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Stuttering steps

I am having an issue where my tank would take stuttering steps to get out of wipe situations.. like in the Crypt of the Forgotten Kings with the big aoe and in the battle of the high seas when the ship explodes... it is completely random who actually runs and who stutters or just stands still and eats the kill.. it happened somewhere along the second logmark.

Edit 1: Second file is the other melee toon.always dies from Deathforce.

Edit 2: so i ran it again automated and both melees died to the same mechanic... i took over for the tank and survived and killed the boss but the other melee (automated rogue) died... it is the same stuttering problem in a coupe of other scenarios... The good news is that i think i managed to fix at least the Crypt heroic scenario file to kill the rest of the mobs to advance.


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Hi, Im trying to do random MOP heroic with 5 chars party, all works nice but honnorbudy ALLWAYS closes wow in Siege of Niuzao Temple and sholomance with no error.

Thanks for this bot, and sorry for my bad english :S
Hey guys, anyone know how i can sort out a Scarlet Halls issue. Just as gets to the part where everyone grabs an archery board to use as a shield and move up, my toon decides to play with the dogs at the start there ?
Meaning the group pushes on and im left fighting loadsa hounds as a fury warr,:S set up correctly it seems
I have the problem, when i use mixed Mode, Dungeonbuddy don`t accept ini invites. When i use it alone it works.

I hope this isn't a bug in the bot. :( I am liking the progression of DB lately. It's been getting a lot of attention and fixes. I hope it keeps going until near or at perfect as it can be. It's not. It still has it's quirks or this thread would be dead.
Hey guys, anyone know how i can sort out a Scarlet Halls issue. Just as gets to the part where everyone grabs an archery board to use as a shield and move up, my toon decides to play with the dogs at the start there ?
Meaning the group pushes on and im left fighting loadsa hounds as a fury warr,:S set up correctly it seems

Post your log, it helps them determine the issue fully. :)

If it's like a nav issue... the log won't show it often enough, because HB has issues detecting stuck mode often.
In "Escape from Durnholde" if you're on a druid in a shapeshifted form, it fails to take the dragon flight. Second, it fails to talk to Thrall after Skarloc killed.
hope that somebody can help me.
I am currently trying to establish a dungeon group with 4 bots (tank, heal, 2xdd) but always after the dungeon invite the first dd leaves, afterwards the second, then the heal and last but not least the tank.
Reason is, according to the logs: "[DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon completed. Leaving. [Reason: My leader isn't in group.]"
The tank is set to leader for sure and I dont know what I am doing wrong


Just wondering if anyone has an idea on how to do this.
How can i make it quit wow after a certain wing/boss is done?
It seems if i for example tell it to only do the last wing. Once its done it queues for it again.
Being able to say quit after a certain boss or wing would be pretty nice.
hope that somebody can help me.
I am currently trying to establish a dungeon group with 4 bots (tank, heal, 2xdd) but always after the dungeon invite the first dd leaves, afterwards the second, then the heal and last but not least the tank.
Reason is, according to the logs: "[DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon completed. Leaving. [Reason: My leader isn't in group.]"
The tank is set to leader for sure and I dont know what I am doing wrong

same problem again, now with full log attached.
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Make sure you have there name right I had same problem just had a funny A so had to get the right on and was all sorted.

damn man, you are f****ing right. created a char in wow with a typo and did not recognize it :-)
hope that will solve my problem
I just got done farming every single heirloom set with dungeonbuddy. After accumulating several tens of thousands of JP from chain running heroics, I've compiled a list of all the hiccups the bot experiences in MOP dungeons. I've tested all of these dungeons 10 times each as a MAGE, and can verify these problems happen every single time unless I intervened to stop it.

Crashes on Rattlegore in Scholomance every time, no matter what.

Attacks enemies on the path to Striker Ga'dok that you're supposed to ignore in Gate of the Setting Sun so it misses the elevator, getting locked out 100% of the time

Pulls enemies in the courtyard of Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 100% of the time, always leads to group bitching lol

Stalls at the door to Sha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent, getting locked out 100% of the time.

Doesn't mount up at all in outdoor dungeons, which is a problem in Shado Pan Monastery and Siege of Niuzao Temple especially because of the long distances you have to run
I looked at the scripts and see no path the bot takes in the dungeon. When going on a farm run with other toons in tow, farming for better equipment, I noticed that the toon takes sharp corners which gets the towed toons stuck. I see call for pathing, I am not well versed in C so I am winging this, so is there a set path like scripting for HB? Still playing with it.
I'm in a party with 4 other's and it will auto accept a que to enter and play that dungeon, but it wont auto que the dungeons when ones over. Anybody know how to make it do this?
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Tell me, please, I can put the bot to LFR he passed one by one immediately without my participation? That is, he was one quarter, killed the final boss when the raid came out, standing in the new queue.