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This has stopped working for me, I cant see anything odd looking in the logs but now when I set it up to do my LFRs is ques for them, enter the raid and then just stands at the entrance doing nothing. If I manually move to the boss it then begins to sometimes move to certain areas but thats about it. Wont attack boss or follow the raid to the next boss etc etc. I've deleted HB and had a fresh install but still have the same problem. Its started happening since the HB update
It is no longer possible the select any specific raid in "Queue For Raids Not Completed". Same for heroics...
Was working yesterday :)
Yeah it seems if you choose a raid in the Queue for Raids not completed, it also checks it off in the "Specific Raid" pulldown. Then you get tons of error messages where you're queueing for too many raids.
My Honorbuddy crashed every time i start DungonBuddy for LFR SOO Raids.

Summary: Honorbuddy crashed after a vew min.
Class: Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Queue Type: Random Queue
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: LFR SOO
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Summary: toon don't move in dungeon. If I move him a bit - he runs for some time, follows tank and hits mobs, but after looting or sometimes without any visible reason he stops again. It began yesterday, everything worked great a day before.
Class: Frost mage
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random Queue
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Maraudon and others (lvl 34-35)


Yeah I had an issue today as well, I wanted to farm blood furnace for some cloth with a 90, usually there is no problem, but today he wouldn't do that at all.

I though may be i needed a clean HB reinstall, but since everything else work and other people got some problem it might be the bot not working properly. :)
Just wondering, in my dropdown box I do not have the option "Queue For Raids Not Completed" any longer. It just says select best available. Is this an extremely old option or a relatively new change?
Summary: toon don't move in dungeon. If I move him a bit - he runs for some time, follows tank and hits mobs, but after looting or sometimes without any visible reason he stops again. It began yesterday, everything worked great a day before.
Class: Frost mage
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random Queue
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Maraudon and others (lvl 34-35)

From your log file: [16:14:34.126 D] (Singular) AllowMovement: None
Change settings from none to auto...

For the others with same or similar problem:
1. Check that your using a routine that can handle movement (if in doubt, use singular)
2. Check that you allow singular to handle movement.
3. Give me rep xD
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My Honorbuddy crashed every time i start DungonBuddy for LFR SOO Raids.

Summary: Honorbuddy crashed after a vew min.
Class: Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Queue Type: Random Queue
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: LFR SOO

Post logs or no help.
"too many instances queued" spam after latest update.
Log displays endless queuing tries:

Have 8 LFRs (4 ToT + 4 SoO) checked in settings.
Worked wine before update :)

Blizzards queue limit is 7, bug report is made with dungeonbuddy, select fewer raids.
This has stopped working for me, I cant see anything odd looking in the logs but now when I set it up to do my LFRs is ques for them, enter the raid and then just stands at the entrance doing nothing. If I manually move to the boss it then begins to sometimes move to certain areas but thats about it. Wont attack boss or follow the raid to the next boss etc etc. I've deleted HB and had a fresh install but still have the same problem. Its started happening since the HB update

Post logs, but feeling pretty confident saying you're using a CC that dont support movement or somehow movement got disabled in singular.
Check both, post logs.
I've tried in Singular "None", "Auto" and "All". Toon didn't move at all with "Auto" and "All" settings. "None" - as I described, after I klick RMB once to move him manually, then he moved and took actions for some time.
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"too many instances queued" spam after latest update.
Log displays endless queuing tries:

Have 8 LFRs (4 ToT + 4 SoO) checked in settings.
Worked wine before update :)
Same issue as Chase here is the part of my log with the issue.
"[16:26:28.449 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False[16:26:28.450 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: True] hasDeserter: False, hasDungeonCooldown: False, hasQueuePermissions: True
[16:26:28.490 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Gates of Retribution
[16:26:28.493 D] Frame lock was forcibly released after tick completed
[16:26:30.271 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Vale of Eternal Sorrows
[16:26:31.605 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Halls of Flesh-Shaping
[16:26:33.034 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Forgotten Depths
[16:26:34.756 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for The Dread Approach
[16:26:36.383 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for The Vault of Mysteries
[16:26:38.198 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Queuing for Guardians of Mogu'shan
[16:26:43.491 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[16:26:43.491 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: True] hasDeserter: False, hasDungeonCooldown: False, hasQueuePermissions: True"

*EDIT* Just went in game seems the Ability to Queue for all raids has been broken in latest hotfix.

Hi, Chaser, and Robbdeman,

For now limit your instance selections to 5, please. The repair for this problem should be in the next drop.

We've captured this problem to the [post=1440481]Known Issues[/post] list.

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Scholomance Issue:
Dungeonbuddy works flawlessly untill Rattlegore, then it's a mass wow-crash.
Earlier HBs like 719 etc worked fine on rattlegore, sadly that bot didnt wait for rattlegore to spawn so they tried to pass through the gate thinking that the encounter was completed.
This was fixed by adding a wait for rattlegore in DB. Maybe this wait-timer is causing the crash?

	    public Composite WaitForRattlegoreSpawn()
			// Wait for Rattlegore to spawn.
		    var spawnLoc = new WoWPoint(261.9058, 91.38342, 113.4891);

		    return new Decorator(ctx => ctx == null && Me.IsTank() && !IsRattleGoreExitGateOpen 
					&& Targeting.Instance.IsEmpty() && Me.Location.DistanceSqr(spawnLoc) < 20 * 20,
					new PrioritySelector(
						new ActionSetActivity("Waiting for Rattlegore spawn"),
						new ActionAlwaysSucceed()));

EDIT: Bugreport #2:

Gate of the setting sun:
Tank no longer correctly boards the elevator going down. Worked flawlessly before (earlier HB-version) (or close to, sometimes getting stuck on the lever).

Hi, Macatho,

Highvoltz has tried and tried to replicate the Rattlegore issue, yet has been unable to cause any kind of crash. People that have this problem have not been forthcoming with logs, so that's why the problem remains.

This has stopped working for me, I cant see anything odd looking in the logs but now when I set it up to do my LFRs is ques for them, enter the raid and then just stands at the entrance doing nothing. If I manually move to the boss it then begins to sometimes move to certain areas but thats about it. Wont attack boss or follow the raid to the next boss etc etc. I've deleted HB and had a fresh install but still have the same problem. Its started happening since the HB update
Hi there,
I do not know if this is a bug or a bad config but when going through SoO LFR, the bot does not move, it stays here like an ass.
Are my settings at fault or is this indeed a bug?

Also sometimes the bot will start to move but not were it should.
It's extremely obvious that it's a bot :/
It is no longer possible the select any specific raid in "Queue For Raids Not Completed". Same for heroics...
Was working yesterday :)
Yeah it seems if you choose a raid in the Queue for Raids not completed, it also checks it off in the "Specific Raid" pulldown. Then you get tons of error messages where you're queueing for too many raids.
Having same issue dungeon buddy not working at all.
My Honorbuddy crashed every time i start DungonBuddy for LFR SOO Raids.

Summary: Honorbuddy crashed after a vew min.
Class: Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Queue Type: Random Queue
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: LFR SOO
Yeah I had an issue today as well, I wanted to farm blood furnace for some cloth with a 90, usually there is no problem, but today he wouldn't do that at all.

I though may be i needed a clean HB reinstall, but since everything else work and other people got some problem it might be the bot not working properly. :)
These posts have been archived, since no logs have been provided. If you need assistance, please restate the *specific* problem, and attach the full log that captures it.

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Just wondering, in my dropdown box I do not have the option "Queue For Raids Not Completed" any longer. It just says select best available. Is this an extremely old option or a relatively new change?
Hi, Lost Fear,

In .733, the "Queue For Raids Not Completed" is present. It sounds like your Honorbuddy installation is damaged.
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

If this doesn't have you off-and-away, you simply must attach the full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

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Summary: toon don't move in dungeon. If I move him a bit - he runs for some time, follows tank and hits mobs, but after looting or sometimes without any visible reason he stops again. It began yesterday, everything worked great a day before.
Class: Frost mage
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random Queue
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Maraudon and others (lvl 34-35)

Hi, Visermi, and thanks for the log.

Three issues.

First, you have not selected Random Dungeons as you believe, but you've queued for Specific Dungeons:

[16:18:32.643 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Dungeon type is set to Specific
[16:18:32.643 N] [DungeonBuddy]: I have selected the following dungeons
[16:18:32.643 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Непроглядная Пучина
[16:18:32.643 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Тюрьма Штормграда
[16:18:32.643 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Ульдаман
[16:18:32.643 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Мародон - Зловонная пещера
[16:18:32.644 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Мародон - Оскверненный грот
[16:18:32.644 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Мародон - Поющие водопады

Second, when queuing for specific dungeons, please limit your list of selections to 5. This appears to be a Bliz limitation, and has already been repaired for the next (post-.733) Honorbuddy drop.

And, Tomten has nailed the third issue...
From your log file: [16:14:34.126 D] (Singular) AllowMovement: None
Change settings from none to auto...

For the others with same or similar problem:
1. Check that your using a routine that can handle movement (if in doubt, use singular)
2. Check that you allow singular to handle movement.
3. Give me rep xD


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1523144]Visermi's original post w/log[/post][/size]
"too many instances queued" spam after latest update.
Log displays endless queuing tries:

Have 8 LFRs (4 ToT + 4 SoO) checked in settings.
Worked wine before update :)
Blizzards queue limit is 7, bug report is made with dungeonbuddy, select fewer raids.

Just an FYI...
To prevent problems, Highvoltz has indicated that no more than 5 dungeons should be queued for. He indicated this is already repaired in the next (post-.733) Honorbuddy drop.

For now, we've captured this problem to the [post=1440481]Known Issues[/post] list.

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