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How can I disable any selling to vendor? I have 20+ free bag slots (it enough even if each boss will give me drop), but bot tries to sell something every time it repairs. Already sold expensive weapon enchants on my enchanter..
Or only way -- mail/bank everything I don't want to loose before starting DungeonBuddy?

Looks like "Bot config -- Common -- Loot -- Max vendor item quality" is exactly what I need :D
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hello I have a question about dungeon buddy
After every Instance it says:
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon completed. Leaving. [Reason: None]
and leaves the grp and reques alone. everytime it reques alone it takes 15min to enter a new group, how do I make it stay with the current grp and continue with them? (most groups cotinue to next instance)

how do I make it que with the grp ?

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Problems with DB. I use it all the time. Now the interface under Bot Config doesn't show the raids, dung, or scenerios that I can queue for. Just says please wait for them to load and they never do? Any ideas? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program to no prevail. Thanks for the Help!
Hello all, I'd like to start off by saying thanks for this amazing botbase. For the most part, it's been very reliable and works extremely well! I am having an issue however where when I try using this with mixed mode (questing and dungeonbuddy) it won't accept the dungeon queues for whatever reason. I have to manually accept the queues or it will just be removed because it took too long. Anyone else having this issue or know of a fix?
you should start then let the bot load all the list from the server right? but after that my honorbuddy is like instant crashed all the time, anyone else experiencing this?


H Scarlet Halls needs to be fixed for tank roles, the tank will kill the chained up dogs along with killing all the cannoneers, maybe make the path a bit more direct?
does this do low level dungeons? all dungeons?

All classic dungeons (lvl 15-60) work. The only issue you may encounter is, when you have "Kill optional bosses" set to true in Gnomeregan. On BC dungeons there are issues with "Escape from Durnholde" if you're a shapeshifted druid. Every other dungeon should work flawless.
I am running a fresh install. I've restarted and reinstalled several times and tried on several characters, knowing that it probably wouldn't make a difference. Oh well. Just trying to run some LFR's =/.

Dungeon Buddy - Raids - "Please wait while list is loading". It never loads. I've tried not selecting a raid, it doesn't work. I've tried just pressing start, and it crashes.

And if you go into the file, you'll see that with that particular log I didn't select a raid. I didn't get to select one because it crashed. I've tried a few times, no go.


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Hey guys, running dungeon buddy for SOO LFR on a resto shaman, every boss it runs imbetween the tank and ranged barely even casting, it looks so sus so i've stopped using it. Is there a setting i need to change? It still heals but spends A LOT of time running back and forth and pathing very oddly.
is there any way to make it do lfr on more then one char? i tried doing a fresh install but it keeps saying Bot stopping! Reason: You have completed all of the selected LFRs for this week
Hey guys, running dungeon buddy for SOO LFR on a resto shaman, every boss it runs imbetween the tank and ranged barely even casting, it looks so sus so i've stopped using it. Is there a setting i need to change? It still heals but spends A LOT of time running back and forth and pathing very oddly.

You fixed this/what routine are you using ?
For lfr I find that using combat bot and moving your self is the only safe way to do it. Might not suit you but easier and with the third wing second boss I think if they want you on one side not the other buddy will tard hardcore. I say combat bot and not lazy raider because shammy heals doesnt work from singular from what I found.
Dungeonbuddy appears broken, any ETA on a fix?!

Error: Please wait while list is loading
I get the following:
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Dungeonbuddy
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Checking for profile updates.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Checking for script updates.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: All files are up-to-date.
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Party Mode is off
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will not kill optional bosses.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will sell items of Uncommon quality and lower
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I will loot everything
[DungeonBuddy 660]: My role is healer
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon type is set to RandomHeroic
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Raid type is set to Specific
[DungeonBuddy 660]: I have not selected any raids
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Scenario type is set to None
[Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Dungeonbuddy, Plug-in, Profile, or User
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for Dungeons
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for Random Mists of Pandaria Heroic
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for RaidFinder
[DungeonBuddy 660]: No valid LFRs are selected.
[Singular] *Earth Shield on Me @ 100.0%
[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for RaidFinder
[DungeonBuddy 660]: No valid LFRs are selected.

Then a pop up that it encountered a problem and needs to close.

SOLVED: I didn't notice the raid box wasn't selected as NONE.

PROBLEM BACK: even selected as none it still happens.

The error pops up yet as long as i don't click to send or not send the error report it appears to be working. Anyone have an idea why? It's pretty inconvenient and not proper obviously but it's working - ish for now.
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For those getting the loading list error, simply start the bot. It will force load the list and then stop the bot.