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I just use Singular and yes it's running under DB. It's only healer classes I have the issue with they always lag so far behind. I just RaF DB leveled a prot warrior and a hunter and had no issue what so ever I honestly believe the warrior tanking looked less retarded than the healers which confused me because it claims that's unsafe..
Hey my Dungeonbuddy keeps crashing Wow everytime at Rattlegore, does not matter if im dpsing or healing.. heroic or normal...if i stop bot right before rattlegore its fine if not, Wow Crashes, also i did try running the game in both dx11 and dx9
Did you ever find a fix ? got the same issues.
Crashes on Rattlegore in Scholomance every time, no matter what.
HB crashes with Dungeonbuddy in Scholomance always on the same point under HB v730 and v732

Hi, Gagan101, and many thanks for the log.

With the log and information you provided, we wrote up HB-717 ("Reports of DungeonBuddy crashing at Rattlegore") to have the issue investigated. As a counter point, I've been running Scholomance a fair bit lately, and have never had DungeonBuddy crash there. So, its important we get full logs of such issues.

Thanks again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1461094]Gagan101's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
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Guys any chance to implement a delay feature? in the Shaman and Nazgrim fights when a hunter or rogue resets the boss the boss automatically engages and usually wipes the raid.
I'll have to go back and reread things but mine is saying i've completed all raids for this week when I haven't run any.
clear cache thing?

[DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for RaidFinder
Bot stopping! Reason: You have completed all of the selected LFRs for this week

Also when I try to load up specific raids the list will not load. it says fetching a list but never comes up.

Did you select any raids? To select the raids you need to tick the checkbox beside each raid entry that you want to queue for.

The bug where it says fetching a list infinitely should now be fixed.
when I go on the raids tab it just says please wait while list is loading. I've left it for at least 15/20 mins and still says the same thing?
when I go on the raids tab it just says please wait while list is loading. I've left it for at least 15/20 mins and still says the same thing?
Not having that problem here. Been running full LFR clears all week.
when I go on the raids tab it just says please wait while list is loading. I've left it for at least 15/20 mins and still says the same thing?

Press START in HB, the list wont appear before u start the bot. U can stop it a few seconds later and configure what raids u want to join....
After leveling 5 Chars with Dungeonbuddy from 15-90 i want to post the Problems i had in some Instances:

Scholomance Normal / Hero: All 5 WoW.exe Chrash after pulling Rattlegore. Everytime.
Escape from Durnholde Keep: After killing the second boss, nobody talks do Thrall, so you cant finish the instance.
The Blood Furnace: Broggok casts something on the floor, when he do that All 5 WoW.exe Chrash. Everytime.
Siege of Niuzao Temple: Jin'bak at ~75% Jin'bak runs to the middle, then All 5 WoW.exe Chrash. Everytime.

I updatet my drivers, set wow to directx 9, disabled Antvirus and other background programs, started the bot with a clean and fresh install. But nothing helped.
Been having this problem too for like two weeks now. Still no fix. When I try to press start it just crashes. New install, cleared cache and log. No change.

when I go on the raids tab it just says please wait while list is loading. I've left it for at least 15/20 mins and still says the same thing?
when I go on the raids tab it just says please wait while list is loading. I've left it for at least 15/20 mins and still says the same thing?

Hi, Shotas,

This question is answered in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

After leveling 5 Chars with Dungeonbuddy from 15-90 i want to post the Problems i had in some Instances:

Scholomance Normal / Hero: All 5 WoW.exe Chrash after pulling Rattlegore. Everytime.
Escape from Durnholde Keep: After killing the second boss, nobody talks do Thrall, so you cant finish the instance.
The Blood Furnace: Broggok casts something on the floor, when he do that All 5 WoW.exe Chrash. Everytime.
Siege of Niuzao Temple: Jin'bak at ~75% Jin'bak runs to the middle, then All 5 WoW.exe Chrash. Everytime.

I updatet my drivers, set wow to directx 9, disabled Antvirus and other background programs, started the bot with a clean and fresh install. But nothing helped.

Hi, Shaldon,

The team has been unable to replicate the WoW crash issues. It may be related to other plugins, or even some WoWclient addons, you've installed.

We've captured the Scholomance-Rattlegore issue as HB-717 ("Reports of DungeonBuddy crashing at Rattlegore"). Of several people reporting this problem, one provided a log that allowed us to open the bug report.

Of the other crashes, we cannot begin to pursue without full log files that capture the issue.

Been having this problem too for like two weeks now. Still no fix. When I try to press start it just crashes. New install, cleared cache and log. No change.
Same!!!When i press Start ---> its Crashed allways !!!!!

Hi, Itsonono and Julze1990,

The first attempts are:
  • Disable all non-Honorbuddy-shipped plugins, and WoWclient addons.
  • Be certain your video and sound drivers are up-to-date.
  • Make certain you are not running an interfering program.
    Ref: [post=1292171]HelpDesk: Programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products[/post]
If that doesn't solve your problem, we've no chance of assisting you with issues like this unless you attach the full log that captures the issue. Please see the guide for [post=1059651]Reporting Bugs[/post].

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Hi, Shaldon,

The team has been unable to replicate the WoW crash issues. It may be related to other plugins, or even some WoWclient addons, you've installed.

We've captured the Scholomance-Rattlegore issue as HB-717 ("Reports of DungeonBuddy crashing at Rattlegore"). Of several people reporting this problem, one provided a log that allowed us to open the bug report.

Of the other crashes, we cannot begin to pursue without full log files that capture the issue.


Hi, Thanks for your answer. I started a new round scholomance. Here is the log from the Tank and a Screenshot:


Hi, Thanks for your answer. I started a new round scholomance. Here is the log from the Tank and a Screenshot:

Hi, Shaldon, and many thanks for this!

I've added your information to HB-717 ("Reports of DungeonBuddy crashing at Rattlegore").

After comparing your log against the one other of the event we have, and the failure mode doesn't look the same. This is going to make the problem hard to find, and the more logs we have, the better chance.

Not sure what's going wrong, but the senior staff are looking into it.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1491460]Shaldon's screenie & log of a Rattlegore crash event[/post][/size]
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got a bug or i just cant deal with the db :) View attachment 126602

after starting the bot it only writes [DungeonBuddy 660]: Hearthing because bot is not in zone that hearthstone is set to

i made a clean install but it didnt solve my problem...

Hi, Ardiaffe, and tank you for the log.

Please empty your bags, and make certain your armor is repaired. If that does not repair your issue, you should set "Hearth on Vendor Run" to false.

Your question was an excellent one, and we've turned it into a [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1490671]Ardiaffe's original post w/log[/post][/size]
sometimes dont work in mixed mode ... it just tries to queue again if the accept dungeon appears

on lvl 16-40 wl.... dunno if lvl 90 same issue