or if this is normal behavior. When I select to queue for multiple raids, after completing one it appears to leave the queue for all the others and requeue thus restarting the wait time. Is there a way to avoid this ?

Hi, FarmerJim,

This is not a limitation with DungeonBuddy, but a limitation with the WoWclient. Once you join a raid, all other queues are dropped.

Great question! We've taken the liberty of adding it to the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Hi guys,
Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere, but is it possible to use 9 bots and control the tank to run Flex or even Normals? Or would it be better to use Lazyraider for this?

Just want to know if it is at all possible before forking out the cash.

I understand the script IDs have to be changed etc.

I used this to level a whole team up to 90 - this is an incredible botbase. Thanks devs!
if I'm a 90 Alliance Druid & want to have Dungeonbuddy do say.. Magister's Terrace for me on Heroic..

Can I zone into the instance manually then select Farm ?

Or is that not how that feature works..

If not.. is there a way I can do that ?

Hi Jaladhjin,

I believe this is covered specifically in the FAQ on the first page. Select Farm and put the bot directly outside the entrance.
if I'm a 90 Alliance Druid & want to have Dungeonbuddy do say.. Magister's Terrace for me on Heroic..
Can I zone into the instance manually then select Farm ?
Or is that not how that feature works..
If not.. is there a way I can do that ?
Hi Jaladhjin,
I believe this is covered specifically in the FAQ on the first page. Select Farm and put the bot directly outside the entrance.

Hi, Jaladhjin,

Sir Bapak is spot on... your question is answered in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Hi, FarmerJim,

This is not a limitation with DungeonBuddy, but a limitation with the WoWclient. Once you join a raid, all other queues are dropped.

Great question! We've taken the liberty of adding it to the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].


Sorry Chinajade but you are mistaken. The whole reason that 'we' (the HB community) asked for the multiple raid queue ability is because WoW keeps your place in the queue and when you pop out of one raid you generally get the invite to the next one because you've served your 30 minutes in the queue already.
Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere, but is it possible to use 9 bots and control the tank to run Flex or even Normals? Or would it be better to use Lazyraider for this?
Just want to know if it is at all possible before forking out the cash.
I understand the script IDs have to be changed etc.
I used this to level a whole team up to 90 - this is an incredible botbase. Thanks devs!

Hi, Sir Bapak,

No one on the Development team has tried to run a raid using DungeonBuddy bots for the whole party.

After chatting with Highvoltz, he indicated it should work. But, since it has never been tested like this, he was concerned he may have overlooked some issues. His comments boiled down to this:
  • You must add the "leader name" to all the followers
  • You must add the all the follower's names to the leader
  • You will need to queue for dungeons manually, and edit the Dungeon IDs
  • You must play the tank roles manually, since that role is not scripted for raids
Sorry we couldn't be more specific with a "yes" or "no". But as you pointed out, not many people invest in more than five accounts to run DungeonBuddy. If someone has tried this, we'd love to hear of your success or issues encountered.

This was a most excellent question, and we've taken the liberty of adding it to the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Sorry Chinajade but you are mistaken. The whole reason that 'we' (the HB community) asked for the multiple raid queue ability is because WoW keeps your place in the queue and when you pop out of one raid you generally get the invite to the next one because you've served your 30 minutes in the queue already.

Hi, JimT, and thank you for the correction.

Obviously, I botched the initial research. We've opened feature request HB-764 ("Allow remaining in queue for multiple raids") against this issue, and eliminated the wrong information from the FAQ.

thanks again!

[EDITED 10-May-2014 by chinajade]: HB-764 ("Multiple raid queues are now handled properly.") has been closed with the following resolution:
"Multiple raid queues are now handled properly."
The repair should be in the next (post-.732) Honorbuddy drop.
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Hey, its been a while since i've played wow and just came back current leveling a character to 15 and i was wondering is this still as safe to use for leveling (supervised "afk" as dps/healer) as it used to be or would i be better off questing?
Hi, JimT, and thank you for the correction.

Obviously, I botched the initial research. We've opened feature request HB-764 ("Allow remaining in queue for multiple raids") against this issue, and eliminated the wrong information from the FAQ.

thanks again!

Thank you for this. I was just going to post about it since I spent time testing it this morning :)
Hi. What should i do if i want to let the bot raid SOO normal mode with my guild and be 100% afk??? I mean soo the bot will manage like in Raid finder.

Please help me :)
in SoO LFR Gates of Retribution after Dark Shamans and on the way to General Nazgrim the bot will walk to the Trash in the cave and get aggro. Players jump down from the ramp and skip that trash.
Is there a way to use this in Flex? I have 2 accounts (with a 578 main) and reguarly dual box on flex garry to carry alts for boa's, is there something simple i can do to edit the raid ID's of flex to the same of LFR so it runs the same profiles?
Hey, its been a while since i've played wow and just came back current leveling a character to 15 and i was wondering is this still as safe to use for leveling (supervised "afk" as dps/healer) as it used to be or would i be better off questing?

Hi, Mfer,

At lower levels, Dungeonbuddy appears to be relatively safe. Most people encountering issues are in the 85-90 range, and farming dungeons too fast/too long.

Hi. What should i do if i want to let the bot raid SOO normal mode with my guild and be 100% afk??? I mean soo the bot will manage like in Raid finder.

Hi, Pedro808,

As indicated in the first posts, AFKing any bot is not smart. You can find most of the answers you seek in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Hi, Pedro808,

As indicated in the first posts, AFKing any bot is not smart. You can find most of the answers you seek in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].


Sorry Chinajade i MEAN 100% afk in the terms that i dont push any key ...ect But i will be there.

Anyway is just so dificult to say give a good reply? All i want to do is THE SAME thing the bot does on RAID finder just now in flex mode or normal mode. And please teel me how to do it I have read the entire post of ``Frequently Asked Questions´´ and there is nothing about doing afk bot with your guild runing flex or normal mode of soo.

``Is there a way to use this in Flex? I have 2 accounts (with a 578 main) and reguarly dual box on flex garry to carry alts for boa's, is there something simple i can do to edit the raid ID's of flex to the same of LFR so it runs the same profiles? ´´ - quote from ramlol.

More users are asking this important question. Is logical because with dual-boxing is imposible to take down some bosses like the 3 one in SOO this is why i ask for help.


PD: I dont care if is not smart because i will be looking at IT OF course i am not going to leave the bot alone with my raid guild mates so they will talk to me and your dungeonbuddy will respond with my voice t.t :)
The mechanic isn't the same in LFR and normal SOO AFAIK, so its not to just edit a few ID's.
Dungeonbuddy encounter scripts would need to be changed and modified to adapt to this kind of changes.

Tbh, with the amount of time needed for this it isn't happening (except if some user makes it).
Hi there!
LFR didn´t work :(

DungeonBuddy Config -> Raids -> is empty
When i click "Queue for Raids Not Completed is "Please wait while list is loading"..

Can someone help`? LFG worked fine!